Phase 5: Struggle

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

I'm also occasionally chilling in JaxWolf4's (Author of Nah, I'd Adapt) Discord Server. It's a chaotic lobotomy mess. Not for the faint of heart.

Here's the link:

Disc: HrPrTeam

(Credit to Thecentipide for the Beta Reading Labor!)

-Story Start-

-Third Person POV-

"Do introduce me to him~" A delightfully curious remark left Orochimaru's lips, as his smirk only broadened at the threat from the child in his grasp, lifting his lower body from the shadows.

Stifling silence enveloped the surrounding forest as all lifeforms held their breaths at the encounter.

Facing the amused Orochimaru, Akira's voice rang loudly, cutting sharply through the silence.

Responding to Orochmaru's agreement to the challenge with an inquiry:

"Before I end you... Why are you here?" He snarled, his gaze and killing intent sharpening despite the pain of the snake's powerful grip.

Snorting, Orochimaru's words slithered through the air, "Stalling for time, are we?" He chuckled.

Completely comfortable in their close proximity, his guard loosened.

As if this was but a child snarling to scare him away.

"But if killing me is what you intend, Akira-kun, does it really matter why I'm here?" He chuckled.

"Now... Where is that Honey Badger? My cute little Deer~?"

Much to Akira's dismay, Orochimaru's hold on him tightened to a bone-crushing level, prompting a momentary pained grimace.

The pressure was relentless, radiating agony through his arm, but he refused to show weakness.

It was his cue to move.

Akira's foot shot out, chakra concentrating in his shin, aimed squarely at Orochimaru's head.

Orochimaru's forearm rose smoothly to meet the attack, blocking it with a casual, almost bored ease.

With a solid stance, Orochimaru held his ground and grip on Akira's left arm.

However, a second impact Orochimaru hadn't expected was felt an instant later, pushing him slightly back and Akira with him.

For a brief moment, Orochimaru's eyes widened, surprise flickering in their depths before intrigue took over.

Akira's right hand moved like a flash, chopping down on the serpent-like grip that held him.

Freeing his grip from his own volition, Orochimaru drew back his arm to avoid the swipe, creating a momentary, albeit short distance.

Akira seized this split second, shifting his weight forward in a stance, his eyes never leaving Orochimaru's, gauging his next move.

The two Shinobi hadn't moved an inch.

While Orochimaru's still figure could be attributed to playing with his food.

Akira's lack of movement was due to his keen awareness that...

'Trying to run now or create further distance will end up like the prior situation. I've got to make use of the fact that he's holding back.' He assessed quickly with narrowed eyes.

Akira was under no illusion.

This was not a battle he could win.

His gaze dissected that easygoing and sadistic expression.

Even with a calmer mind, it was hard to ignore or suppress Orochimaru's killing intent.

"Curious… that kick," Orochimaru mused, his eyes narrowing with a hint of recognition.

"It's reminiscent of Tsunade's early experiments." His smile tightened, no longer lazy, as his gaze sharpened, grappling with a mix of recognition and disdain.

"I'm intrigued... Who imparted this crude Chakra Control Taijutsu to you? Certainly not her," he scoffed, a note of contempt in his voice.

Akira had not wasted a moment to respond, as his hands quickly formed the Shadowgraphic hand sign of a dog head, "Divine Dogs."

Chakra drained and was overloaded.



A familiar dip in his chakra was felt as liquid shadows started to converge at blinding speed to form the twin muscular horned dog figures of Level 3 Noc & Mir.

They growled as they stood protectively by Akira's side.

Orochimaru had not moved at all, observing the phenomenon with a scientist's intrigue.

"Ah, the Eight Shadows Kekkei Genkai," Orochimaru murmured, eyes gleaming.

"Liquid shadows molding themselves into chakra constructs... Truly fascinating... I wonder, are they similar to the animals from Summon Clans in biology? Or perhaps more akin to the Tailed Beasts? Many possibilities indeed..." Orochimaru wondered aloud, in a world of his own.

Akira ignored Orochimaru's words, he had no leverage to shift his focus in this dynamic.

Orochimaru's face twisted in slight disappointment and condescension, "As curious of a Kekkei Genkai as it is... I believe I've only seen the disappointing rabbits thus far."

Orochimaru had a clear disdain for Explosive Tags, it seemed.

"They have a cute trick, but nothing special. Do not disappoint me, show me what the esteemed Nara Prodigy can do~" He licked his lips in anticipation, as his muscles clenched, his sights set on Akira and the Divine Dogs.

Akira's expression hardened, "Gladly."

'The Domain should last about thirty-two seconds... That should be enough to buy me some time,' Akira calculated, his mind racing as he exhaled deeply.

The pressure was mounting, but he remained focused, knowing that every second counted in his attempt to escape.

He'd rather not have to resort to using his last contingency.

It'll mean the point of no return, and in the best-case scenario if he manages to come out of it alive...

A complete demolishment of his plan and the status quo beyond his comprehension.

Regardless... He will go into the unknown if it means to save his and his friends' life.

His hands flew into the shadowgraphic sign of the Toad, whispering its name under his breath.


The chakra flooded and overloaded.

Once... Twice...


His chakra was drained with glee as shadows pooled and twisted, shaping into a massive, pitch-black toad, its belly gleaming with the mirror of Okitsukagami.


Due to Uzumaki Karin restoring his Chakra to full.

Akira's contingency to escape Orochimaru's grasp got some much-appreciated adjustments.

He was taking no chances.

Manifesting both Level 4 Toad & Level 3 Divine Dogs.

However... He was not done yet.

Orochimaru's head lowered to analyze the new addition beside Akira.

His eyes scrutinized the car-sized pitch-black Toad.

Only to freeze upon catching sight of the Mirror on the belly.

A moment of disorientation gripped Orochimaru as he gazed into the Mirror's surface.

It was a Genjutsu casting speed on the level of Uchiha Itachi's, he internally noted before being lulled too obviously into the depths of illusion.

The reflection distorted and warped, pulling him into a deep, haunting self-reflection.

Faces, memories, and insecurities from his past as well as deep-seated fears flickered in his mind.

"NOW!" Akira commanded with a yell that echoed through the forest.

Noc and Mir's muscles bulged as they pounced towards Orochimaru.

While Jeff's hands came together to make a hand sign.

Announcing in Akira's mind:


Swiftly a barrier started forming, enclosing Akira, Orochimaru, and the Shikigami in it.

Akira hadn't dallied.

He wasn't done.

As the barrier was in the midst of formation, he as well as Noc and Mir closed their eyes preemptively.

Akira's hand flew to make a shadow graphic hand sign of a tiger head.


"Tiger Funeral."

He had not Tamed Tiger Funeral yet, but he had saved this card for such a situation.

Through great experimentation regarding the mechanics of the Exorcism Ritual that he conducted before finally taming Piercing Ox.

Akira had figured out how the Untamed Shikigami targets the participants as well as how interlopers to the Ritual are targeted:

(1) Untamed Shikigami will attack the closest participant first. The juggling of aggro seems to have worked on Piercing Ox, however, given his one-dimensional movement, this could not be tested further.

(2) Untamed Shikigami will only defend or attack offshoots of Chakra or, in Akira's case, his Shikigami if they interfere with the Untamed Shikigami's attempt at slaying a participant in the Ritual.

What this means is...

As long as Noc, Mir, and Jeff do not hit or bother Tiger Funeral in his attempt to kill the closest participant - Orochimaru.

Then, they could work together to bring him down.

Essentially... Allowing Akira to use Tiger Funeral for free.

Akira, however, was under no misconception that Tiger Funeral would survive this delaying ordeal.

While an Untamed Shikigami wouldn't be very effective within Jeff's Domain Expansion.

Akira was willing to throw any obstacle or cheap distraction in Orochimaru's face if he could...

Shadows pooled and twisted at his side, shifting to form a figure.

Eyes shut tight, Akira sprinted away relying on his instincts to avoid impacting the mirrors and rocks of the Domain's Space...

Finally, the Domain completed formation.

Whilst Tiger Funeral was nearing complete manifestation...

With their eyes closed, the twin wolves found their target through their sensing ability.

Yet, they were not fast enough in their lunge.

In but a second...

Orochimaru managed to break out of the Okitsukagami's Genjutsu.

Whatever he experienced in there... It made him furious.

His slitted eyes locked onto the wolves whose barred teeth were inches from his throat.

Mir was met with a powerful punch that sent him flying through the moonlit and mirror infested swamp, landing roughly in the knee-deep water with a grunt.

In that same instant, a sword shot from Orochimaru's mouth at blinding speed, aimed directly at Noc.

It was clear, he was no longer holding back in his fury.

Jeff's tongue, lashing out like a whip, bounced off one of the Mirrors in the Domain, striking the blade's flat side and altering its deadly path.

Orochimaru's eyes turned to the tongue's source, accidentally stumbling upon yet another Mirror.

Getting caught in another Genjutsu.

Only to break out of it much faster and block Mir's retaliatory swipe with an effortless mud wall with a slam of his hand on the mud.

He snarled, "Petty tricks."

Comprehending the ability after falling victim to it twice, he closed his eyes as well.

His mouth widened grotesquely as his tongue grew in size, extending and wrapping itself around him, flailing wildly.

An absurd sight, yet it served a purpose...

It was not armor.

Nay, its purpose was...

Helping him sense through licking the air.

While that was going on, Akira had escaped the Domain with Jeff opening a hole in the barrier.

Instinctively, Orochimaru weaved out of two strikes.

One from a mirror-bouncing tongue, and a bite from a...

Muscular Tiger.

Nevertheless, a moment later, Orochimaru kicked him away with a resounding crack, sending water and mud in the air, as his hand extended and dispatched a sea of snakes with closed eyes to chase the tiger.

The kick was considerably more brutal than the punch Mir was hit by, regardless, the bulky Tiger rose up quickly to rejoin the fray.

Only to freeze in place when his gaze fell upon one of the Mirrors in the swamp.

The snakes whom Tiger Funeral should have had no problem dispatching wrapped around the Tiger, dropping him face first into the swamp water as they swarmed him.

In the water, the Tiger choked, completely unresponsive.

...The depth of the Genjutsu was particularly brutal on him.

It appears, that Tiger Funeral has a lot to Reflect on.

The trio of Tamed Shikigami hadn't let that bother them, as they went on an onslaught of offensive strikes in an attempt to overwhelm and delay Orochimaru.

The air shook at their collaborative dance of brutal combat under the looming moon's light.

Even with his eyes closed, Orochimaru easily weaved and struck true, his hands a blur and the snakes he spawned in droves falling like flies at the Shikigami's onslaught, their heads and bodies mauled and ravaged coating the ground and participants in blood.

Nevertheless, Orochimaru proved to be an overwhelming opponent.

Damaging and injuring the wolves before they could even react and turn into liquid.

Jeff may have been slower, but he had better reflexes and distance, so he continued aggravating the snake by blocking fatal blows and otherwise with his tongue.

Growling through the pain, Noc and Mir hopped back and forth through the fray, attempting to avoid any fatal injury from the serpent themselves.

While it may have looked for a moment that Orochimaru was overwhelmed by the Shikigami.

On the contrary...

Through skillful use of Kenjutsu and absurd speed, the snake sword detached from the wrapped tongue-cloak on his body, allowing Orochimaru to grab it and slice through the front paws of both Noc who aimed for Orochimaru's legs, and Mir who aimed for Orochimaru's eyes with his horn.

It was an unexpected blur of a movement, as the muddy ground of the Domain shook and water flew through the moonlit air.

Blood splurted from the limbs, as the twin wolves hadn't had the time to howl in agony, focusing their utmost efforts to liquidize their vitals before the Sword Of Kusanagi sliced through them as well.

Chakra Steel met with Liquid Shadow as the Liquidized Wolves narrowly avoided death.

It was Akira's cue to dismiss the Divine Dogs, their bodies melting in disturbing fashion into a mixture of Liquid Shadows and blood from their dissected limbs.

Jeff hadn't ceased, as his tongue flew at Orochimaru, who attempted to swipe the elongated appendage swiftly as well, only for the tongue to reach a mirror and bounce at the sword, hitting its flat side once more and changing the trajectory.

It was an annoying prospect.

The Toad didn't seem to be hindered by the lack of sight, as he clearly and keenly avoided Orochimaru's approach, hopping away quickly from one side of the Domain to the other.

Nevertheless, the snake appeared to slither closer and closer with each passing moment.

Orochimaru had another plan in mind, taking a bit of the blood from the injuries he incurred, his palm slammed to the ground:

"Summoning Jutsu!" He yelled.

Having figured out the barrier's size, Orochimaru aimed to test its strength or simply crush it with brute force...

Out of the smoke, managing to push back a bunch of water and mud from the swamp, forcing Jeff to back off to the corners of the Domain was...

A 300-meter-in-length purple-scaled snake that was so large it had to coil itself to fit in the Domain.

Its body shot through the air, reaching the roof of the Domain in a powerful thrust of its body.

Impacting the ceiling with great force it creates a cobweb of cracks on the ceiling.

Grunting in annoyance, the snake did so again, as Jeff opted to focus on striking Orochimaru who was closing in on him.

Orochimaru blasted a powerful gust of wind at Jeff point blank, having finally reached the Toad and opting not to risk grabbing the Black Liquid dripping from his skin before he could hop away, sending the large Toad hurtling sideways.

Simultaneously, the massive serpent's relentless assault shattered the Domain's ceiling, prompting the cascading destruction of the Incomplete Domain.

Jeff was propelled through the collapsing barrier walls, crashing down onto the forest floor with a heavy thud.

The Okitsukagami on his belly bore witness to the destruction of the Domain at the face of Orochimaru and the gigantic snake by his side.


It was a mere twenty-three seconds.

And in those twenty-three seconds...

Tiger Funeral perished in the Exorcism Ritual, melting gruesomely.

Akira had to dismiss Noc and Mir due to heavy injury on both.


Moonlit Reflection Of Thyself...


The outer boundaries collapsed like a line of dominoes, shattering into fragments like glass.

The alternate dimension of a dreary swamp, infested by countless mirrors under a looming moon, dissolved back into the familiar greenery of the forest.

Orochimaru now stood alone, save for the colossal purple snake beside him.

But his eyes widened once more, a flicker of realization sparking within them.

Beyond the collapsed barrier...

A stampede of over a thousand rabbits surged towards him and the snake.

Each rabbit's fur was marked with glowing tags, flaring in a blinding light.

A thousand flashes, all at once.

In the blink of an eye, every single Explosive Tag ignited in perfect unison.

The resulting explosion was of cataclysmic scale, a thunderous roar that reverberated through the entire forest and far beyond.

The air and ground trembled violently as the blast devoured the surrounding flora, and giant trees were consumed in an infernal wave.

A massive plume of smoke spiraled into the sky, but a mark of the devastation below.


-A few hours prior-

Outside one of the forty gates of the Forest Of Death.

Beneath the weak glare of the early evening sun.

A melody of anguished screams and agonized outcries reverberated.

The sight of a team of Hidden Sand Shinobi.

Their figures were tortured and crippled, as tears, blood, dirt and oddly a scrambled puppet marred their prior proud looks.

They appeared as if they crawled through the dirt, a most cruel prospect.

Normally, this sight would have drawn outrage and sympathy...

But not with Mitarashi Anko as the proctor.

"Well, well, well... Whose lovely handiwork is this~?" She cheerfully wondered as she bent down to scrutinize the two barely conscious Genin in front of her.

Dango was in her mouth and hand on her chin, and she held a most profound gaze... And a delightfully sadistic smirk.

One of the Chunin proctors under her wing commented with a hint of distress, "These are the first victims. As far as we counted and..." He coughed, grimacing slightly, "Heard. It appears that there have been four teams to fall victim to this cruelty thus far."

Staying silent for a moment, Anko frowned over her shoulder, staring at the Chunin behind her in disappointment, "Did I ask for exposition dumbass? I asked who is behind this!"

He sweatdropped at her moodiness, "...Nara Akira. It seems."

At that name drop, Anko's eyes widened, as silence reigned.

Blinking once, she asked again, "You sure?"

He nodded firmly, "Certain."

A tense moment passed and she got up.

Snorting, "Hah! If I was a fan back when he sicced his Dogs on Iruka. Consider me an even bigger one now! HAHAHAHAHAH!" She cackled maniacally for a good minute.

The Chunin Proctor could only awkwardly stare at the sadistic bastard in charge of this phase of the Exam.

As her cackles died down, he seized the opportunity to inquire, "If this continues... Wouldn't this be a problem, Anko-san?"

"Nope~!" She giddily replied as she lowered herself to check on Temari's injuries, Kankuro having already fallen unconscious.

Her eyes fixated on the brutally bent legs of both of them, as she elaborated, "On the contrary my good sir! We've got TOO many teams in this phase of the Exam! A massacre is just what we need!" She nodded self-assuredly.

Narrowing her eyes, she mumbled, "Though I wonder... Why didn't he just kill you brats? I get tortured and all. But torture with no killing after is just plain stupid~" She pouted.

"Also... I said no one could leave the Forest before the Exam ends so... Why did you?" She tactlessly asked the barely conscious Temari.

Temari barely managed to lift her gaze to stare at the curious and innocent look Anko flashed her.

Grinding her teeth and managing to grunt out a pained response:

"F-Fuck... Y-You." She spat out.

Smirking maliciously, Anko replied, "Sorry, I ain't into snot-nosed pathetic brats."

Huffing, she touched the bent leg, forcing Temari to let out a pained grunt.

"But... I can't really send you guys back into the forest in this case..." She got up and placed her hands on her hips, her brows furrowed in deep contemplation.

Scratching her hair in annoyance, she groaned, "Bah, killjoy!" 

The Chunin Proctor by her side questioned, "Do I call for the Medic Nin?"

Tilting her head as she replied in annoyance, she waved her hand dismissively, "Yeah, yeah. On with it. Their legs can still be saved."

Without further prompting, he left to call for medical aid.

Lowering her gaze at Temari, Anko added, "But you can kiss walking goodbye for a year or two."

Then she turned to Kankuro, "As for him? Two or three maybe? That definitely doesn't look good." She lazily pointed at the bent legs.

"T-Treat h-him you B-Bitch." Temari barked out.

Anko's eyes gleamed with amusement, "You've got some spunk, Sand Girl. But talking like that isn't going to get him treated faster you know~"


Scratching her head in frustration, Anko leveled a glare of annoyance at the Team that had barely any injury, likely from the forest's natural obstacles.

"What's with brats and disobeying orders? Didn't I explicitly state that no one can leave until the Exam is over?" She facepalmed.

Shaking her head, she intensifies her glare at the Leaf Genin before her, "Even if it means you brats drop dead, you have to stay in the forest." Pointing at them.

As shivers went down their spine, the leader of the squad explained himself, stepping forward, "We were threatened to leave."

Anko huffed, "By who?"

"Nara Akira."

Frowning she couldn't comprehend it, "And you just... Listened?"

Sweat trickled down the Leader's spine as he elaborated, "We had no chance of participating in the first place... The crazy bastard's planning on selecting which teams pass and which don't. Something about embarrassing the opposing Shinobi Villages... Crazy bollocks."

At that admission, Anko's silence grew even more disturbing, the air cooling noticeably.

The Team exchanged weary glances at Anko's mounting frustration.

Her next tone was downright terrifying, "Spineless pussies the lot of you. Get out of my sight... Step foot back in the forest and I'll break your legs." She waved them off with a note of threat.

The Genin needed no further prompting as they nodded their agreement and scurried out of there.

Leaving her and a Chunin Proctor to stand in silence.

Sighing in exhaustion, Anko chuckled lightly as she shook her head.

"What's wrong, Anko-san?"

"I've got to hand it to the kid. He saw through the warning."

Whether she liked it or not, rules were rules.

If someone leaves the forest, his team is disqualified and she cannot throw them back in.

Of course, if they left with any scrolls, she had to personally scatter them near the tower, a prospect she wasn't so keen on.

Luckily, this Team had their scroll plundered.

Nevertheless, the warning was but an empty threat.

Anko could not force continued participation to those who had second thoughts.

Such is the leniency of Konoha's Chunin Exams.

Her eyes narrowed, "Embarrassing other villages and selectively picking out teams..."

"Is that even... Fine by the rules?" The Chunin argued.

Anko shrugged, "No rules against it, it's a mark of a damn good Shinobi to exploit weaknesses and manipulate situations to your own advantage... Or amusement in this case~"

Shaking her head, she chuckled, "He's certainly making this more interesti-"

Her words were stuck in her throat as she noted movement shifting in the grass.

Her head immediately turned to the grass, drawing upon a kunai ready to be thrown.

The Chunin beside her mirrored said gesture.

Yet from it, a rabbit emerged.

Not lowering her guard, she scrutinized the rabbit.

Noting a particular detail:

"Nara Clan Signature?" She mumbled.

It only took a moment later to piece two and two together for Anko.

"Ah, you're that brat's Rabbit."

"Why's he here?" The Chunin narrowed his eyes.

"Doesn't matter... I'm curious~!" Anko freely admitted.

The rabbit nodded as it immediately turned to the side to reveal text written in black ink on its White Fur.

Anko read it aloud, and with each word read, a growing sense of dread and a knot in her stomach formed, "Orochimaru In Forest. Help."

Her expression paled at that simple revelation and cry for help.

The Chunin wasn't all too different in that expression.

While Anko had managed to glimpse a large snake from afar at the start of the exam, it wasn't any snake from her Summon Clan that she knew of.

So it hadn't raised any alarm bells.

But that statement...

She turned to the Chunin, "Call for the ANBU and Lord Hokage. I'm heading in. GO NOW!" She ordered loudly.

The Chunin hadn't wasted a moment, rushing back into the Village.

Whilst Anko sprinted through the gate, heading into the forest in search of Orochimaru.

Intent on stopping him even if it kills her.


Following the explosion of over a thousand explosive tags, the smoke and debris cleared to reveal a charred purple snake, and an Orochimaru who emerged from its mouth.

A wicked grin formed on Orochimaru's face, "Splendid... Most splendid." He shivered with glee as he opened his eyes and unwrapped the tongue-cloak from his body.

"Space-Time Ninjutsu weaved into a Barrier? Or an encroachment of an alternate dimension through similar means..."

"And that blasted mirror... I have memorized all legendary tools and weapons. I have seen nothing like it..."

He shivered once more, "There must be more to it..." He was wholly convinced.

He declared, "I must have him."

Chuckling as if he found another piece of gold, he added with a hint of mirth, "Two potential vessels... A pure Uchiha and this bundle of mystery..."

He was most delighted.

"Damn you... Orochimaru. Summoning me into this... I'll remember this." The colossal purple snake hissed in fury as it glared helplessly at the undamaged Orochimaru who stood beside it.

Orochimaru chuckled sinisterly, "I'm sure you will, Manda."

Without further prompting, Manda disappeared in a cloud of smoke, returning to his home in Ryuchi Cave.

Scanning his surroundings with his slitted gaze - He noted the devastation of the explosive tags.

The smell of ash and burnt flora assaulted his senses.

Orochimaru stated calmly, "A shame I underestimated him... The Deer managed to slip away before I could mark him..."

Truly, the brat had not lied when he mentioned the Honey Badger.

Any ordinary Shinobi would have perished in the face of that intricate assault of mind-boggling Ninjutsu.

The Eight Shadows Kekkei Genkai was truly much more of a gem than Orochimaru initially expected.

His gaze fixated on a rapidly approaching group of figures, narrowing down on his location at a mind-boggling pace.

"But, no matter. I'll get what I want shortly." He smirked as the figure of Anko and ANBU appeared from the distant flora, entering the burnt forest section, and heading to its core - Orochimaru.


A team donning Otogakure headbands rested hidden in a hollow beneath the massive roots of a towering tree.

It was a moist and uncomfortable hiding spot, yet it was properly hidden.

Covered in gnarled roots and a mixture of mud, dirt, grass, and rock.

The dim light of the setting sun filtered through the small opening of the hollow.

A fitting hole for a team so...

Beaten, bloodied, and battered.

And most importantly...

Without a scroll.

They gathered their strength as they rested, they had days to get a Heaven and Earth Scroll, so there was no need to rush.

Getting spooked by an obnoxiously loud explosion not too far from their hiding spot a couple of minutes ago only further infuriated them and rubbed salt in the wounds of their embarrassment and shattered pride.

Not even mentioning the rather consistent outcries of agony sprinkled throughout their rest in this spot.

They knew of Orochimaru's and Kabuto's presence... Were they responsible for the mayhem they were so clueless about?


What an embarrassing state of affairs...

How did it go so wrong for Team Dosu?

Their first encounter should have been easy.

This exam should have been filled with weak Genin...

In their search for Uchiha Sasuke as per Lord Orochimaru's orders, they had not managed to slip from the sight of one Hyuga's Byakugan.

Initially, a slight delay in the progress of their plan.

But it shouldn't have taken long to deal with the brats and get a move on... Right?

They were proven horridly wrong.

These were no ordinary Genin.

Combining their forces, the Hyuga and that stupid-looking Taijutsu brat beat them, with the only result of their efforts being shattering the ear drums of the Taijutsu brat and that useless Kunoichi beside them.

The Hyuga managed to deflect all senbon and stayed clear of any sound-based attacks, he was most impressive.

Barely holding onto consciousness, the Otogakure Shinobi attempted to sleep, with Dosu being the least injured keeping guard.

Only for an innocent and sadistic voice to grab their attention, forcing them to lift their heads and tighten their guards despite their injuries and broken bones.

His visage was a most disturbing one.

As if deliberately showering in blood, his entire figure was crimson red, his clothes drenched in blood.

Faintly, injuries and stab wounds could be seen on his body, as well as cuts done by kunai, wind jutsu, or otherwise.

Nonetheless, he appeared unhindered by the prospect as the wounds were shallow at worst.

It was a figure familiar to them.

Especially Dosu.

"Remind me what was it that you said... "Definite Future Chunin" right?" He tilted his head innocently.

He chortled, "What a sorry sight you guys are..."

Biting his lip in frustration Dosu rose up shakingly, glaring in clear bravado.

Whispering lightly at Kin beside him, "Can you cast Genjutsu? We have to run, we cannot fight another team as we are now." He stated analytically.

He quickly snarked back, "And what about you? Coming here all alone..." He fished for information.

Snorting, the boy stated, mentioning the reason behind Team Dosu's poor health, "I should thank Team Guy after this... They've made it magnitudes easier for me. Saves me the trouble of having to find you guys again with me going blind."

His eyes narrowed dangerously as the temperature dropped significantly, the boy's killing intent flaring, "Do you remember our little conversation?" He specifically asked Dosu.

The prior insinuation back before the 1st phase began flashed in Dosu's mind.

...He's here to kill them.

The boy's team's position is unknown, Dosu noted.

It was likely they were waiting outside the hole, waiting to ambush in case of an escape attempt.

But just then...

Their concern hadn't shifted to Akira's hidden Team.


He proved that he was, in fact, the actual danger in this situation.

His tone was downright chilling, having lost all glee or warmth.

Almost robotic - If not for the clear hints of fury and frustration bubbling below the surface.

"But well... There's no need to put on an act when it serves no purpose with you guys."

In an instant, he appeared before Dosu, a kunai with a poisoned tip flew toward his injured right arm, missing the signature attachment.

Barely reacting, Dosu leaned back out of the trajectory.

Pivoting a stab into a throw, Akira threw the kunai, which was promptly blocked by his teammate Zaku with a clang of steel meeting steel.

In a smooth movement, Akira continued his momentum sliding below a retaliatory and slow kick of the injured Zaku.

Meanwhile, Kin was weaving hand signs, casting a Genjutsu.

Which fell short thanks to Whiskers snapping Akira out of it.

Elongating his nails and sharpening them to steellike levels, Akira cut the tendons of Zaku's legs, dropping him to his knees and immediately thrusting his hand forward, piercing Zaku's heart, instantly killing him in a gory display.

Dosu's and Kin's expressions hardened and paled considerably.

They were too injured and exhausted to fight back.

The opponent was too fast.

Before they could even register the hopelessness of the situation and the inevitability of their deaths.

Akira took his arm out of Zaku's chest and was quickly upon Kin.


His cold gaze locked onto her fearful one, as he avoided the lackluster punch thrown out of fear and panic.

Her stance was weak from prior injuries, he easily invaded her guard and slit her throat with his elongated nails.

Making her drop to the ground with a thud, akin to a puppet whose strings were cut.

Blood pooled below her and Zaku, staining the claustrophobic hollow, crimson.

Like a cornered rat, Dosu's expression twisted in fury.

His rage was directed both ways.

At the bastard before them, who fought them when they were in such a poor state, shamelessly exploiting their injured state to butcher them.

And a bitter anger at his master, the one who ordered him to participate in this Exam and kill Uchiha Sasuke.

It was a petty emotion, yet, he wanted someone, something to blame.

Before he died a dog's death.

Swinging his only functioning arm and holding somewhat of a stance, Akira grabbed onto the wrist firmly. Holding it in place.

Avoiding a headbutt from Dosu, Akira's free arm pierced Dosu's chest, forcing the latter to cough blood.

Moments later, the light dimmed from his eyes and he died.

Before being allowed the privilege of any last words.

He lived as a tool and died like a tool.

Falling to the ground with a loud thump, blood pooling below him as well.

Akira tiredly stared at the result of his brutal efficiency.


He wanted to rest.

He wanted a break.

In a way, Orochimaru not lasting the entirety of Jeff's Domain Expansion was a blessing to Akira's Chakra Reserves.

He still had some to work with, as he spread more Whiskers on his way here.

'Is Orochimaru still fighting Anko and the ANBU?' He asked.

'Yes.' Whiskers replied firmly.

Plopping down on the floor, Akira ignored the corpses or the discomfort of the wet blood staining him.

Finally, some time to rest.

'Wake me up if he escapes or if all is right with the world, he dies... Otherwise, wake me up in thirty minutes, or if you find my Team in a precarious situation when the clones make their way back to their hiding spot.' Akira ordered in rapid-fire motion.

Closing his eyes and immediately succumbing to exhaustion, making certain to dismiss all the unnecessary Whiskers.

With the exception of those with the written instructions in case he were to use his Last Resort.

But, with the elimination of Team Dosu and managing to miraculously elude Orochimaru, Akira's plan was nearing completion.

Truthfully, he had nothing much left to do.

He only had to make sure the arrangements played out as he intended, with a margin for error.

As long as Two or Three stay, he's content with it.

...And that Orochimaru wouldn't persistently try and find him.

However, he believes Anko's and the ANBU's confrontation with Orochimaru would discourage any further action in this phase like it had done in his fragmented memories.

After all, it is in Orochimaru's interests to keep the Chunin Exams running.


He's prepared to deal with the grim fate of Orochimaru being persistent despite the presence of such Elite Shinobi in the Forest Of Death and his presence possibly discontinuing the Exams.


Like a curtain falling to signal the end of a play, the 1st day of the second phase of the Chunin Exams came to an end.

As the calm of the night took the place of the otherwise chaotic day.

Screams of agony, the clanging of steel.

The melody of combat.

The destruction from Jutsu and Explosive Tags.

The roars and stampedes of the dangerous local wildlife.

All gone with the coming of the tranquil night...

Beside one of the many northeastern gates of the Forest Of Death was one of many gigantic trees characteristic of this forest.

A gaping hole dug through the Tree's trunk created a small enclosure.

Within it was a picturesque sight that would have made any past, present, or future Hokage proud.

A prime example of the Will Of Fire that burnt so brightly in... Most Leaf Shinobi.

Gazing profoundly at the night sky through the opening with folded arms, Kiba's expression scrunched, "This place stinks..."

"ARF!" Akamaru barked in agreement, similarly uncomfortable.

The putrid smell of blood and otherwise that was so vivid within the forest had spread thanks to the wind, and with Kiba's keen nose, it was hard to ignore.

Turning his head to look into the small hiding spot they made, he was met with the sleeping figure of Shino... That wasn't really noticeable given you can't tell if his eyes were open or not.

Hinata's worried visage, the palm of her hands on the foreheads of both unconscious members of Team 7 - Sakura and Sasuke.

"How they lookin?" Kiba pointedly asked.

Hinata had been educated lightly on Iryojutsu, more on the theoretical side of things due to lacking necessary chakra control.

Her education was primarily fixated on the Gentle Fist as per her status as... Former Heiress of the Hyuga.

Replying with a hint of relief, Hinata mentioned, "Sakura's complexion looks much better thanks to the antidote, but... Umm..."

Her face twisted in anxiety, "Sasuke-san's fever is only getting worse."

Biting his lip, Kiba sighed loudly, "Looks like we're going to be staying here for a while..."

Hinata nodded, "Whatever Orochimaru did... It's a seal." She stated her observation.

Lifting an eyebrow, Kiba voiced his surprise, "You're familiar with seals?"

A bitter smile formed on Hinata's expression, "Yes..."

Kiba may be stupid, but he isn't dumb.

"R-Right, my bad." He awkwardly apologized.

"We can't leave... Or can we? Orochimaru in this exam... Isn't it practically over?" Kiba wondered aloud, turning back to keep an eye out for any movement outside.

The implications weren't lost on the Genin.

S - Rank Rogue Shinobi.

One of the Three Legendary Sannin.

In the Chunin Exams.

It would make a lot of sense for it to be canceled.

But, in a way... There's also the argument canceling it would be a sign of weakness.

That option nor the politics behind it hadn't truly passed through their mind at that moment.

"Mitarashi-san said we can't... We may even be thrown back into here if we try and leave."

"Even with Orochimaru here?" Kiba frowned.

"...Maybe... Lord Hokage is here to deal with him... Maybe he was the one behind that explosion?" She hazarded a guess.

Scratching his head in frustration, Kiba grumbled, "Shame your Byakugan isn't developed enough to see that far."

Hinata lowered her head in slight shame, leaving them in a sort of limbo of awkward and trepid silence.

They needed not to guess who was behind the screams of agony prior.

It was obviously Orochimaru.

They were afraid.

Very afraid.

The only hope they clung to, was the fact he had decided to leave them alone.

Disinterested in them.

...Only Sasuke appeared to be his focus.

And, of course, there was another source of worry for Team 8.

"Do you think... Akira-san might have been one of them? W-What about Team 10?" Hinata asked worriedly.

A moment of silence passed.

"I don't know." He replied with clenched fists.

"ARF!" Akamaru encouraged.

A small smile formed on Kiba's face at Akamaru's words. "Right, right."

He turned to the anxious Hinata, "Well... Akira's pretty decent so he must've found a way to hide and Shikamaru ain't dumb so he'd lead his team to safety like we did. Hiding beside the gates and away from the goal in the center... Let things cool down, you get me?"

Radiating mirth, Kiba snorted to lighten the mood, "Talk about poor timing to decide to split up... We can only hope Akira and the other three dumbasses are okay."

"Think this is the universe spiting us for having such an easy time getting our scrolls?" Kiba joked.

This brightened up Hinata slightly, as a small smile formed on her face, "M-Maybe so..."

A deadpan voice chimed in, brightening up the atmosphere even more.

"Kiba, could you shut your mouth? Why? Because it is hard to fall asleep when hearing your irritating voice." Shino requested sincerely, leaning on the tree's inner walls.

Glaring at the Aburame heir, clearly offended, Kiba retorted, "Oh my voice is annoying but Hinata's isn't?"

Shino nodded, "Yes. Why? There is value in scarcity. Hinata speaks rarely, you bark commonly."

Kiba's eyes twitched as he barely held back his fury, "W-Well if you've got energy for snark how about you go get us all something to eat?"

Considering it for a moment, Shino sat in silence.

Finally nodding, "Fine. I will go." He slowly rose up, patting off any dirt or grime.

Wordlessly, he passed by Kiba and jumped off the tree, landing professionally on the dark grass below, bugs let loose from his body in steady droves.

Kiba had a blank look on him as he observed Shino.

He turned to Hinata, "Kind of surprised he actually agreed."

"Shino-kun is also anxious. He wants to do what he can." Hinata nodded in understanding.

She could sympathize with that feeling.

Kiba shrugged, "He looked as blank as always. Don't know how'd you read that from him, but if you say so."


Shinobi hold uncountable advantages thanks to the miraculous nature of Chakra.

These advantages are varied depending on the skill level of the Shinobi in wielding said Chakra.

His limits, his education, and even his bloodline and lineage.

In Aburame's case, they are with few equals in terms of espionage and information gathering.

In a state of symbiosis with tens of thousands of insects, they are a Human Hive.

In exchange for providing shelter and nourishment, the Chakra Insects do the bidding of their host.

Sending thousands of insects for scouting is one of the classic examples utilized.

A utilization Shino had done much, much earlier...

Having gone out for food without much argument, his purpose was twofold.

Here, he stood above one such purpose.

Lifting the white rabbit, his eyes narrowed through his glasses, locking eyes with the ruby eyes of the summoned creature.

"Tell Akira to come here... We need him." His tone was cold as he demanded.

While his teammates may have been clueless...

Shino knew the truth.

To Be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hello hello my lovelies!

Apologies for the delay!

Black Myth Wukong is such a goated game I forgot I have a Fanfic Writing jig thing going lmao.

Anyway I'm back!

(I've gotta update everything else as well lmao).

Now, I don't think Tiger Funeral is gonna escape the Bum Allegations after that embarrassing display.

But, well, Jeff's Level 3 Mirror is a clear counter.

Akira didn't know, so his being a completely useless throwaway was kind of a surprise for all parties involved lmao.

I'll give a hint as to why - It's because he's also called Mourning Tiger.

So yeah.

Think of it what you will.

He's an emotional kinda tigah.

Also, if anyone out of the Teams would have found Whiskers (And Akira), it's Shino lol.

Anyways, hope the chapter's been to your guys enjoyment thus far and such.

I believe there's a chapter or two at most left for this phase of the Chunin Exams before we move onto the next one.

Ready yo selves for some drama.


Sorry for disappointing you guys for there not being a Mahoraga as (Some of you) expected.

But Akira really isn't keen on dying or limit testing how strong Mahoraga is with how relatively flimsy his plans are.

However! I will focus my efforts on writing the (Much delayed) 1 Year anniversary special Omake.

It's an Alternate Timeline if you really wanna be specific.

A timeline where Akira doesn't get that Full Restore from Karin.

Which leads to him resorting to Paparaga.

Which will be giving you the Mahoraga you wanted.

Is all i'm saying.

Although it somewhat spoils Mahoraga's power level.

I don't really care, Ya'll been really patient reading thus far so you deserve some kinda show for it lmao.

-Down here is the copy paste stuff-

If ya'll feeling frisky and rich you can donate to my P A T R E 0 N to show some nice and kind support.

Here's the link:

As always people! If you see any inconsistencies, wrong information, Illogical statements, etc... Notify me, please! I'll fix it ASAP! And or explain it later on in case I had planned to make it vague in the first place.

Also, all comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on Are much appreciated! I especially love Constructive criticism because it allows me to improve the story in real time! I try my best to follow your advice!

I enjoy responding to you all! So do send them comments! Also, ideas are also welcome! I'm not that creative so assistance from you guys is always nice! Yup!

I hope you lovely people have a fantastic rest of the day/week. And I'll see you in a week's time or so :P

Play Black Myth Wukong. Monke Good. Monke Peak. Here's this week's random fun fact.

-Author's Note End-