Some Thing's Remain The Same

'Well, this was unexpected.'

I imagined the appraisal ceremony to be spectacular, like a power suddenly sprouting amidst the crowd, startling and surprising and startling but also dazzling like an animated film.

It didn't turn out to be what I anticipated, but still, these were just my thoughts.

I was someone who grew up watching anime that my imaginations were always over exaggerating things. And the scenario happening before my eyes became as normal as rice.

Well, unlike me, everyone inside the church had their eyes dazzled by the peculiar light that descended from the opened large window at the ceiling.

"Are those....mana crystals?"

I asked myself.

"Yes...didn't you already learn about them on our last study?" Morgana heard my question and became obligated to reply.

"There's a vast difference between seeing things in person and just being able to read them."

Giving a quick answer, I became curious the longer I look at each one.

"But....I don't know why there's two more on the side? Are those just props?"

Morgana's question was just about what I was thinking.

There was only a little bit of information about these crystals. Based on what I've learned, there was only supposed to be four magic crystals, and each one pertains a different kind of element inside it.

Red, Blue, White and Brown.

Fire, Water, Wind and Earth. These are the four basic elements used by humanity.

So when I glanced and found out there were two more made me more curious than ever, enough that I was stopping myself at this point to run and leave towards the nearby library to gain more information.

The six crystals were laid a few feet away from each other, and what surprised me the most was how it floated in mid air, almost as large as my current self.

Several children had already been appraised, but based on how -at least- everyone in the room could not avert their gaze, they must also be curious about the additional crystals on each side.

Hera's brother came next. His hands fidget with each other as he glanced left to right when he walks forward.

He stopped for a moment, looked back at his sister then continued going forward again.

As soon as he stepped in the middle of the crystals, the light that shone from the sky through the ceiling, made contact on all the crystals.

Apparently, though it was on the norm, an appraisal ceremony is always governed by the church's respective god. So one can say that, god, was the one who shows our compatibility towards the elements of the world.

"Your name?" the head priest asked beyond the crystals.

"Umm...Braine....Braine Straek, Head priest sir." With a polite reply, unlike his ill mannered sister, Braine remained still.

Before long, a few seconds after the kid said his name, two of the crystals glowed while the rest remained the same.

"I...I did it! I'm compatible with two elements!" Braine shouted in a cheering tone, turned to his sister who's giving him a thumbs up and a wide smile.

" and wind...a good combination. Congratulations." The head priest on the front gave a warm smile and helped Braine a few steps as he pointed with his arm to return to his family.

The head priest returned to his position and waited for the next one. He didn't call for the next one, but waited instead.

'He's letting the children prepare themselves...he's not forcing them but is waiting for them to come forwards instead.'

One by one, the commoners were about to be finish,all that was left was for me and Morgana to walk forward.

As soon as a kid finished his appraisal, I glanced Morgana.

"You okay?"

"Wh-What? Huh? Ohh...yeah...I'm fine." She replied with her eyes fixated on the altar.

I squinted my eyes, her answer was obviously a lie.

Her hands were holding each other, shaking while her fingers twirled and twitched.

And for some reason, the head priest was looking at our direction, almost as if he awaited for a specific child to walk forward, which is probably Morgana in this scenario.

There must be a reason why he kept his eyes on us.

Well, I didn't want to help, but there's no choice.

I grabbed Morgana's shoulder and shaked it slightly.


"Wh-What? I'm fine, I said it alrea-"

"You'll do fine." I interrupted, pointed with my head towards he altar.

Though I didn't know whether my words will work, she glanced at the front and back at my face.

"I...I'm not sure. Maybe you should go first....yeah, I'll be right behind you." She forced a smile on her face.

'Well, I never thought a few words would change her mind anyway.'

"Hmmm....well, if you say so." I replied, stood from my seat and walked forward. But before I could get far, I glanced back to Morgana and said. "You're next, okay?"

With a firm look, Morgana nodded with eyebrows curled. And with that, I walked forward.

It was more dazzling than I thought. Well, only for myself I think?

From afar, the mana crystals that looked like colored rocks became gems with each step I took to get closer.

As I climbed the stairs and glanced side to side, I saw Eve, Jack and my older brother Aenar at the side.

With one eyebrow raised, I thought to myself. 'What are you guys doing over there?'

I wanted to say it loud enough so that they could hear it, but considering we were in gods house, I continued on while my lips pursed along the way.

I stepped to the light coming from the ceiling, and the Head Priest greeted me with a smile.

"Child, it seems your friend is a little nervous."

My eyes widened.

Since the beginning of the ceremony, this priest had not once started a conversation with anyone here, and I thought it will remain that way, so why me?

"She'll get through it." I glanced behind to look at the shivering Morgana, and back to the Head Priest. "I believe in her."

The Head Priest warmly smiled, though different than his usual smile, for some reason.

"Well, I hope she'll overcome it, just as you did."


"Your name child."

Before I could even ask, he interrupted me as soon as my mouth started moving, well, not that it mattered at the mean time. There was plenty of time to ask later.

"Bane....Bane Pyrrus."

"Pyrrus.....Pyrrus, huh? So you're the child."

He looked at me with with pure curiosity, his eyebrows raised for a quick second.

'Did he knew me or something, why is he acting different.'

"Child, don't let this day shackle you from the future."

His words somehow pierced my ear, though it came more like a whisper, his voice were audible to the point that anyone might think he's talking right beside your ear.

The light from the ceiling shone and a few seconds passed.

The seconds turned a minute, yet after quite some time, none of the mana crystals glowed like the other children.

My eyes glanced at each one, and with each moment my chest tightens. Breathing became harder and my face started feeling stiff.

"What happening? Is there something wrong with the crystals?" a voice of came from behind, it was probably a noble who asked, but I didn't turn my head to look.

Then after his question, several more came next, echoing in an inaudible sound as my ears began to ring.

"What's wrong with that child?"

"Is he ill or something?"

"Mom, why are the crystals not glowing?"

"Hush, I also have no clue why?"

'Ahhh....I knew it.'

I always knew it. But I hoped, that I was wrong. There was this feeling that always lingered inside my body and a thought that always floated inside my head.

I wasn't from this world.

I was different.

I was always different, even in my previous world I was unique. Both in a good and bad way, but I didn't know I was still the same even here.

Once again did the insecure feeling washed over me. And now that reality has hit me once again, I thought.

'Some thing's always remain the same.'

"Ahhh...." the Head Priest walked forward and placed his hand on my shoulder as he curled forward to reach me.

There were two reason why an appraisal ceremony became common in this world. The first one was to make the person realize their talent, and the second one is to...

To find out if a person have mana in their body or not. Thus the name Mana Crystals.

"Don't be disheartened, child. Let us go to your family."

I couldn't hear anything at this point. All I could do now was to stare to the floor as the Head Priest escorted me to the side.

I could hear my family's voice, but.....I was incapable of making out what they were saying.

I remained there standing with them on the sideline.

I wanted to go home, but it seems that everyone must be appraised before being able to go out.

Came a few seconds of inaudible hearing.

There were only silence, but after a few seconds, an echo of gasps passed through my ears, I wasn't at my most optimal state, and my interest was in deep water's.

But for a slight chance, I was curious.

What happened? What made them gasp so loud? What was happening?

As my eyes glanced to the altar, my whole body froze, and the next thing I knew, I was gasping for breaths.