Vrasir, The Librarian

Now that the topic of magic was out of my head. I thought that it was time to widen my knowledge about this world.

The previous day was full of disappointment, and I cried myself to sleep that night after Morgana and I went to our own homes.

But after letting it all out as tears to my now-wet pillows, I was refreshed as I woke up in the morning.

It was a new day, and another one to start anew.

"Look's like someone's up early? And it seems like your looking much better than yesterday."

Eve said as she gave me a quick hug then placed the breakfast on the table.

"I just think that magic isn't everything after all....and there must be more things I could do beside that."

Quickly grabbing the utensils on the side, I started to munch my food without waiting for the other's.

"That's..good." Eve replied with a weird tone.

Though it sounded a lot more different than her usual tone, I didn't mind it and continued munching.

After carefully placing each plate on the table, Eve turned to the stairs and called. "Breakfast is done! Come down here already you two!"

She took a seat and started as well. After all, even though she called for the two, they'll only come down when their fully awake. And considering how both of them were tired from yesterday, Jack with his job and Aenar from his sword training, I'm sure it will took a while.

"So....can you enlighten me what happened yesterday~Hmmm?"

I choked as she asked, drank a whole cup of water after that.

My eyes glanced at Eve. 'Did she hear me crying last night? I made sure the the door was locked and my cries muffled by the pillows....she must have great hearing.'

"Ohh....that....it was nothing..."

"Hmmm...Nothing? So when Morgana told you 'Please don't leave me' it was just nothing? And how she said 'I ony need you'. IT WAS NOTHING?"

Eve said while she made her best impression of Morgana.


"So are you two a thing now?'' She interrupted and I stopped eating altogether, imagining I might choke on my food again.

"It-It was just a conversation between friends, no-nothing more."


She stared at me with a wide smile on her face. Checking my face as I glanced sideways.

"Je-Jeez....it wasn't that weird, you know."I started munching again.

"Hmmm...well, if you say so." Eve finally gave up. "I'm sure it was just the heat of the moment after all, you two are still young, I'm sure it's still early for that. Hehe."

"P-Please stop." I begged inside my head, after all, I, who already have a mind of an adult going after a child was crazy. The topic of liking someone was never in my mind, even at my previous world I never had any experience when it came to such things.

Will I get arrested?

Finishing my last bite, I stood and placed the dirty plates on the sink on the back room.

I was about to leave and about to head towards the nearby library, well it wasn't a library but only a building who has old and torn books, when Eve grabbed my arm and demanded something.

"Wait! Aren't you forgetting something?" She closed her eyes and faced her cheeks towards me.

"Urgh....do I really need to?"

"Well, if you want to leave that is."

"Urghh....." I hesitated for a few seconds, then kissed Eve at the cheek with a quick motion.

"Can I go now?"

"Hehe...of course you can..." She freed her hand. "Now...don't be too long, okay?"

"I won't." I replied and immediately left the house after wearing my boots.

Since I've already finished most of the books at home, it was time to visit the local library.

Well, there was still some left that I never managed to take a peek, but Eve and Jack must've had a reason why they couldn't let me read those.

Passing through dozens of carts, shops and stores in the area, I ran continuously towards my destination, and while I did, the very city came to mind.

SilverCrest, the city where I was born, was a place that can be found on the south-west part of the continent. According to the books at home, this place was built 800 years ago. And it strives from it's business of selling well made dress's and it's unique way of making weapons.

Though it was short, I gained at least a little bit of information about this place. The books were not complete, but it was enough.

The nearest library can be found just a few ways away from the orphanage, which is also near Zero's healing place, so I think of making my stop at that place for once.

The memory of the explosion was still fresh inside my head, but I already said that I'll keep moving forward, something as significant as a memory was nothing compared to the future,

And adding to it, I was also curious about what it looks like by now. I'm sure it became bigger by now.

"Is this...the right place?" I asked myself, my eyes widen.

The very building was not the same as it was before.

The building was much larger, longer and wider compared to what it previously was.

There were more windows and more decorations on the fron door and upper windows. More plants on the side, and flowers blooming at each corner.

Below the front door, a matt with the word 'Welcome Home', was placed.

"Is it just me or does this place look's more elegant than my home....." I instinctively muttered.

Staring at the door, thinking if I should knock or not, a voice called from the upper window on the left.

"Ohh...is that you Bane?"

I glanced upward at the voice. Although it sounded much deeper, as soon as I saw his face I immediately knew who it was.

"It's been a long time, you've grown so much since I last saw you! Ohh....just wait a bit...I'll get Morgana for you!"

Crane pulled his head out of the window and returned before I could even reply.

Though I wanted to say something like, "Yeah...it's been what?five years?" but realizing how I would've still been a baby at that time passed through my head, and stopped me before I could even do so.

So...I should wait...or do I knock?

Well, thinking what to do, before long, Morgana came rushing out of the door.

"Haa...haaa... Did you wait long?" She said.

"Not...that long."

I wanted to ask why she was sweating, but realizing the layout and largeness of the building, the question inside my head was immediately answered.

"I was just going to ask if you want to come to the library?"

"Right now? Is it already open? Isn't it too early?" She replied with one eyebrow raised.

"I'm sure they'll be open by the time we got there....so....if you don't want to it's fine."

"I-I didn't say that..it's just that...."

"Are you busy today?" I asked amidst her sentence.

"Ye-Yeah....The Caretaker said we were going somewhere today...he said that it's very important and would be beneficial for me...so..."

Fidgeting her finger's, Morgana 's eyes continued to glanced back and forth.

'The Caretaker? Must be Zero.'

"Ohh...Well, it's okay. I'm sure it must be very important that Zero only wanted what's best for you....I can just go by myself."

I replied with a smile, easing her a little bit.

"Are...Are you sure? I can just tell The Caretaker that-"

"No....It's fine. It must be somewhere far seeing as how you're dressed."


"So don't hesitate and go." I bumped my elbow. "And don't forget to bring back something for me, okay?"

Giving her a wink, her composure returned to normal.

"Mmmm. I will, but don't you go reading everything before I got back. okay?" She replied with a nod.

"Well....I'm sure Zero must be waiting for you. You better head back here as soon as possible, I'll be waiting."

"Mmmm! I will."

Before long, I waved goodbye as Morgana as she returned inside, looking better than how she previously was.

'Well, there's nothing I could do about that. Look's like I'll be by myself for once.'

With my arms crossed behind me neck, I started walking forward.

And before long, the library (Not specifically a library) of SilverCrest was now in front of me.