Three Ringing Bell's (3)

I didn't expect it would be this bad.

The outskirts that were full of grass, trees, wildlife and so on immediately turned into a wasteland.

Only sand, dust and dirt were left behind. Something passed here, a lot of them.

But what exactly passed through here?

Was it an army?

'No, something worse.'

When I finally stood on my own two feet, I quickly inspected the tracks that were left behind. Some were paw prints while the rest were humongous enough that it was much larger than three of me combined.

I twitched at the sudden thought. If something like this were to step on me, I would probably be squished in an instant.

But whilst inspecting such tracks, a question entered my head.

'Why are they going towards the same direction.?'

What's more bizarre is how and where the tracks began.

At the far distance, the wildlife can still be seen. So that mean's that whatever made these tracks came from somewhere near, as if they just suddenly appeared in thin air.

Still, it wasn't the time to dilly dally. Morgana should be around here somewhere, and what I needed to do was to find her as soon as possible.

But before I could even make a step, towards the east, something, or a lot of things caught my eye.

I frozed. There laid several huge beasts that peek out with their heads from atop of the trees.

One had two heads.

Another had only one eye while it's sharp tusks sticks out from it's mouth.

And the last had a peculiar red glow, flowing through it's veins and whole body.

With each step the three beast's took, tree's began to fall one by one.

And though I was far enough for them to see, I could still feel the vibrations of each of their steps, and even the one's smaller than them shook the earth in a more weaker manner.

I dashed to the left and hid behind a large pile of dug up dirt. Peeking my head, I was lucky.

One of the giants was searching for something in the area, and I was lucky enough to avoid it's gaze.

'Tch...what now?' I asked myself.

Morgana should be in the eastern forest, but not only are the beast's also there, even if I manage to get close, I'll probably be caught before that.

So what now? What can I do at the moment? Is there anything. anything I could do at all?

As the questions enter my head, I felt another tremor in the area, but now it came from a different place. Towards the city.

The gates began closing one by one with each second. Then after a few seconds, arrows flew towards the eastern forest.

'No, If they do that....'

I felt my eye's twitch and my jaw clench.

'Morgana....Morgana's still there...'

The arrows fell one by one. Screeches and howls began to spread through the air. I was far enough to look like a bean, but I could still hear the beast's wails.

But then, something caught my eye as I focused my eyes enough. Towards the entrance of the eastern forest, someone was coming out.

My eyes opened wide and the one I was looking for came out running.

Though I couldn't hear what she was saying, I was sure that she was panicking at the moment.

WIthout waiting any further, I ran. Hopefully she would see me.

She was running towards the northern gate, hoping that it would probably open once she was there.

Although I couldn't see the guards on top, I knew that there must probably be a lot of them there, and probably my parent's too.

I shouted. "Morgana! COME HERE!"

There were two reasons why I called her. One of those is that I know the city won't open it's gate's, considering how the beast's in the area were already just a few ten's of feet away from her. And two, is that if we run towards the hidden tunnel, our chances are higher than waiting for the gates to open.

I shouted once again the same words.

She was catching her breaths, but luckily she caught sight of me.

Her eyes opened wide, ask with a silent voice.

"Why are you here?"


Without even explaining, she hesitated but ran towards my direction after a moment.

Fifty feet away, I also ran towards her.

But amidst this distance, behind her, one of the giant's catched my gaze, we stared for a moment then it looked around.

As if it was thinking how I also got here. Then it darted it's eyes, but I didn't care the slightest.

As long as I could reach Morgana that is.

As soon as I reach her, I grabbed her hand and shouted only one word. "RUN!"

She was dripping of sweat and was exhausted to the brim. She was getting slower compared to earlier.

It was a long way towards the tunnel, but we would be able to reach it before the beast's manage to catch up.

Luckily, the giants were slow.

We ran like there's no tomorrow, without turning our heads. I could hear the wolves behind us getting closer, but they weren't fast enough to stop us from reaching the tunnel.

It was only a few feet away, focused in front, my eyes lighted and for a moment, dropped my guard.

This was a mistake.

"Bane!! DODGE!" Morgana shouted, and I immediately turned my head to look.


Towards our location, a full grown tree was heading towardsus like a missile being dropped.

I slipped as I forced myself to stop on my tracks.

I fell and Morgana also did.

The dust spread's in the air and the thrown tree finally fell.

My eyes closed instinctively as the impact happened.

It might be my instincts taking over, but I covered Morgana as soon as the dirt flied in the air. Rocks came rushing towards every direction.

A few seconds later, the dust finally settles.

I was asking myself why I didn't seem to get hurt, but now I knew why. It was because of Morgana's magical barrier that we barely survived.

"L-Look's like the barrier made it in time." She said. "Are you okay, Bane? Are you hurt?"

Coughing, I replied. "I'm fine, but what happened-"

My eyes widened. The tree that was heading towards our direction had a different goal. The smal tunnel I used earlier was now buried under the dirt. Covered with the trunk that almost took our life.

"No....NO!" I shouted. My hands tried to dug the path, but it was useless. For all I knew, the whole tunnel must probably be covered with dirt by now.

The path was now gone.

"Stop! Bane, it's useless!" Morgana pulled my hands. "It won't work! We need to go! Right now!"

My eyes darted from her face and the tunnel. Then after taking a moment to reorganize my thoughts, I nodded.

By now, the wolves that were chasing us was nearer, I could hear their steps around the area. But thankfully, the dust was still enough to cover our presence and smell.

'I hope this works.'

I pulled a handful of firecrackers threw it at the far side where we intended to run.

Pow!! Pow Pow!!

One by one, the lit firecrackers popped and made a loud noise, enough to mask our footsteps.

"Now, let's go!"

The northern gate was a lost cause, it wouldn't open if the beast's are near. Even if two kids are in danger, I'm sure the guards will prioritize the safety of thousands of citizen's compared to us.

So the only thing left was to run towards the western gate, though it was far, we must reach it.

And before long, Morgana and I left the cover of the clouds of dust.

"The Western Gate, we need to reach it." I muttered, loud enough so Morgana could hear.

"The Western Gate?'s too far. Will we-

"We'll make it. I'll make sure of it!" I replied without looking back.

I'm sure we could make it, but what I wasn't sure was whether we could outpace these wolves at our tail.

We were still faster than them earlier, but exhaustion was beginning to stick to our body, and it was only a matter of time before our legs give out.

If bad comes to worst, the only thing I could probably do now is to buy time for Morgana, I have a plan but.....-

My thoughts were interrupted when one of the wolves suddenly pounced from the left.

I was so focused on my thought that I forgot to look at my surroundings.

'They already caught up to us?!'

And even Morgana was too exhausted to the point where her eyes and face were only staring at beneath her feet.

'I can't dodg-'

The wolf's mouth opened and a set of sharp teeth bared deep into my shoulder.


But, I still ran.

Morgana who finally returned to reality, casted her magic. "BANE! NOO!!" A sharp spear made of ice pierced through the wolf's chest.

It was shallow but the wolf let it's fang's go for a second, enough for me to get away.

I kicked it's face and continued running.

The eastern gate was still far, and the wolves were now starting to surround us.

I stopped my steps, checked the area for any opening to escape. But there were none. Every escape path would lead to another injury.

I was already bleeding so can I risk another attack from this wolves? I probably can bear it, mentally, but my body won't. I was sure of it.

This body was still weak, even at this moment, I already feel my consciousness lipping away.

Catching my breaths, Morgana said. "We-We're surrounded. What do we do now? Bane? BANE!" She shook my body, probably saw how I was tilting.

There was still a chance, but...

I glanced towards the setting sun.

"J-Just a little bit more." I said, my plan would work even in daylight, but it would be more effective if darkness were on my side. Just for a little bit.

I wished that the wolves would at least wait for just a minute, but reality was more cruel than that.

One by one, the wolves pounced with the intent to kill.

I waited, thinking of what to do. Morgana on the other hand was now beginning to cast dozens of spells to protect us, but I knew already that even if she was a genius who can cast four spells at once, it wasn't enough.

'Am I going to die again?'

And at the same time these thoughts entered my head, an arrow suddenly flew towards the wolf who pounced.

My eyes immediately darted to the direction where the arrow came from, and there I saw, Eve with a bow on her hands.

"GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" She shouted with every bit of anger inside of her.