Phase 4: Cat & Mouse

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

(Credit to Splingo_Splongo for the Beta Reading Labor!)

An image of the state of affairs will be added during the end of this Phase of the Chunin Exams yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I myself am surprised I'm posting this so early, but it's like half the usual length so it's a bonus yup yup.

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

A little earlier, prior to evening time:

"Hrgh... Why are we even sneaking around?" Ino complained, as they tried their best to sneak around, chakra at the bases of their feet at an attempt of Silent Step.

Shikamaru grunted tiredly, "Because we are weak, and..."

A sudden agonized scream reverberated from afar.

Prompting a yelp from Ino and a shiver from Choji.

Shikamaru's eyes narrowed, "I don't want to be a part of, that." He pointed out.

"Erm... Wasn't that much closer than the first two times we've heard it?" Ino sweatdropped.

"It is," Choji confirmed with a sour look.

Tilting his head, he offered, "We've got to find a team though. We're still only with our Heaven Scroll."

Shikamaru sighed, "It's only the first day. Quit being a drag and be patient."

Understandably, Akira's weird behavior was at the back of their minds during this precarious exam.

"But I'm hungry..." Choji's shoulders slumped.

Ino added pointedly, "If we take too long, there might not be any more scrolls to take!"

"Troublesome... But you're right." Shikamaru shook his head.

"If we assume those screams of agony are done by the same team, there might be a team hunting others down... Or we're just unlucky to have been posted on the bloodthirsty section of this exam."

Ino nodded, "Once is a happenstance, twice is a coincidence, but thrice..." She muttered with a lowered tone.

Without further communicating, they exchanged weary looks, continuing on their hushed escapade.

A couple of minutes later, amid the chaotic yet silent Forest, Shikamaru's hand shot forward, stopping his teammates from advancing, pausing behind a particularly dense shrub.

They had found an opposing Team.

The three members of Team 10 locked eyes, and scrutinized the opponents, roughly making out their features through the flora and distance.

Leaf headbands were the first confirmation.

Ino's eyes searched, looking for a scroll in any pouch, "They've got a scroll, the question is which one?" She hushedly confirmed.

It appeared as if they were resting, they seemed to have trouble with the wildlife in the exam, a rash clear on one of the three boys, whilst an injury from either an animal or enemy was evident on the other two.

Regardless, Shikamaru saw this as a golden opportunity, "Ino. You're up."

Arching an eyebrow, she hummed, "Oh... I like the way you think~!" She giddily albeit silently cheered.

Focusing her hands in the direction of the least hurt of the Leaf Genin, Ino called out the name of her prized jutsu, "Mind Body Switch Technique!"

Blinking, the boy, now controlled by Ino clenched his fist, a smirk firm on his face.

Calming himself, the "boy" suddenly got up, which prompted questioning looks from his teammates.

The "boy" replied simply, "I need to take a piss."

They hummed momentarily, nodding in understanding, "Alright, be quick. We have to get a move on soon."

Nodding, the "boy" strolled towards the distant shrub, strolling in a leisurely manner.

Arriving before the tense expressions of "his" teammates, the "boy" reached for his back pocket, pulling out the scroll.

A big smile formed on each of the teammates:

""Earth Scroll."" They confirmed in unison.

Nodding, the "boy" handed out the scroll to Shikamaru, whilst he turned to Choji who was carrying "his" body.

"Make sure to run away as far as you can. I'll release the Jutsu a few seconds before the limit. You've got a couple of minutes." "He" confirmed with a nod.

Shikamaru smirked, "Great work. Distract them for now."

"He" snorted, "Will do."


With the two necessary scrolls in their pockets and a pleasant mood all around, Team 10 smugly headed towards the Tower.

Not without searching for food and water, as Choji appeared to be on the brink of losing consciousness from withdrawal.

Not out of any actual immediate danger, though.

Nevertheless, they had found the time to banter:

"Half a day without food..."

"Half a day without a shower..."

"Half a day with headaches like you..."

Good old, Team 10.

Ino huffed, hands on her hips, "Thank goodness we'll be done with this by tomorrow! Five days here... Torture!" She exclaimed loudly.

"Keep it quiet, woman." Shikamaru pinched his brows, "We're getting closer to the river, and that means food and water which means likely more teams."

Choji nodded, lifting his finger, "We just gotta avoid them, right?"

Arching an eyebrow, Shikamaru affirmed, "We're Shinobi, not Samurai. We're here to win, not fight."

Their leisure, albeit sneaky stroll came to an abrupt end.

Muffled voices came from a deeper part of the forest, to which Ino nodded, "We head the other wa-"

Shikamaru paused, "That voice is Akira's." He immediately recognized it.

She turned to look at him incredulously, "Huh? Team 7's here?"

Choji gave Shikamaru a thumbs-up, "We should take a look."

Shikamaru nodded, "A quick peek."

Ino's face twisted into a cringe, "What are you? Hotspring perverts?"


"What did you say?" An older teenager, 17 years of age, donning a Leaf Headband exclaimed in protest.

A single boy stood before him and his team, a young boy roughly 12-13 years of age.

The boy's eyes twitched, "Look, I'm running out of time, but I'll clue you in."

Pointing his finger at the three Leaf Genin, he elaborated, "Since you're fellow Leaf brethren, I'll be asking this, nicely, once. Give me your scroll. Or else."

The three Leaf Genin exchange weary looks, their eyes narrowing at the boy, "Why? Even if you are the Nara Akira, why should we give up without a fight?"

Akira smirked, "It's simple. You don't get hurt, and this clown exam goes how I want it to go. Do you know the truth behind the Chunin Exams?"

A moment of silence passed, and the girl of the team ignored the threat, pointedly asking, "What do you mean truth?"

"Why, it's that this Exam replaces War for the Villages involved."

The other boy of the Leaf Genin snorted, "We all know that, what's your point?"

Akira's smirk broadened, "Tell me, what's the point if only Leaf Shinobi advance to the next phase?"

"That our Genin are greatly superior to those of other villages? That we won the "War"." The girl answered with folded arms, not understanding his point.

"Oh, but you see, that's where you're wrong."

"What kind of statement, example, can you set in this forest? Silence, no showmanship, nothing. Whatever happens here, whatever performance you place... Whatever shame and embarrassment... None can see it."

"So tell me... Wouldn't it be much more effective if I were too... Let other villages advance to the big stage, and I embarrass their Genin in front of their dear leaders? Wouldn't that make a much... Stronger statement? Wouldn't that be so much more entertaining?" He tilted his head, his tone and insinuation sent chills down their spines.

"You're insane... So the Inuzuka were right about you." The Leader of the Leaf Genin spat out, his fists clenched.

Akira merely hummed in amusement, "But really now... Scroll. This instant."

The other teammates were about to protest, but the Team Leader, much to their dismay, threw a Heaven Scroll toward Akira, who caught it effortlessly.

"Smart choice. Now before I go I'd like to mention, that I am partial toward my fellow Leaf, so I would have just knocked you guys out and taken it. Be grateful you have such a smart leader~!" It was with a happy wave, that he promptly dashed out of the dense forest, disappearing into the foliage.

The Three Leaf Genin breathed a sigh of relief.

Yet the girl turned to protest her leader, chastising him, "Why'd you just give him the scroll?!"

He frowned, "Are you stupid? It was clear from his words that he's the one behind those ugly screams we've been hearing occasionally."

"If his rumored strength has some truth to it, it makes sense. And I'd rather not let the three of us be subjected to a similar fate."

Clicking her tongue, she balled her fist, "Damn it..."

Unbeknownst to the Three Leaf Genin, another Team observed this uncomfortable situation from afar.


The atmosphere was thick, heavy, and trepid.

The implications of the conversation they could make out from afar hadn't been lost on any of Team 10.

Much less Shikamaru.

Choji frowned as he glanced at Shikamaru's deadly serious expression.

Shikamaru lowered his head, as he pressed his hands together, sitting in a steady thinking posture.

They had kept their eyes peeled for any rabbits, failing to find any.

Nevertheless, Shikamaru's earlier suspicions proved to be reality.

Sighing an agonized sigh, he opened his eyes and met with the hopeful expressions of his teammates.

They may have some pride in their own thinking ability, but they are self-aware enough to admit that their intellect is nothing compared to Shikamaru's own.

Never mind the fact this was basically Shikamaru's brother acting like a madman.

Staring at the bright sky, which was slowly losing its luster as time trickled by and evening approached, Shikamaru's voice hardened, "We get to the Tower. I'll get it out of his mouth." He confirmed with naught a hint of hesitance.

Exchanging wide-eyed glances, Ino and Choji nodded.

Ino inquired the obvious, reminding Shikamaru of his prior statement, "You're going to confront him? Didn't you say he'll dodge any and all questions?"

His eyes narrowed, Shikamaru held no doubt as he affirmed, "I'll drive him into a situation where that's impossible." His tone was a clear declaration, almost a threat.

It gave Ino slight whiplash at the sudden aggression.

Choji gave a thumbs-up, though his face was firmly a frown as well.

Sighing, Shikamaru scratched the back of his head, lessening the tension on his face and the suffocating atmosphere around them, "Let's just get to the Tower safely first. I'll take care of things from there. As troublesome as it is, it's my responsibility as his brother."


As the 1st day passed by, with the exception of Teams fighting against other Teams.

Another strange occurrence was present.

No - Not the sudden, chilling, screams of agony that always seem to come from one place or another, granting the forest its namesake.

An oddity, perhaps.

But a blessing nonetheless:

"Huh? Guys... Do you see this?" A girl from Takigakure mumbled, pointing a finger at something odd.

A Heaven Scroll lay in the mud.

Her teammates scratched their heads, as they brought up their guard, looking around for any obvious trap, kunai in hand as they inhaled the most forest air.

After fifteen minutes of careful probation and carefully pulling the scroll out of the mood with steel wire...

There was no trap.


On a rock in the river, an Amegakure Genin Team found an Earth Scroll.


At the top of a tree branch followed by an explosion, a Sunagakure Genin team found a Heaven Scroll.


The sky was darkening, and the advent of night was nigh.

Akira was on the run, as he had been relentlessly for multiple hours this exam.

His body was covered head to toe in blood, almost as to purposefully mask something.

'Three giant snakes?' Akira asked Whiskers.

'Yes. Covering yourself. Blood. Mask smell. But not. Heat.' Whiskers replied briskly.

Frowning, Akira nodded in acknowledgment, as he continued his run.

His goals for this phase of the exam were nearly complete, just nearly done with it all.

His encounter with a girl that could restore his Chakra to full was a blessing of miraculous proportions...

The reason was simple...

'Any hint of the lunatic?' Akira questioned as he headed towards another Leaf Genin Team.

'Lost. Track.' Whiskers reported, sending a pang of dread down Akira's spine.

'Crazy fucker...' He thought.

It was absurd.

For the better part of a few hours, Akira has been playing Cat and Mouse with Orochimaru.

The progress of his plan was slowed down significantly since he had to skirt Orochimaru's approach, who most of the time, killed the Whiskers Clones before they could even notice him.

Premade Whiskers with a sign of "Orochimaru In Forest. Help." to alert Anko had accomplished nothing.

Anko and a couple of ANBU were now in the forest, frantically searching for the relentless snake.

Akira had half a thought to just join them, to go under their protection, but that wouldn't allow him to complete his plan, or worse - Not allow him to continue participation in the Exam.

Worst-case scenario?

Orochimaru might butcher them all as he tries to reach Akira.

No, he was not risking such a drastic possibility for a complete change in the variables.

It was a risk he had to take.

Akira had another contingency in mind.

Orochimaru wanting to find him is a dreadful prospect, however, he must work with what he has.

Akira's movements were fluid, each leap from one branch to the next a blur as he pushed through the dense forest.

The wind whipped against his face, but he remained focused, sending Whiskers out in all directions to scout ahead and around with every burst of chakra.

His pace was relentless, driven by a sense of urgency that bordered on desperation.

Then, he stopped.



His body stiffened as his gaze locked onto the figure standing in the clearing ahead.

Orochimaru's presence was as suffocating as it was malevolent.

"Ah, Nara Akira... So we meet at last," Orochimaru's voice slithered through the air, dripping with amusement and menace.

His slitted eyes glinted with a depraved curiosity.

Akira's heart hammered against his ribs, his breath coming in quick, shallow bursts.

He issued a command to Whiskers, his mind racing. 'Converge here. Now.'

Orochimaru leaned casually against a tree, completely at ease.

Yet the danger in his tone was unmistakable, "You're not like the rest of them, are you? A peculiar little shinobi... One who chooses when and whom to help... Or not~"

Akira's brow furrowed, not getting what he trying to say.

Orochimaru's smirk widened, sensing his unease, "You were nearby when your comrades were fighting for their lives. Yet you stood by... watched, perhaps even enjoyed it."

"Enjoyed it?! Stand by...? I was doing some-" He couldn't help but mutter a weak defense, only to be cut off by Orochimaru's amusement.

A chilling chuckle escaped Orochimaru's lips, the sound sending a shiver down Akira's spine.

"Such cruelty... It's rare to see among the Leaf. But you... You revel in it, don't you? How disappointed Sarutobi-sensei would be if he knew." He shook his head.

Akira's glare intensified, but he kept his silence, though his heartbeat refused to slow.

Orochimaru was probing, searching for cracks in his armor.

"Or perhaps..." Orochimaru mused, tilting his head slightly.

"You simply knew there was no point in aiding them? Cold, calculated, and utterly devoid of the Will of Fire that burns so brightly in your peers."

He gestured loosely at the blood that tainted Akira's visage, "Instead, you play your games, toying with the other Genin for your own twisted amusement. My cunning, tricky little Deer... did you have fun?"

The words were like venom, seeping into Akira's mind, but he refused to give Orochimaru the satisfaction of a reaction.

Whether he was right or wrong.

Didn't matter right now.

Without warning, Akira began to sink into the shadows, intending to slip away quickly.

But just as his body was more than halfway in the depths of the shadows, something cold and firm wrapped around his arm, halting his escape.

Orochimaru's grip was disturbing in strength, his eyes met with Akira's as he smiled.

A predator savoring its prey, "Did you think I'd let you go so easily? After all the effort I put into finding you?" He amusedly mentioned.

The forest seemed to close in around them, the very air thickening with a palpable sense of dread.

Suddenly, Akira's rapid breathing ceased, his heartbeat slowing to an eerie calm.

The mask of control he wore so well now became genuine, his mind sharpening in the face of danger.

Sharpening at the unmistakable mantra of - 'Detach.'

"Impressive," Orochimaru murmured, observing the change in Akira's demeanor.

"Such emotional control... Are you one of Danzo's little toys?"

Akira met Orochimaru's gaze evenly, his voice cold and measured, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

The atmosphere shifted again, the weight of Orochimaru's killing intent crashing down on Akira like a tidal wave.

It was oppressive, suffocating, and far more intense than anything Akira had encountered since the Nine-Tails' rampage in his infancy.

Beyond Kakashi's.

Beyond Faceless.

Beyond Makoto.

Orochimaru's voice was a whisper, a chilling analogy, "The little Deer thinks it's safe, dancing through the forest, stomping insects... Unaware of the Snake that slithers ever closer... ready to strike. To devour it whole."

Akira's eyes narrowed, his mind calculating every possible move.

But his contingency was at the forefront of his mind, he knew what to do.

Orochimaru had a glaring weakness, one that he was planning to capitalize on.

Then, Akira spoke, his voice laced with an edge of his own malice:

"But the Snake is blind to the ground it slithers on... unaware of the rabid Honey Badger waiting beneath, eager to tear into its flesh, maul off its scales, and shred it to pieces."

The tension between them crackled like electricity, each word a challenge, a threat.

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with wicked amusement, with an undercurrent of deep intrigue at the boy's defiance and threat.

"Would the Snake like to meet the Honey Badger?" Akira asked, his own killing intent flaring, though it was but a fraction of Orochimaru's.

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still, the forest around them silent, as if holding its breath, waiting to see who would strike first.

Orochimaru's smile broadened in a disturbing fashion, voracious curiosity and delight lacing his every word:

"Do introduce me to him~"

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

This is significantly shorter than the usual length, but I wanted to give ya'll a bonus so here it is.

Also this was a pretty good spot to end it, I think.

The Omake is specifically for the next chapter.

Which will come out... In a week or two lol.

Hope this chappie was to your enjoyment!

Akira's gotten grilled by Orochimaru.

Though a bit of a pot calling the kettle black typa shi.

Anyway Kakashi's teachings haven't penetrated into Akira's psyche it seems!

Or he just thought otherwise?

Who knows?!

(I do.)

The first detach.

Did you think one mission was enough to remove that HEALTHY coping mechanism?!


MORE SUFFERING REQUI - I mean, more adequate experiences are required.

Will Sasuke now be super edgy emo because Curse Mark urgh I'M TOO WEAK POWER!?!


For fucks sake.

He's a different Sasuke.

He might have doubts, he might have INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS, he might have second thoughts and he might have considerations.


A different one from Canon and a different set of bonds and experiences.

Is about it.

You might even call him an OC at this point, if it really grates on yer nerves.

Make of it what you will teehee~!

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P A T R E 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

It's probably been a whole year since I've last posted back-to-back chapter's like this. Which is funny given this fic is only a year old lol. Here's this week's random fun fact.

-Author's Note End-