Accident's Happen (2)

It was years ago when that accident happened. Though I came out of that fire unscathed, healed already as I woke up near inside the walls of the guild.

I became five years old just a few days ago, still, the lingering memories of that time continued to flood my mind.

Certain moments when I found myself drowning in my own thoughts.

What if I died that day? Would I be reborn again after that? Will something like that happen again?

Several questions like this frequently enter my head.

My family was on the verge of tears when they found me bleeding at that day, my body full of bruises and burn marks.

Though I was healed physically to the point where the slightest injury was nowhere to be seen, emotionally, I was still fighting a battle inside my head.

And for some reason, whenever I look at myself in the mirror, my hair that was previously bright red turned darker with a mix of ashen color, though it wasn't a big change, most of the people who knew me since I was a baby instantly realized the difference.

I didn't know why it happened like that, but it must be connected to psychological damage.

I was checked by different kinds of healers, and even Zero had no idea why my hair color changed.

I don't know why but in this world, a person's hair color is somewhat important, well, at this time, I didn't know why.

Well, whatever happened that day, I wasn't going to let it go, after all, I wasn't someone who doesn't pay back his depts.

Whoever they were and whatever they planned on that day, I was obligated to find out.

But, without any clue whatsoever, I was like a blind man trying to find a penny on the road while crowds of people passed through.

Still, I didn't gave up.

I almost died because of those people, and I didn't want to go through something like that again.

I've studied diligently throughout the years.

After that accident, a lot of things changed.

Though a slight one.

First, Eve and somewhat, my aunt and uncles, became distant. Although their visits were frequent to almost none, their presence were almost non existent when I tried to closed the distance with them.

Second, Aenar, my older brother, a bright and friendly child, became rude and demanding.

One word you'd like to call it is that he became a 'Gangster'.

He acted the same in front of Eve and Jack, but to me? He almost didn't care anymore.

It's as if the accident became a trigger.

And what else....

Well, Morgana became more worried about me and.....well, I think that was it.

"Bane! Morgana's here!"

"I'll be down in a sec!"

I closed the worn and torn diary and immediately head downstairs.

Though it still bothered me how I never got any information on all the books I've read in this house, being able to learn about magic became a hobby and something that made me forget everything else.

But enough about that, today is the day.

I wore something similar to a priest robe, with a quick fix and swipe, Eve patted my head and gave me a warm smile.

"Well, someone's excited."

"Am I?" I replied and saw my face with a wide grin. "I guess I am."

Apparently, there's this ritual of some kind that happens when a child turns five. It was a ritual to know what kind of elemental magic a child is compatible of.

There's earth, water, fire and air. These are the four basic elements, and there are supposed to be more. But that's a story for another time.

The front door opened and Morgana entered with the same looking clothes.

Apparently, though she already was capable of magic years ago, she insisted of doing the ceremony the say year I would.

Well, many were surprised but there isn't a rule that a child can't be tested when their much older than the required age.

"You ready, Bane?" She asked, excited as I was. "I can't believe were going to be appraised at the same time. Well, not that it's important, after all, I'm sure that there's not just us who's going to be appraised today. Like that person...."

Morgana's words became distant at that last sentence.

She was probably worried that most of the children coming in the ceremony would be scared of her...or something like that.

I placed a hand on her shoulder to ease her a bit.

"I'm sure it'll be okay. You're a genius...I'm sure everyone would be surprised when they found out your compatible elements. I'm sure of it."

Giving my best to cheer her up, Morgana's complexion instantly brighten up.

She gave a nod while clutching her hands together.

"Now that I think about it, is Aenar coming?" I asked Eve.

"Ohh, you know your brothers busy in the training grounds, but I'm sure he'll try to make it." Eve gave a warm smile as she searches for something on the near wardrobe.

'He's probably being distant still.'

I already found out what kind of element's Aenar is currently compatible on, I just asked if he's coming just to make conversation.

'I'm sure he won't come.'

"Hey, what are you thinking so deeply about, you're staring into the open again." Morgana's words made me shake my head, but before I could reply. "So....let's go....I can't wait for those bully's faces to be shocked."

I didn't know she already got passed that problem. Well, now that she mentioned it, we should probably go, we can't be late after all.

"Eve, let's go." I called, still wasn't comfortable calling Eve, mother.

"Ohh, why won't you call me mom for once. Don't be shy, I was the one who gave birth to you after all."

"Ehh.....m-maybe later."

"Aww...why? Embarrassed much? Hehe."

Eve grabbed her side bag and immediately wore her boots.

We waited for Eve outside the house. Morgana who held my hand while doing a cute dance, stopped as soon as the people on the road saw her.

"Let's go." I said, and the three of us started making our way towards the Church Of Figh.


The Church Of Figh stood on the north part of town, passed the guild and near the north gate.

'It's more extravagant than I thought'

As we arrived the the vicinity, close enough to mesmerize it, several families were waiting outside with us.

Unlike churches in my previous life, this one was too much even for a small town.

The building can even be called a sanctuary. It had three sharp points that was tall enough that it can almost pierce the clouds, signifying its close connection to the gods.

And in the middle, the symbol of Figh radiated an aura of divinity.

It was a cross sign with a shield in front of it.

I wasn't sure whether my eyes were deceiving me, but it almost looks like it was radiating light instead of reflecting it.

Some familiar faces entered my sight.

There was the orphanage kids with Zero and Cane on their side.

Hera, the rude girl from years ago with her younger brother. She gave a sharp glare at our location, I was obliged to do the same.

For a moment, sparks flown out.

And then there's Aenar's friends who also wanted to wait years, just to show off, I think.

I was about to lose interest when seven chariots came and stopped at the road.

"Hey, that!"

"Are those?!"

Several mutters echoed through the area.

As if it was rehearsed, seven servant's simultaneously pulled the door and escorted their master's out.

Though their attire were different than the other, the presence they exclude was much different than what normal people can.

With both parent's, each of the seven nobles showed their children with pride and joy.

"Those must be nobles, I wonder why they went to such lengths to get their children appraised here?" Morgana muttered near my ear.

I also asked myself the same question.

A commoner living here being appraised in this town was normal, but a noble to go such lengths to get here? Why?

What's the reason why they traveled miles in this day specifically?

There's many churches throughout the continent, so why here? IN a desolate place like this.

Noble were a rare sight in this town, so seeing one in person made me curious, not as much as learning magic though.

According to the books I've read, Nobles have their own territory, and this town didn't have one.

Not only was there one or two, but seven families now stood a few feet from each other.

" Then that must mean that they're...." I squinted my eyes, and as I confirmed my thoughts, I was right.

The seven nobles glanced at the crowd, while the crowd stared in awe.

"Look's like we are right on time."

The first to speak was the noble who's famous for their sword wielding.

They were the Seven Nobles who worked directly underneath the emperor, and the descendants of the Seven Heroes who stopped the destruction of the continent centuries ago.

The Seven Grace.