Restaurant Of The Straeks

Zero, thankfully, was an open minded person. Saying how I needed to have some fresh air because of how I was practically in a coma for a week.

Walking, became harder for some reason. Well, if someone was in bed for a week It's obvious it would become that way.

My arms and legs were skinnier than normal, and even a single step was heavy as if I was carrying two bags full of stones on my back.

Zero seemed to anticipate this, because before we could leave, he gave me, well, let me borrowed a walking stick from the back.

Eve said it was not needed, saying how she can just carry my, but Zero refused.

He told Eve how a patient sometimes needs to exercise, and considering my stature of having no mana inside my body, exercise was the only thing that could return me to my optimal state.

So with that, Eve had no choice but to comply to Zero's method.

And I was grateful it turned this way. I was never the type of person who wanted to be carried by others, whether it be my parent's or friends, there's no way I'll let them.

It was a long and slow walk, well, because of my condition that is. But it wasn't a boring one.

Eve's chatter, explaining every single thing our eyes caught sight on, and Jack's stories about his past elevated the group's atmosphere in a large margin.

Laughter emitted in the air, but was silenced by the town's festive noises.

Because of the success on defending the city, even though a week has already pass, the celebration has yet to end.

Happiness spread from people to people, but...except for one,

I don't know the reason to it, but Aenar seem's to be out of place.

I glanced behind, and he only looked below his feet as he continued to walk.

Why is he like that? Did something happened while I was unconscious?

The cheerful and energetic Aenar has now turned into a gloomy and almost depressed-looking kid.

The longer I look at him, the quicker I realized why he was down.

It was guilt.

He was guilty of something.

But what he was guilty at was the question.

I stopped and tapped Aenar's feet with my cane.

With my usual kid face, I asked. "Are you okay, Brother?"

His eyes opened wide, he twitched and raised his head.

"Ohh..ahh. It's....It's nothing."

'Nothing? You can't lie to me. I, who was called the gloomiest kid in school can't be fooled.'

"Are you sure?" I asked again, persisting. "You know you can tell me anything, brother."

Thankfully, even when I stopped, Eve, Jack and Morgana were still walking forward, happily chatting. But for a faint moment, Eve and Jack gives a quick turn around, so they probably already knew why Aenar was acting this way, and just let it be.

"Just.....Just let it go, okay? It's nothing. Let's go!" Aenar passed me, hitting my shoulder as he go.

I barely remained standing, but I forced myself not to fall.

My eyebrows furrowed.

'Look's like I was hasty.'

I was capable of seeing another gloomy person, whether they were down or not in a mile away. But I forgot about one crucial information about it.

Aenar was still a kid. And even in a different world, kid's tend to be overwhelmed by their emotions. They're all the same.

But now I atleast know the margin of his guilt.

It's big, but not enough that it would stop him from talking to someone. He'll open up in time.

'I just have to wait for him to tell me.'

Forcefully making him open up would only make it worse.

I sighed and shaked my head, following my family in front.

It wasn't that long before we reached the restaurant that Eve suggested earlier.

Morgana, who happily chatted earlier had now became silent when she saw where we currently was. But it's not just her, I, was also speechless.

Even when I haven't returned to this place, I could still remember the waitress who forcefully kicked us out just from sitting on one of the chairs here to rest.

'It look's the same as it was five years ago.'

It was the restaurant were the girl called Hera, was working on.

"Why are you just standing there. Let's go in," Eve said to Morgana and I who were behind them.

Morgana glanced at my direction, and I did the same. Our eyes asking whether we should go in or not.

It seems as Morgana have some bad memories in this place, but that was year's ago, I'm sure thing's are different now.

I stepped infront and said. "Let's go."

"O-Okay." Morgana nodded and followed.

Once we were inside, now I know why that girl 'Hera', was too protective of this place.

If you glanced at it from outside, it look's like any regular restaurants in the area, but when you enter's more like a place where royalty frequently eats.

The chairs, table's and windows were designed with flowers and glowing crystals that made it more dazzling, but not enough to hurt the eyes.

The floorboards beneath our feet were made with oak, but it was so smooth and clean that I thought I was back to my world.

Well, we used tiles on our world, but the wood here was similar enough to it's texture.

'Is this wood oil? So that's why it's so smooth in texture.'

But the thing's I've described was just the beginning.

There were chairs and tables for dining, but they also had sofas on the side, and those that sat on them were a few nobles.

I have no ides why there were nobles here at this time, but that's not my problem.

Now, I just wanted to eat in peace.

My stomach grumbled the moment a faint aroma of steak passed my nose. Hera, who wore a maid uniform was carrying several plates with different dishes on her hands.

She was so busy that she never managed to caught sight of us.

Well, it IS a festive week.


"I'll be right there with you!!!" Hera muttered as she delivered the plates on the nobles table.

She asked whether it everything was in place, and after the noble nodded and gave her a tip, she gave her thanks and immediately ran to where we stood.

"Welcome to....argh." Her words changed lane when she caught sight of Morgana, while her eyes opened wide when she glanced at me.

She cleared her throat before speaking again. "Ehem! I'm sorry. Welcome to The Straek Restaurant, Will you be dining today?"

In just a moment, the emotions on her face returned to that of a waitress.

'How professional.'

"We'll be dining today, are there any tables open?"

"There's one near the window in the corner, let me guide you."

We took a seat after Hera guided us towards our table.

"Lucky." I sat as I felt the softness of the sofa under my butt.

"What's that?" Morgana asked.


Hera who was standing on the side earlier, ran back to the front desk and took five parchments where the name of dishes were written on.

She gave us one each.

"Wow...." was the only word I could say. Even the parchment's were covered with thin and see-through plastic, just the same as it was in my previous world.

I checked the durability of it in just a second.

And just as I expected, it's also flexible. Bending back and forth.

Though the parchment was smaller and without designs, it almost feel's like a genuine restaurant.

"Hey! Don't do that." Hera said.

I twitched and looked back towards her.

She remained silent while raising one eyebrow at me.

"You shouldn't do that, Bane. That paper might look durable but it's easy to break, okay?"

"Okay, I was just curious, that's all." I replied, stopped playing with the menu a few moments later.

I sat at the very left, Morgana on the middle and Aenar at the right, whilst Jack and Eve sat on the other side of the table.

"So, may I take your order?" Hera pulled a quill and a small pocket book from her pocket.

Waiting for our order.

Each of us started reading the menu, some hums while some were muttering whether he or she should pick this or that.

I wouldn't go into details about when and we ordered, but I can just say that it took five minutes to order while ten minutes more for the food to finish cooking.

My eyes glinted once the food was prepared on our table. There laid several dishes, from soup to oily foods.

There were deep fried shrimps, steaks, mushroom soup, bread on the corner and a few skewers on the middle.

"Well, let's dig in." Eve muttered.

And without wasting a single second, I did just as she instructed.

I was still curious how and why a siege of monster's suddenly appeared outside the city. But I'm sure I'll find the reason someday, I'm sure I will.

But for now, how about I savor myself as I munch on these extravagant dished in front of me.