The Seven Grace

These seven family were called Grace because of one specific reason.

Their ancestors, the heroes were the only ones who stood at the front lines and the only one's who remained loyal to the current emperor throughout the present.

And each family were respected for their proficiency on their weapons.

The Family of Swords, Argon. Their proficiency and way of the sword was considered the best in the continent.

The Family of Magic, Dramis. Rumors had it that their most powerful magic is capable of destroying an entire city in a matter of seconds.

The Family of Bows, Harlow. It was said that their eyes can see for miles, and without even focusing their bows could shoot anything within their gaze.

The Family of Spears, Mortilius. Whether it be offense or defense, no one could match them if their on the perfect spot.

The Family of Shield, Crastis. Though their offense is considered average, no one could match them whenever someone needed to be protected.

The Family of Wealth, Grision. Their main weapon is considered a bit unique compared to the rest. Unlike each and every one of the other graces, this family uses their unique way of fighting with their voice. If the other families were physically powerful, this family targets the enemies mind.

And lastly...

As the crowd stared in awe when each noble family stepped out, the last one were someone who didn't even looked like one.

This families barbaric look made the people raised their eyebrows, asking themselves whether they were imagining it or not.

"Argh. Why is it so hot today!" A man who looked like in his mid-thirties said with a gruff voice.

Behind him followed what looked like his daughter.

"That's because you're too hot headed, uncle. You should act like me, though it is hot, I'm keeping a cool head, just like my mother used to say. A cool headed warrior can achieved everything he or she set's their mind to."

It seems I was wrong.

The pride she exclude radiated much more than the aura of nobility.

They stood like a sore thumb amidst the crowd and other nobles.

This was the family who have no specific specialty on a weapon, but not because they were weak, but because they were THE weapon, it was the family known as Xeron.

'Well, this has gotten too long.'

It didn't took long enough before the nobles started chatting with each other to pass the time.

The first one to talk was the representative of Xeron.

"So....does anyone know when those damn doors will open?" He said while flicking a piece of dirt from his ears.

"Paience, Xeron." The one who replied was the head of Crastis. Though his very appearance was similar to a giant's, his voice was soft in the ears. "I'm sure that the head priest are already preparing as fast as they can...after all, there were never this many children who needed to be appraised in a single day."

"Why don't you just go back if you can't even wait for awhile? I'm sure you're better off somewhere than here, right?" A woman who look's like in her twenties replied next.

This was the current head of Dramis.

She waved her hand and a bottle of water appeared on the palms of her hand.

'What kind off magic is that?' I asked myself as soon as it happened. But before I could organize my thoughts and search my memories for the specific spell she used, another voice interrupted.

"Please be quiet my's about to start." The head of the sword family joined the conversation, but this wasn't a conversation, he was only saying it was time to stop.

"Huh, what did you s-"

The head of Xeron was interrupted as the gates of church creaked and opened after a few seconds.

"You may enter, and let god rest in your hearts as his blessings guide us to the light." A man who wore a lng white robe and a tall chef's looking hat announced as he came out of the church.

The muttering crowd and nobles instantly looked forward, shut their mouths fo a second then continued their chatter.

"Now, you may come in." The Head priest continued as he returned inside and let the other priest assisted the people.

Several priest on white robes were assisting each and every single family. Whether it be a commoner or a noble, their actions were equal to all.

I was about to started walking when Morgana suddenly stopped me.

"Hey...what are you doing? You should let the nobles in first." She grabbed my arm and pulled me back before anyone noticed.

'Is this normal? I've never read about having this kind of rule.'

Waiting as the families entered, for some reason, almost every single person in the crowd wasn't looking directly a them at the moment.

I wonder why though.

One by one they entered, and we remained in our position as they did.

And as the last family passed by, for a moment, the daughter of the Xeron family caught my gaze.

She raised an eyebrow as if she was curious by something.

I kept my gaze and didn't look away.

It was a short staring contest, she stopped her step a moment then her eyebrows furrowed, angered by something.

Not that I know why, but for some reason, she was now walking towards my way.

"My niece, let's go. They're waiting for you." The head of Xeron called, and without a moment's notice, the girl dashed to catch up with her uncle.

For some reason, she waved at my direction before she entered.

Wonder why though?

Not that I cared, but that was weird.

And because almost everyone wasn't looking, no one saw her actions. Before long, the commoners started entering as well.

One by one, the families entered, chatting among themselves as they go.

"Ahh...let's go, hurry. Our seats might get stolen at this point." Morgana pulled my arm as we ran.

I looked back at Eve who was left behind. She gave a smile and waved while her finger pointed somewhere.

'She's probably heading somewhere in the mean time.'

Well, I wasn't the type of person who goes everywhere with his parent's at arm's length. Unlike a normal child who still need the presence of a parent, I , on the other hand, passed that pace a long time ago.

Not that I didn't enjoy their presence, but being reincarnated in a nother world, with a different body and different parent's, something like a parent's comfort was something I could not have.

I have only two original parent, and they weren't here with me. Even If I travel through different worlds and become another person, they were the only parent's for me. And I wouldn't forget about them till the end of my life.

Back to the topic at hand.

Luckily, Morgana and I managed to have our own seats, not that it mattered right now. I was worried at first, but now that I see it, there was nothing to be worried about.

There were long ass chairs all over inside the church, and each one had a length of ten feet, so atleast two or three families can seat with each other.

It was the same with the nobles, after all, the priests believed that everyone should be treated equal, whether the person is of higher stature or not.

Well, not that it matters or not, but Morgana became shy as soon as we entered the church, so to ease things up, we sat at the back, where the whole single chair was monopolized by us.

Yet, her cheery expression still floated over her face. Forcing not to smile as she curled her lips while fidgeting with her fingers.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked, though I already know she was I was still obligated to ask.

"Huh...ohhh Yeah. I'm just nervous that's all."

I smiledat her direction, trying to ease her senses.

"I'm sure you'll be great." I replied, and it was the truth.

Morgana was already a genius a few years ago, and everyday for the past five years, she always had something new to show me.

Not only was her control on mana remarkable, but also the way she casted her magic. It was quick and precise, well, not that my words hold weight.

After all, though I practiced using magic, I never managed to sense mana, so I only have the knowledge but not the experience to back it up.

Morgana's smile turned into a grin. "He...Hehe..." She faced me with her lips curling more than before. "Y-You really think so?"

"I don't think...I know so. I 'm not even surprise if you make everyone's jaw drop. So don't doubt yourself, okay?"

'Well, that was cringe. I was never good at giving advice to other people, so hearing the words I said bounce back made me scream inside my head.'

I turned my head to look away, not knowing whether it worked or not. Well, none the less, I wasn't prepared whether my advice was good or not.

'I'll leave it to fate I guess.'

But without any further ado, my thoughts were instantly replaced as the sound of the head priest's voice echoed through the church.

"Now, let us begin!"