Foolish Thought's

It was loud.

Floating through an ominous dark and cold place, my ears rang with the sound of chatters. Children's playing and the occasional muttering of the elderly.

Though my eyes could not see a thing, my ears were enough to make up for what I lacked.


Grumbling as I forced my ears to shut, a sudden thought entered my head. 'Did I die?'.

Recalling what happened, my body immediately acted. I opened my eyes and found myself sitting on a bed, and whilst being covered with white sheet's and fur blankets, Aenar, who sat beside me on a chair, was startled enough that he fell to the floor.

Aenar's eyes was so wide that he looked like he saw a ghost. But after a second or two, he stood up and ran outside while shouting.

"HE'S AWAKE!!" Repeatedly.

I was curious what had happened after I fainted, but it seem's like everything ended okay. What's more interesting was how I felt invigorated at the moment, as If I slept through the week and woke up a new person.

The bite mark that the wolf made on my right shoulder disappeared as if nothing had happened, almost every single injury I got were now gone.

'I recall seeing Uncle Atlas before I fainted, did I just imagine it?'

Well, enough about that.

If I who was almost at the brink of death, safely dozing off, then Morgana should also be.

Thinking to myself, my thoughts were instantly cut as Eve came in rushing for a hug.

It was quick and warm, then she asked. "Are you fine now? Does it hurt anywhere? Anywhere at all?"

I couldn't help but to smile in response. "I'm fine....I'm still drowsy but all in all, I'm-"

Before I could even finish my sentence, she punched my head slightly, but felt as if a rock fell from the sky.


"Good. Don't ever do that again!" She said with her eyebrows furrowed. "I know that you were worried for Morgana, but you shouldn't just run towards danger, Okay?!"

As she nags me, I could only remain in silence. It's true that I was careless, but If wasn't like this then Morgana should've been smashed to smithereens by now.

I wanted to say it to her, that thing's can get more serious, that sometimes you needed to act quickly, because if you don't, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.

I wanted to say this things, but my mouth can't seem to open. I could only clench my teeth while staring at the sheet's laying all over me.

But whilst I contemplate my thoughts, Eve said a few words that made me change my mind.

"You should rely on us more often."

It was only a few words, but it made me remember.

Though I was still not used to it, the clear truth that they were my family entered my mind.

True, that I wasn't the original Bane, but I was still him all the same.

I remembered that I wasn't alone in this world. There are people here, who just like my previous one, are willing to help.

I already had a mind of an adult, but it seems like having one tends to forget many things.

Right now, I am powerless, I'm a child, and most importantly, I have people who can support me when I needed them. It might be only a few people, but at least I had some.

I went quiet for a few seconds, and Eve began to show worry in her eyes once again.

She was about to say something when I cut her short. "I'm sorry...."

Her eyes opened wide.

"I'm sorry I was too rash, I'm sorry I left the house even when you told me not to....I'm sorry I didn't listen...I'm-I'm sorry...."

Apologizing was the only thing I could do.

Eve sighed.

"If you don't plan to do it again then everything's fine now. I'm not mad that you didn't listen to me, I'm mad that you just went straight into should be more careful."

Eve sat at my side and pulled my head to her shoulder.

"I-I was scared, thinking that Morgana was in need of help. It won't happen again."

"That's good."

I couldn't see Eve's face, but I feel like she was smiling as she reply.

After a second, Morgana suddenly appeared.

"BANE!!!" She shouted as she jumped to the bed and landed on top of me. "BANE!!!" She shouted once again. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Is your arm fine now?" She asked several questions, but before I could even answer, a group of people entered one by one.

Jack, my father on this world, and Aenar who hid behind him. Zero, the manager off the orphanage and the Healing Building I seemed to sat on, and lastly is Crane who looked like he haven't got any sleep based on how heavy the bags looked beneath his eye were.

"Someone's finally awake. You feel okay? Any sign of nausea or muscle sores?" Zero was the first one to ask.

Though I have no idea why he's asking, he must be also worried for my safety, but what I could not get my head around was the first words he said.

"Finally awake? How long was I out?"

Each of them glanced at one another before saying something, after a second or two, Jack replied.

"I don't know what to tell you son, you've been out of it for about a week."

"A week?!" My voice cracked, and covered it immediately. "No wonder I feel refreshed."

"I'd take it that nothing is amiss. But just in case, you should stay for the night." Zero replied, and slowly walks toward me. "And you..." He glanced at Morgana and pulled her back. "...I know your worried but you shouldn't just jump on a patient."

Carried by Zero, Morgana's face was full of tears as she separated from me. While the sniffing sound of her nose made it more appealing.

She wiped the tears on her face. "I-I'm sorry."

"Just don't do it again." Zero dropped Morgana to her feet. "Well, I should go back to my job. See you guys later."

Zero left the room, waving his hand as he go.


"See you later!"

Several voices replied, then after a second, glanced at Crane.

"Ohh, I'm just....well, I'm just worried. Do you remember me, Bane?" Crane pointed towards his face. "You were only a year old at that time so you might not-"

"I remember, Mister Crane."

His eyes opened wide, probably thinking of how much I could remember in such a young age.

"Or should I call you, Old brother Crane?"

He laughed a little. "So you do remember. That's impressive. But, you can just call me Crane if you want to, no need for the mister and Older brother part."

"Then I'll do just that."

"I don't want to intrude but...." Eve was the one the one who interrupted. ".....when did the two of you meet?" She asked.

Crane and I glanced at each other, then after confirming something with just our eyes, Crane was the first one to answer.

"Well, just as I've said earlier, Bane and I meet a few years ago."

"When exactly?" Jack asked next.

It was looking bad for Crane, so to eased things up, I was the next one to answer.

"It's at the time of the accident."

"Accident? What accid- Ohh....sorry." Eve replied, remembered the specific day I was talking about.

"N-No, It's fine. It's already in the past, that's all."

Their faces turned grim. I planned for them to ease up when I replied, but it look's like it didn't work.

A minute of silence passed.

Each glancing at one another, Jack was the first to speak.

"E-Enough about that. I'm sure it doesn't bother our son here by now, right?" Jack forced a smile on his face.

And I, replied with a genuine one. "Yep, you know me. Something like that won't be able to get me down."

"That's my boy."

"How about we eat? You must be starving, considering you've been out for a week."

"Well, I am...feeling a lot-tle hungry."

"That's it then. Morgana, would you like to join us?"

"I-" Morgana looked down to her feet. "I don't have any money."

"That's fine, it's our treat, so don't be shy."

"We-well, if you say so...." Morgana was looking down, but I already knew she was just hiding the shy expression on her face.

"Since Bane still needs to rest here, we should just go somewhere near, luckily, I know just the place."