A Change Of Heart

Bane's body fell in a lump as the exhaustion and overwhelming pain finally got to him.

Morgana, who managed to catch Bane before he made contact to the ground, was left speechless as she glanced at the large man in front of him.

In the distance, Eve and the others were startled by the sudden arrival of this man, but also delighted as their faces were now showing signs of relief.

"Hmmm?" The man glanced at Morgana who held Bane in her arms. "HMMMM?! Wow....how incredible, to have such mana density at such age."

He muttered.

Morgana was about to ask what the man was talking about when someone interrupted.

"Atlas, you brute. Why are you still lazing around. Hurry up and do your job." A women who looked like in her mid thirties muttered as she slowly descended from the open air.

She wore a witches outfit and slowly walks towards Morgana and the unconscious Bane.

"Ohh, don''t worry. I'm just thinking a few ways of how to get back at this giant for all he did to our little nephew, Theseria, so just relax and let me handle this."

Though Atlas replied, the witches attention was now in a different person.

"Wh-Who are you?" Morgana asked as Theseria knelt and opened her palms.

"Don't worry. We are here to help." She replied.

A green light began to emit from her hands, and after she made contact to Bane's head, his whole body was slowly engulf with this greenish glow.

It was slow, but the more it glowed the fast Bane's injuries healed.

"Thi-This is?"

Theseria gave a warm smile, but her expression was different altogether.

Her appearance was covered with the large and pointy hat she wore, but now that Morgana could see her face, radiated by her own magic, her eyebrows were curling to the point that her beautiful face turned to a devil's.

Even at the sight of her expression, Morgana couldn't help but be curious.

'That man said nephew.....then...he is Bane's uncle? And this beautiful woman must be his aunt?'

'No wonder they were showing such expression, not only did a member of their family got hurt, it was almost at the point where Bane almost died.'

Morgana's face showed a grim expression.

'It's all my fault....if only I didn't go outside, then Bane should still be...'

"It's not your fault." Theseria muttered as if she can read Morgana's mind, she continued to focus on healing Bane.

"Ho-how did you know?" Morgana asked.

"Just a hunch, honey. It's a relief that we made it in time. Atlas! Quit fooling around and finish it already!"

Morgana glances back to Atlas, who was now toying with the giants existence. The monstrous and earth shattering beast has became a child toy in just a few second. It's whole body dismembered.

From it's fingers towards it's hands, followed through it's arms then it's shoulders. As if each bone was taken from each of it's joints, the giant laid on it's back. It's whole appearance had now turned into a much longer one.

Like a rubber band being pulled to it's limits, the giant has became exactly the same,

Trembling as it felt fear for the very first time, it's eyes twitched.

Morgana 's eyes widen. Too much for her to bear, she covered her mouth as she stopped herself from throwing up.

Seeing her reaction, Theseria pointed her palms. "You should rest now, this sight must be a bit gruesome."

After a short burst of dim light, Morgana's eyelids began to droop, and before long, her body tilted and slowly fall while being supported by Theseria's wind magic.

"Haaaa...this should be enough. Don't you think?" Atlas asked as he was finally satisfied by his actions.

"Yes, that's enough." Theseria floated in the air, and behind her followed Bane and Morgana's hovering body as well, both unconscious.

"Well, I'll take care of the clean up. You do whatever you want while this things still alive." Atlas took squatting stance.

A burst of dust spreads as he jumped in the air, landed towards the eastern forest full of rampaging beasts.

"Haaa....that muscle head. Well, at least he's doing his job for once." Theseria could only rub the bridge of her nose as she muttered. "Now, I should probably take this kids back inside the city.....but before that....Atlas already had his turn...now it's my turn."

A large grin showed on her face, her arms opened wide and a purple glowing magic circle appeared in the air. Large enough that the giant's sprawled and separated body looked like a rock compared to it's size.

Sparks of lightning began to fall, and as Theseria chanted in a different language. A quick beam of lightning fell towards the giant's limp body.

With a quick blur and flash of light, the giant's body was instantly vaporized and what was left was a crater. But not only was the spell so powerful, it was also large enough that the second giant who was blinded earlier got affected by the aftershock.

Thus, the two giants were wiped out from reality.

"Haaaaa..." Theseria exhaled long. "Now I feel better."

And she proceeded to flew towards the walls, where the two children's family awaited for their return.


The recent siege wasn't that large when one thought about it. It was catastrophic seeing three giants band together with a large number of wolves and goblins, but it wasn't enough that the Three Bell call were needed to be used. So why?

Why did the Three bell's rang three times?

Thanks to the two major figures, Atlas Bron Sheratos and Theseria Vailgret, the siege of monsters were finished by the end of the day.

Once it was over, the guards, led by Jack, explained what had happened, telling them both that the Three Bell's suddenly rang.

This made the two curious.

So they investigated in the mean time and tried to find the person who rang the bell, but, even with their power, they never managed to find the culprit who rang them.

Even with Theseria's mastery on tracking magic, she never found any clues.

Thus the investigation remain in a stall.

"We should get going. We're needed elsewhere." Theseria said as she stood outside of the orphanage. Near her stood a couple of people.

Eve and Jack Pyrrus, Atlas, and for some reason, also the librarian, Vrasir was there with them.

"Going already? Well, knowing your stature you must be busy nowadays." Eve was the first one to reply. "But don't you wanna stay for a couple of bit, Bane might want to see you two."

"No, it's not time yet."

Eve raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I, myself want to stay. But just as this witch said, we are needed elsewhere. It's a disappointment we didn't managed to catch the person who Rang those goddamn bells, but atleast it's over now." Atlas placed a patted Eve's head,

And because of how big he was, Eve's adult body looked like a child compared to it.

"You people should be careful in the meantime. And kid." Atlas glanced at Jack.

"Your getting lax nowadays, it's good that your relaxing from time to time, but always remember to train once in a while. There's no telling when something like this happens again in the future."

"I-I'll do so." Jack replied as he looked below to his feet.

"We better go now, take care of yourselves, oh, before I forgot, and you." Theseria said as she glanced towards Vrasir. "Make sure that something like this doesn't happen again."

"I'll do my best, I am paid in full after all." Vrasir replied as he bowed in a short moment then fixed the monocle on his face.

Jack and Eve showed a curious look towards Vrasir. And while they did, Vrasir only smiled in return.

"Now, goodbye, I'll see you kid's soon."

"You better be stronger by the time I return her, got it?!" Atlas shouted with a smile towards Jack.

"I will!" And Jack replied back as Atlas showed a fist.

He turned and walked away with Theseria.

Once Theseria and Atlas was ten feet away from the three. Theseria flicked her finger and a large magic circle appeared underneath their feet.

The magic circle vibrated and was about to be done when Atlas suddenly asked a peculiar question.

"Hey, this is getting serious." He whispered.

"I know, this is the first time my tracking magic didn't work. As if the person already knew about it, or he's too sneaky that my magic didn't find a single trace of the culprit."

"Not that I'm saying this to be a bother, did you ever think that your getting rusty these days? No offense."

Theseria glared back.

"Woah, calm down. Just saying." Atlas replied while chuckling.

"Enough about that, but you. What's with that about wanting to stay? Did you forget how we're supposed to keep our distance?"

"Well, now that I look at it. Maybe its not a curse?"

Theseria's eyes opened wide. "Are you certain?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, but for a moment, he unconsciously absorbed the mana in the air earlier. But what I'm more curios about it how it immediately disperses out of his body."

Theseria placed hand on her chin.

"Hmmm? It's not that he can't use and absorb it, but maybe his body unconsciously pushes it away, huh. But if it's not a curse, then?"

"If it's not, then..." Atlas showed a serous expression as his eyelids closed. "Then its..... I have no clue." He said as he made a questioning pose, with both hands raised on the side,

"Haaaa..." Theseria could only sigh in reply. "I knew it..there's no way that small head of your's can find the answer in just a short time."

Atlas laughed out loud. "But still, I'm liking him more now. At first I thought this problem would make him give up on life, but it seems that he craved it more because of it. Heh....look's like we underestimated our nephew. He's brave enough to stand in front of a large beast even though he knows he's powerless, yet, he was cunning and brave enough that he survived without power

Atlas made a short laugh. "I'm getting excited just by thinking about what kind of person he'll become in the future. We were worried, but it seems like we didn't need to be in the first place."

Atlas turned his head and grin towards the hospital. "He'll be fine."

And the magic circle glowed and flashes. Atlas and Theseria disappeared with the wind.