The Birth Of A Miracle

There was nothing left to be said.

My mouth shut tight, but what I glanced upon only made me jealous.

I thought it was Morgana who stood at the altar, after all, she said that she was next. But who came next was one of the noble children on the front part of the church.

Though I didn't care in the slightest, my eyes still held it's curiosity.

I didn't care anymore whether he or she came from what family, after all, left disappointed by the recent scenario, the only thing left i could do was to remain silent and still like a statue. Waiting for the ceremony to end.

It only took minutes until most of the noble children had their appraisals. Most of them had a three element compatibility, whilst the last one that came from the house of Xeron.

For a moment, I could've sworn she glance a look of pity at my direction before she head back.

Unlike the other six, she only had two compatible elements, but what made her different was how she didn't look less then she was before.

The aura of insecurity was nowhere to be found in her stature, even though she had much less options than the other six.

Unlike me, it didn't got her down.

But....the difference was still as wide as a puddle and an ocean.

I would've been fine even if there was no compatibility, as long as I can use magic even a little bit.

But reality came more cruel than I thought.

Similar to my previous world, I was still incapable of using this type of power.


Now, with my face staring straight towards the floor, there were only one left until I could finally leave.

Happy chattering's entered my ears, echoing throughout the church.

My presence has probably left all families here that it was much better to have a little than none at all, they appreciated the fact about how their children was still capable of using magic.

Even the commoner one's who were disappointed earlier about their children having only one elemental capability now had bright faces.

And amidst the unending chatter, one girl was left.

She walked forward as she held her hands together on the way.

Slow, yet she walked forward.

She faced my direction, but I had no strength to do the same.

She stood below the altar and said her name.

"Morgana....White." She stuttered, yet it didn't took long before her appraisal started.

Unlike all other previous child who took atleast a minute for their element to show, Morgana's, her's instantly showed.

As soon as she called her name, one by one did the crystals glowed.

"O..Oyy....I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"How....someone like her was born here?"

"Mom....why is it s bright?"

"Hush! We're witnessing a miracle right now."

"Hmmm...a one in a million chance...."


"Hmph....I'm not jealous one bit.."

"Tchh....I knew she was different...but I didn't expect it was this much."


Several positive and negative comments entered my ears, though darkened by the emotion, I....was now obligated to look.

There stood Morgana with Five of the Six Crystals glowing, and each one dazzled like the sun, meaning, not only was she compatible with five, the amount of her mana capacity was too much.

All those who were left speechless had their jaw's open.

"A miracle..." The Head priest who showed only a smile was now surprised and startled at the same time.

"Fire, Water, Earth, Wind....and now....even the light element...." Eve muttered beside me.

Another wave of insecurity started to wash toward me, a much more large and wide wave that left me shivering to the point where I felt my eyes starting to moist.

I wanted to run.

Wanted to escape this place.

Yet, my legs were incapable of making a single step.

It felt heavy, as if a lage boulder was being placed on both of my shoulders.


Morgana who looked at the surroundings with a startle expression, once again faced my direction with a wide smile.

I didn't know why but....the jealousy I felt as I watched all the other kids were nowhere to be felt when I glanced at Morgana's happy face.

It passed through my head, a sudden thought.

'Is I feeling proud right now?'

It passed through like a bolt of lightning, yet the jealousy remained still.

I clutched my chest and waited. Waited for the ceremony to end.

Though the ceremony lasted much longer than expected because of the noble attempt on scouting her, we've finally started heading back.

And that wasn't the only new thing that happened, those who was afraid of Morgana's presence, both adult and child, looked at her as if she was some sort of saint.

Everyone knew the moment her capability's were shown, she was someone who will be a hugh figure in the future, and no one in the area was going to let this chance go.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Eve asked.

I had no strength to reply, the only thing I could do was to give a nod, my eyes remained fixated to the ground beneath.

Was I originally like this? For some reason, I was feeling guilt and jealous at a different margin.

I wasn't like this in my previous world, so why?

And with that, we started making our way home.


Along the way did the silence I harbored remained. Footsteps echoed through the crowded streets.

Because of one reason only. This year's appraisal was much better than the previous ones.

Not only did the seven nobles of the country came to have their children appraised at this very place, one person showed compatibility for five elements. Though there was sub-categories, but that wasn't important at the moment.

With my steps rising in number did the sheer feeling of lying down washed over me.

And the next thing I knew, I was lagging behind my family, well, my second family, that is.

I glanced in front as they chatters.

'They look complete...' Was all I could think.

Then a sudden thought passed through my head.

Was Bane Pyrrus an accidental birth.

Someone who wasn't supposed to exist?

Then If I weren't reincarnated, then what would've happened to this body?

Was it supposed to die that day, and my soul accidentally entered this one?

But that doesn't explain why and how I passed through and made my way towards another world where magic exist.

'If....and it's a small if. If I didn't reincarnated....then....would this family be always like this?'

My feet stopped moving, and my body shivered from the thoughts I created.

My eyes wide as I stare below.

But before even a few seconds passed, a hand fell on my shoulder.

My eyes immediately glanced at my shoulder, then towards the person beside me.


She smiled. "Hi!" With a cheery tone.

"Why...Why are you here? I thought you were with the other kids? Why...are you still here...talking to someone like me?"

"We-Well....I didn't really felt comfortable with so much people around me....and I was beginning to feel dizzy when the crowd suddenly gathered...." She shaked her head and showed a firm look on her face.

This was the first time she showed such an expression.

"But enough about that....I'm sure other's are disappointed and you also was earlier....."

"You don't have to say it like that." I removed her hand and rubbed my shoulder. Though I didn't know what kind of emotion I was showing, I was sure that it wasn't the best one I could make.

"I'm sure there's a lot more people better than me...and right now I think you can make more friends. So it's don't have to stay beside me...anymore."

My eyes were looking away as I voiced these thoughts, but once I glanced back to her, the firm and serious face she showed earlier was showing signs of breaking down.

Moist eyes and a curled lip, almost on the verge of crying.

"You.....IDIOT!" She shouted, and almost everyone on the street glanced at our direction.

Embarrassed by her sudden tantrum, I was startled, but yet the emotions of my face only change by how my eyebrows were raised.

"Ca-Can you quiet down a little, there's people watching us now."

"You idiot.....idiot Bane."

"Wha-What? What are you saying all of a sudden?"

"You must be disappointment from earlier so your head must be in disarray."

'Disarray? I never thought she such a word?'

"I don't want more friends.....I don't want more if....if..." Her tears were now starting to flow. "....if you aren't there with me!"

'If I'm....not with her? Now that she was called as a miracle, she could make friends with atleast anyone in this why....why does she still need me?'

"I...I'll only be a burden t-"


My face began to waver.


She clutched her chest and faced me with her tears streaking down her cheeks.

"You're the reason....the reason why I worked hard on magic. I worked hard because you were the first one who showed me that I was still needed.....when I sometime's always find a way to fix what I'm lacking...even if I am compatible at five elements...that won't matter if you weren't there to teach me my faults along the way!"

I was speechless, and the only thing I could do was to listen to her words that wavered my sunken heart.

"And that's not all of it! You always look at me as a person.....even when you were a've never looked away when I looked at you directly! You act like my friend and not because of my status and titles! You say harsh things that made me know that you cared! You always looked back whenever I stopped at a road and tied my shoes! You always leave the last bit of food for me whenever I felt hungry! You....You!!! You always became angry when other kids tries to bully me..."

She started wiping her tears, and as she sobbed and sobbed continuously, I on the other hand was on the verge of doing the same.

'Was I always like that? Did I never realize about this aspects about myself? Is this...Who I am?'

"So...don't tell me that I needed other friends....all I you. Please....Please don't leeeaaaveee meeee!" She wailed as if there was no tommorow.

The words pierced my heart like an arrow and her cries made me realize something.

At first I thought the only reason I was born into this world was to have another chance at life, but now I know, there were several ones.

To help others.

To change someone.

To continue Bane Pyrrus's life to the fullest.

To never let this body's family despair.

And most important of all...isto continue till the end.

Her words were only a thought of a child, but that was enough.....enough to go on.

What should I say.

Should I say sorry?

Should I act normal?

Or should I.....voice out my own thoughts as well.

Then...finally, my shut tight quivering mouth began to move.

"I...I also....Also wanted to still be friends with you!" I began to cry as well.

Sniffling, Morgana glanced up.

"Th-Then...why did you look so angry earlier! IDIOT! WAHHHH!"

"I'm SORRY!!!!"

Though I had no idea why, but even with my mind is that of an adult, my emotions were becoming that of a child. And I was never someone who would voice out his thought.

Never in the slightest.

So letting it out was both embarrassing and refreshing at the same time. As if the weight on my shoulders were eased in the slightest.

The cries of us two continued for minutes amidst the crowd.

And the last thing I remembered was me and Morgana kneeling as we embraced each other.

'So this is what it feels like to have someone by your side. It's..... not a bad feeling.'

Well, it was a bummer and a huge disappointment for myself and to others that I was incapable of producing magic, but I'm sure I can find some other way ot make it happen. After all, this IS a world full of mysteries I was yet to discover.

It was too early to give up.