Friendly Competition?! (2)

There weren't any particular eye catching fights after the first one.

The first spat that got everyone riled up was the most spectacular one that happened, and the battle of those who came next became sluggish.

It was after three fights when a familiar looking kid entered the arena.

"Renna Heart!!! Jeremiah Fratos!!!"

A boy with neck length blue hair and green eyes, well he looked like a boy but I'm still considering whether the person was a he or a she. And as soon as he ascended the stairs, the crowd made an "ohh" sound.

On the other end, his opponent showed a curious expression on his face, wondering why the crowd was making such a noise.

It seems he was just as clueless as I was.

"Begin!" The bald instructor shouted and the fifth fight began in a rush.

Without wasting a single time, Renna gripped his long sword with both his hands and dashes forward.

On the other end, the spear wielding Jeremiah waited until Renna arrives in the most optimal position.

It was a battle between sword and spear.

It only took a few seconds before Renna arrives at Jeremiah's vicinity.

Jeremiah thrusted his spear.

Renna weaved his head to the side and side steps.

Seeing how he didn't back and slowed down the slightest, Jeremiah jumped back and tried again in the exact same maneuver.

Based on how he fights, he must be aware that he must not let his opponent get any more closer than this.

It was his defeat once this happens.

With each thrust of Jeremiah, a single step was the only thing that Renna needed to dodge it.

But.....something was amiss...

"That's odd...." I muttered. "Is he...toying with his opponent?"

Based on how Renna was moving, he had all these space to move closer and end the spar in a blink of an eye, but he won't.

He just stepped sideways while continuously dodging Jeremiah's thrusts.

" I get it." I finally realized his intentions.

Every trainee might be aiming for victory, but the key aspect of this spar was to learn new things, experience them per say.

And what we're watching right now was the very essence of accumulating experience.

Renna was practicing how to dodge.

It was already half a minute long, yet, Renna showed no signs of ending this fight quickly.

Earlier, he needed a whole step and a weave of his head, but right now? All she needed was a simple turn of his body.

As if he was a leaf, being swayed in the wind.

Jeremiah's strikes only managed to hit air.

There was nothing he could do, and with each thrust his stamina slowly depleted.

It wasn't long before his thrust became much slower than before. Sluggish, as if he was now moving underwater.

He started catching his breath. He fell on his knees due to the exhaustion, whilst Renna on the other hand, laid there, standing just in front of him.

Jeremiah couldn't help but to also grit his teeth. "I surrender...."

He muttered and the fifth fight ended with Renna dong nothing except to dodge.

He turned towards Xuruz, who rested at the side.

He glared at him for a second, and seeing this, Xuruz glared back. For a second I swear I could see sparks flying out when they made eye contact.

But before long, Renna returned to the matter at hand. Just like how Xuruz respected his opponent, Renna did too.

He opened his palms and pulled Jeremiah up.

And that was the conclusion of the fifth fight.

Renna was still keeping his eyes on Xuruz whilst descending the stairs as he walked towards the resting place of the winners. But once he sat, he returned to his normal and uninterested demeanor.

'Is this...a rivalry?' I asked myself inside my head. 'Look's like we'll have a big fight coming soon-'

"Magna Pit!!! Vermil Grate!!" The bald instructor shouted, interrupting my thoughts with his loud voice. "Begin!"

Though each person in the area showed curiosity on the spar, I, on the other hand, was different.

Instead of being excited about how these kids wield their mana so proficiently, I was now at the peak of nervousness.

There is approximately 12 spars in total, and this one happening now it the sixth one, that means....

'I'M NEXT!!!!' The loudest and most high pitched shout echoed inside my head. My eyes wide open as I felt my feet tapping the ground rapidly and my heartbeat elevated. I could feel the hairs on the back of my head rising whilst a cold sensation started manifesting on my spine.

With a breathing as slow as a snails pace. My face started to harden, stiff as I felt an unknown weight dropping to my shoulders.

My hands trembled.

'When did I become so nervous? I'm sure the instructor would stop the fight if it get's too much, right? Yeah, I'm sure he would..hehehe....BUT am I really like this? I never remembered being this kind of a wimp? Why? Since when did I become like this?'

I couldn't help it. Drowning in my own thoughts was the only relief I could get during this time.

I was clueless why I became more riled and nervous, but it seems I already knew the answer why.

Since coming to this world, I was only faced with the unknown. Every single knowledge and experience was something I would never dream of knowing if I were on my previous world.

There was magic, new people, and no one on my previous life was here.

I glanced at my shaking hands.

'Would I be able to do this?'

I was trembling, but whilst contemplating with myself, my eyes glanced to the crowd.

Beside Morgana and Crane, Jack and Eve has arrived. AS if their presence was a bask of light, I felt a little bit of my nervousness go away.

They waved at my direction with a smile. And seeing this scene, I waved back.

The fight was on the brink of ending, but whilst it was happening, I realized one crucial fact.

Deep inside my head, I knew, I was still the same and weak person I once was, the person who died a fool. But I was wrong the whole time.

I was too focused on the present that I forgot about the future entirely, and thinking this, I arrived at a conclusion.

Today might result in defeat, but that doesn't matter in the face of time. It might look like an extravagant event, but people would forget it in years time.

So then.....

I felt my hands becoming still. The shaking has now disappeared.

'Should I just go crazy?'

I felt the corner of my lips starting to rise.

'Every trainee here is capable of using mana, but that doesn't mean their invincible. Though they can buff themselves and their weapons, that was the only thing that they can do. They can't manifest magic because it was against the rules!!!'

In my previous world, I always day-dreamed about how would fight a much bigger opponent than me. So why was I scared of a bunch of kids in the first place.

I would've laughed at myself and continue to dream and imagine how I would fight, but right now? I think I can bring that imagination to reality.

Although I didn't want to admit it. Even when I don't have any mana in my body, the strength I accumulated during the training here was so much more than when I trained for months in my previous life.

I had a weak constitution in my last life, but it seems like I was gifted another thing instead of the power of mana.

The body I had now, the body of Bane Pyrrus, was a much better vessel than what I previously had.

I felt as if I was smiling, but no matter.

I would lose without a doubt, but that's nothing compared to the future. After this event, I was finally free from this training. And I'm sure as hell could not wait for that to happen.

With a grin, I gripped my partner and ascended the stairs when the bald instructor called my name, and the other who would be my sparring partner.

"Bane Pyrrus!!! Krill Herst"

I sure as hell don't have mana, but that won't stop me from enjoying this second life.

'Now, come at me!' I shouted inwardly and dashed forward with all my strength.

The Seventh Battle has began.