Family Support

Standing on the edge of the walls was Eve, with a bow on her hand as she shouted. "GET AWAY FROM MY SON!!!"

The bow was imbued with a glowing color of gold, reflecting the setting rays of the sun as each arrow began fly as fast as light.

Each one made it's mark.

It was a support I never thought existed.

I was sure that Eve used a rapier when she left the house, I always thought she was a close range fighter, but it seems she was an all rounder all along.

Someone who's proficient in close and long range fights.

Before long, a group gathered near Eve, a group of familiar people.

There was Jack, who seems to also wield a bow in his hands. And beside him were Vrasir, the librarian. He fixed his monocle and opened his palms, then after a few seconds, a large number of shining small darts fell upon the wolves on our location.

I had a lot of questions, but this wasn't the time to ask.

I ran, it was the only choice.

I ran as I gripped Morgana's hands, using my left arm cause my right one was becoming numb at this moment.

We were a long way towards the eastern gate, but with each second, the distance grew closer.

That was the good news, now, for the bad one.

The wolves were dealt with in just seconds, but as soon as I turned my head to look towards the eastern forest, the giants that were marching towards the northern walls now had their eyes on our location.

I previously thought that they were slow, but it seems like I was wrong the whole time.

The reason why they were slow was that just they didn't have a specific target in mind, sure the walls was their goal all along, but they would arrive at it's vicinity without even trying.

Now, with two of them rushing to our location, the ground tremors began to emit with more power.

With each step, Morgana and I were stopped, trying to regain our balance as we go.

So our desperate attempt to run instantly turned to a pace of a snail.

Their large muscular bodies showed how much power they have, though they had no weapon on their hands, their arms were enough to destroy entire armies.

"Don't look behind! Just try to run!" I shouted at Morgana who was also trying to regain her balance. But to her attempt, she failed, and I also did.

We fell to the ground, our backs contacting the dirt as the earth forces us to the air with each step the giants took.

Their step was equivalent to twenty steps, so with each one, danger was approaching in an unbelievable fast pace.

"Ohh, NO YOU DON'T!" Eve shot an arrow towards one of the giants knee. It pierces it's skin.


"It didn't work?!" Eve shouted, though her voice was as silent as the wind, for some reason I could faintly know how her lips were moving at this distance.

She shot several more, some even made contact to the eye of the giant. Yet, none seemed to stop it's rushing feet. As if it was desperate to reach us, desperate enough that it doesn't care about it's safety.

The others beside her also supported.

Eve and Jack's barrage of arrows showed no progress, and Vrasir's magical dart's were deflected by the giant's skin.

But then....a chant echoed in the air. It came from on top of the wall's. but his voice was loud enough to be heard for miles.

"The blessing's of the freezing tundra of the north, stop my enemies and let them freeze on your presence. 8th Tier Magic! Absolute Zero!"

It was a voice so familiar to my ears, and once his chant was done, Morgana who showed a panic on her face, slightly eased up.

Zero raised his hands and a magical circle appeared on top of the rushing giants.

In less than a seconds, both the two giant's body became covered with ice.

"Tch....I don't have enough mana...." Zero fell to his knees as he clicked his tongue,

The two giant's were covered by ice, but not enough to reach their necks. Both darted it's eyes and took a quick glance at the walls and back to their frozen bodies.

Yet, even with this scenario, they still didn't showed any fear for their life.

The magic that Zero produced was enough to stop the giants, but for how long?

Without waiting for the inevitable, I grabbed Morgana once again and ran.

She showed a confused expression on her face, as if she was saying why we were running in the first place. She probably thought that Zero's magic was enough to stop them, that we were finally safe.

I also wanted to believe that, but I wasn't going to wait to find out.

After a few seconds.

We finally reached a point where the eastern gate was now within sight, it was only a matter of time.

"Just a little bit more." I muttered.

Behind me, I heard our support's shouts to hurry.

And I knew why.

I didn't turn my head, because I didn't need to, even at this moment I could hear the ice, slowly breaking as a faint cracking sound emitted in the air.

Eve and the other's support stopped at the mean time because they probably knew that their attacks might hasten the breaking of the ice.

But I'm sure their support will once again continue as soon as the ice....break?


The ice broke and the giant's immediately chased us. But what's more startling was how one of them made a lion's roar.


Just at the sound of it's frightening screech, I twitched and felt all the hair on my back standing on it's end. Goosebumps.....I felt a cold shiver down my spine.

I heard the Eve shouting about something, but why is she....

I turned my head.

My eyes widened and as if time slowed down for a moment, the giant, who I thought was still far away, was now a few feet behind us.

It was holding a tree in it's hands and was in a pitcher's stance. As if it was about to hit a baseball with it's bat.

'Ohh no.....OH no!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHAT SHOULD I DO?'

I started panicking inside my head.


With the time slowing down, and my life flashing before my eyes, my attention began to change.

At the corner of my eye, the sun has now set.

And seeing this, look's like luck was still on my side. I hoped.

I remembered a few months ago about a certain warning.

Flash crystals have a different name, flash bomb's, If used with magic, it was considered as only a quick flash of light, but.....if it made contact with a powerful force....

"It would explode."

Remembering this warning, I pulled Morgana and threw her behind me as I stopped and pulled every bit of flash crystals from my pocket.

Without wasting even a single moment, I threw everything just in time before the giant's tree weapon reached my vicinity.

Inside my head I knew, at this distance it was risky. Risky enough that I would probably die from an explosion.


Compared to the intent of being hit by the full force of the giant, something like an explosion held more chances of surviving.

"I'll take that chance."

Though fear enveloped my body, for some reason, I felt the corner of my lips rising.

The flash crystals made contact towards the giant's weapon. And each one blew up with a bang.

The force of the after effects immediately threw me away, and a burning sensation covered my whole body.

I felt my whole body rolling for a quick few seconds.

Then I stopped, facing the sky as the night started to appear.

Keeping my eyes open, I glanced back to the location of the explosion.

'Look' flew...quite a distance.'

I laid on my back a few feet away.

My whole body felt like it was full of burn mark's, but I didn't have the courage to look at my current condition.

I saw Morgana coming closer and her lips shouting something.

Everything was as silent by the time she finally reached me. Her whole figure was slightly blurry, and my eyelids was slowly becoming heavy. As if two large boulders was being dropped at each one.


Knowing that fainting would instantly mean dying, I forced every strength on my body and tried to stand. But, just like how I know my limit's, my body would not obey me, after all, a child's body can only go so far.

I was about to faint, but one thing entered my sight, making my eyes focus once again.

The giant that was dazed earlier was on it's knees, scratching it's large one eye, but what made me focused was not because of this, but because of the other one that was now coming closer.

And it look's like Morgana has forgotten about it's existence when she only focused on my condition entirely.

I tried to open my mouth and shout for her to turn around, to run towards the eastern gate.

But, to no avail did my mouth moved. It only twitched slightly, remained slightly opened enough so that I could catch my breaths.

My body gave up, but my mind was still fighting.

Without knowing why, I forced myself to sat up. My hands pushed my body of the ground, trembling and was on the verge of failing, but I still managed to do it with pure sheer will.

And to not lose my momentum, the next thing I knew, I was standing once again.

Morgana was crying on the side, pulling me as she tried to stop me from moving.

I stood my ground as the giant rushed towards us.

It's two heads staring straight directly at me.

If this was the end, I would prefer to remain standing instead of the same pathetic death on my back.

I chose this way.

"COME AT ME!!!!" I shouted and the giant's responded with another roar.

As if it was a sign of acknowledging my existence.

It's fist fell straight down towards me.

"So this is it...." I muttered as my eyes closed and waited for my death.

A second....



It was already five seconds but I was still here.

"What...happen-" My words were cut short as one large figure stood in front, holding the giant's hands as he stopped it with only one arm.

He smiled as he gazed down at me. Though my eyes were a blur, his appearance was somehow.....familiar.

"You did good, little nephew! NOW! Let this old man handle this!"

And my whole body fell as my memories were cut short.

That was the last thing I remember as my eyelids finally closed.