Friendly Competition?! (1)

Each passing second, so does the number of people that gathered in the vicinity of the training grounds.

If I were to count each one, I think It'll probably be atleast half or more of the whole population of the city.

In just s few minutes, all the places you can sit onto was already occupied to the brim.

The crowd chatters.

All the trainees in the area was below the arena that occupied the large open space in middle.

On the left were the first set of trainees where Aenar was, while on the right was our batch.

Aenar gave my direction a quick glance before looking back in front.

I had now became a statue. I felt my eyes barely blinking as I held to my weapon tightly on the corners.

On the other hand, those of my batch were happily chattering amongst themselves, excited about the very scenario they were thrown into.

I cussed the bald instructor inside my head. Giving him a glare as I thought of ways to silently escape this place.

'That shitty old man....Was he in his right mind? Well, he isn't THAT old, but still.'

Darting left and right. A peculiar set of people caught my eye.

They wore an extravagant pair of clothes that made them look like butlers in uniform.

Thought they didn't sat, their way of standing shows how they were still working.

'Is a noble amidst the trainees?' I asked myself.

I have no clue who and what family they belonged to, but based on how they showed such professionalism, I could only think that they belonged to a family of nobility.

But one thing still bugged me....

If a child of a noble was also training with us..then...

'Where are the parent's?'

I kept on searching the area.

Whilst doing so, I caught a few familiar faces on the area.

There was Crane and Morgana, who waved at my direction as we caught our eyes on each other. Vrasir and probably his wife was also here, their gazes directed on a much bigger kid on the older trainees.

'So Arnold was definitely their son, huh.'

There also a few shopkeepers and Blacksmiths that I never bothered myself on asking what their names was.

I was already nervous to my hearts content, so thinking other things was the only thing I could do to occupy my mind in the moment.

On the far left, a bit higher, there laid a few places open.

The open space was surrounded by a pair of knights from left to right. And seeing this, everyone who were beside the spot had doubts whether they can sit closer or not.

The next thing I was about to do was to find the noble amongst the trainees, but before I could, the bald instructor walked forward and upward towards the stage area.

He waved his hands and the crowd went silent.

"Thank you for coming! Today!" The bald instructor welcomed the people whilst opening his arms in the air. "It has been a great honor, watching this little flowers bloom. Though it has been a few weeks since they've started, almost each and every single one of them has grown in a tremendous pace. I just couldn't help but to shed a tear..."

And just as his words, the bald instructor swiped the single tear of his cheeks.

"But! Since the trainees this year have grown in a tremendous pace, it's only right to ALSO hasten this particular event~, And since it has been this way, We have decided to reward the Top Three of the trainees. Are you curios? I'm sure you are!! "

The bald instructor went on and on like an event manager.

"But...we will have to keep the rewards a secret, for now. The only thing I could tell will definitely want it. Even I, would've joined this friendly competition if I can...but unfortunately, I am too old for it."

Some parts of the crowd went laughing while the others remained chatting amongst themselves.

I remained with the exact same posture expression I previously had.

"First, I would have to apologize for the first set of trainees, since you've already had your day of choosing, we've decided to exempt you out of this event."


The crowd simultaneously made noise.

"Ohh, don't be like that my friends, have you already forgotten that they've already done this a few years ago? So it's only right that we're focusing on the new batch of future knights and mages..So now~"

The bald instructor flicked his finger.

The earth rumbled all of a sudden, it took a few moments but after that the already wide arena has become a much more appealing and wide than it previously was.

Lines appeared across and before long, the arena was complete.

"Shall we begin!?"


The first few minutes became a long set of speech about how the future of the country needed to do more, even though they already were. After that was a quick explanation of who would partner up with whom.

Each of the trainees drew slots. Just like how the first set of trainees spar, the same rules applied to this one.

Surrender if you can't fight anymore.

Fight like your life depends on it.

And be respectful of your opponent.

The same number would fight each other, and without taking any further, bald instructor called out to the first set of participants.

"Xuruz Trueslade!!! Jodin Tuky!!!"

A random pair came up the stage.

One used a sword and a shield while the other wielded two daggers.

The rules were the same as the spar, but this time, only the bald instructor named them.

The two participants were silent and only bowed their heads.

"Begin!!!" The bald instructor proclaimed and the two immediately went into battle.


I probably sound like a lunatic after uttering such sounds.

Their fight went long.

Whilst Xuruz went on a defensive maneuver, Jodin, who wielded her two daggers, swiftly weaves her body from side to side like a snake preying on its prey.

Her short thrusts managed to only hit the shield and slightly grazed her opponents arms and legs, but there was an undeniable fact that she was overpowering her Xuruz.

Well, that's what it looked like on the outside.

But as the fight went on and on for seconds, sweat started to appear on Jodin's forehead and her swift strikes mixed with mana slowed down.

Whilst on the other end, Xuruz was full of grazes, but his breathing was stable and his composure never changed the slightest.

Glancing at the two, I couldn't help but be impressed.

Xuruz waited for his opponent to deplete her stamina while he proficiently defend himself.

He came out of the assault with a few scratches, but that was a small price to pay to win this fight.

Without a single moment to spare, Xuruz went on the offensive.

Jodin's eyes widened from the sudden attack. Startled, she jumped back and tried to get away, but she was too late.

Exhausted, her movements dulled.

Xuruz dashed to the side and appeared behind his opponent.

With a quick slam of his shield, Jodin was forced on the ground.

Xuruz pointed his sword.

"I....I surrender." Jodin claimed as she bit her lip.

The crowd went wild. Some clapped their hands while the rest chattered with the people beside them, impressed on how Xuruz barely lasted.

But amidst this thoughts, I thought differently.

'Xuruz, although he didn't show it, he had much strength to spare. Even after the fight, he barely sweated amidst all of that....'

Xuruz opened his hands, and Jodin, who glared at him, had no choice but to take it.

They bowed at the crowd and slowly walked down the stairs.

"How gallant! Our first contestants are! Now, Should we continue to the next?! What do you say people!?"

The crowd cheered, showing how they wanted more.

"Okay, Okay! Calm down...Now!! Next!!"

Without even a minute to spare, the next one came up.

And with that, my nerves began to shout as I waited for the time when I'll finally come up. It was still a few fights after, but still....

'I want to go home....'