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There fell a single tinge of white cold tear.

Falling from the sky as if the goddess was crying, signifying another end of the year.

Outside, my eyes couldn't help but to only stare. As the white dot's of snow rained nonstop.

The roads were lit, a faint clouded sky blocked the sun's rays as the cold freezing season has finally arrived.

It was morning, but once you glanced at the outside world through the windows, you'd think that the sun has already set.

Month's have already passed since the day of the magical beast's siege.

The day's returned to normal as if nothing had ever happened.

I spent those days with a tight schedule. In the morning, I would go towards the nearby library of Vrasir and read until noon arrives, then, after that, I helped Morgana on her studies, saying how she was about to enter the academy next year.

The remaining time before I went to bed turned into a quick and hard training inside my room.

It only consisted of muscle training such as; Push ups, Sit ups and squats. On rare occasions I sometimes find myself jogging around the city.

I would pass through several blocks and alleys, and luckily, most people didn't seem to care about what I was doing.

Then, back to the Morgana Topic.

At first I was worried, worried that she'll not have the necessary budget to enter. After all, all learning institutes are paid in advance, whether it be from this world or another. And knowing Morgana's stand on society, it was only normal to worry.

But, it seem's my worries were for naught.

Apparently, everything was already in place. She chattered long about how the nobles of the Seven Grace wanted to sponsor her.

How kind-hearted of them. But I knew this was an investment.

Morgana White, was someone who was born with compatibility towards four elements, and she, will probably be a key figure in the near future. So the Seven Grace might also be thinking that the early bird will catch the worm.

Well, I didn't care about whether what happens to their money, but what I do care is whether Morgana will be alright.

From what I recall, there's only three academies throughout the continent, and each and every single one of them was far enough that it would need a week to reach.

So she'll probably be a stay in on the academies dorms.

She'll be gone for months, maybe years even.

I asked Morgana a while back if she was up for it. And she said yes.

For some reason, after the siege of magical beast's, Morgana changed, she became more passionate on learning new things, her gloomy expression from time to time was slowly disappearing and her frequent visit's to my house were lessened more than it already was.

The house became much more silent than before. Well, it's not that I didn't like to be alone from time to time, seem's I got accustomed to her presence nowadays.

And further more, it seem's that problem about Aenar's guilt was still in place till this day.

He became distant.

And whenever I wanted to have a chat, he always has a reason why he could not stay.

One thing you could say is that he became busy. Too busy, perhaps.

A sigh managed to escape from my lips. Staring at the snow covered road from above, a sense of deja-vu passing through me, I had a sudden thought.

"What should I do today?"

I would have immediately went to the library, but Vrasir's giving me the creeps nowadays. For some reason his glance was different.

I just hope he returned to what he previously were, when he's always busy with his books.

My eyes darted towards the left. At the side, children can be found playing with the snow.

Some were throwing balls of snow towards the others while the rest were building snow castles.

It didn't bother the passing people, but sometimes they were nagged on whenever they hit someone on the area.

And seeing it all happen in real time was entertainment at it's peak.


My eyes suddenly widened.

"Now that I think about's just like that day."

The memory suddenly resurfaced inside my head. The moment when I was reincarnated, the moment I was born into this world, was also like this.

Snow covered the road, children playing on the side's, and the sun was covered by a thick cloud as if it wasn't even there.

I couldn't help but to only smirk at the thought.

"It's already been years, huh."

The first moment when I opened my eyes to this world was so bizarre that I have no idea what to do with my life. I've learnt new things, met new people and experience tragedies and new experiences. And still, I'm right here.

I felt my chest tighten.

"Maybe....this is what it feels like to be alive."

Not surviving, but living.

There's a difference.

I wasn't the same as who I was in my previous world, nor am I less than what I were.

If I was uneasy when I arrived at this place, by now, I could only feel comfort whenever I opened my eyes to another day.

"Breakfast is ready!!!" Eve's voiced echoed throughout the entire house. Reaching the inside of my room even.

As I stretched my arms and yawned, I immediately wore my socks and head downstairs.

"Let's start the day, shall we?"


"How did I get in this position....sigh..."

With a single sigh escaping my lips, I could only wipe the sweat off my forehead.

I was thinking deeply earlier morning about what kind of stuff I was about to do today, but it seems that I had no choice to begin with.

During our breakfast session, Eve, suggested Jack to take me towards the training grounds for the day.

At first I thought Jack would refused, but it seems that he also had the same idea as his wife.

He said something about how the neighbors became curious why a young child such as I was doing some muscle training from time to time.

I was curious how they knew, but I remembered that I occasionally jog from time to time.

Maybe IT IS because of that.

So, since I was already training myself, they suggested that it would be better if I joined the other kids for today.

Well, not that it didn't cross my mind, but who would let a powerless kid without mana join a group of mana wielding monsters.

Even till this day, I could still feel my hair standing on ends whenever the memory of that spar enters my head.

I wanted to refuse, but Eve said it would be good for me.

So i had no choice but to oblige.

And back to the present.

"Put all your strength on each and every single swing! Make sure you only tense your muscles when you swing!"

The instructor shouted. His thick eyebrows furrowed as his bald head darted fo side to side.

Unlike months ago, when all the trainees were together on one place, with the only exception of other's training with their respective weapons, the trainees today was separated.

By age that is.

Those that were 7 years old or younger were being instructed by this bald headed instructor, while the much older kids were training by themselves.

Self-training, one might call it.

I swung the sword downwards, just as the instructor said.

As I felt my whole body twitched with each swing, I couldn't help but to take a glance at the other kids.

There's more then twenty kids here that are already covering their weapon with mana.

Though I could not see it, the faint glow of their compatible elements were starting to shine faintly with each second.


Feeling envy again, I felt my eyebrows curling with each moment.

Although the other kids were just lazily swinging their weapons, the instructor showed no interest in it. What he's interested was how each one uses their mana.

The corner of his lips curved upwards whenever he glanced at those more talented than others.

"Good! Keep it that way and you might have a chance on joining the Cavalry!" He glanced at my direction. "And you! Just keep doing what your doing." Then he turned away.


I already knew he wasn't the least interested on what I'm doing, but is it alright to show it infront of others?

Well, I didn't care the slightest, but....

"This isn't working...." I muttered, felt the sword too odd in hands. "Instead of a sword....maybe something similar to a spear would work?"

I asked myself. But I immediately abandon that thought, because I know this was just for the day. This training, that is.

I'm sure I'll be able to read books again tomorrow.

The day went on. Sore Muscles and heavy eyelids welcomed me with open arms as soon as I returned home.

I immediately went to bed and thanked the heavens that it was now over.

"Finally, I can go back to reading books....."

That's what I thought.