Burguess:Captain, it seems the action here is heating up. Wiiiiihahahaha



Soon, the three of them reached the end of the corridor, where they witnessed a pirate ship rapidly approaching.

"Kill them all! Hahahahahaha!"

"Ethan can offer a 100 Million Bellies reward, so can we Hahahahaha..."

"Let's seize this merchant ship and increase our bounties to tens of millions~!"

"Quit the chatter, let's go, I'm itching to kill some people, a lot of people, Hahahahaha~~"

"Charge!" As the pirate's raucous voices echoed, and the overwhelming murderous intent emanated from them, fear overtook the trio.

Their faces showed deep concern, and they couldn't calm down.

Makino had seen her fair share of formidable pirates, but even when dealing with one of the Four Emperors crew, they were amenable to conversation. Why were these pirates so terrifying?

"This is bad. I hope the guards on the ship can repel them," Makino lamented.

She shook her head, furrowing her delicate, willow-leaf eyebrows, and her pretty face was etched with worry. "Otherwise, we're in grave danger."

Kaya clutched her book tightly, her delicate features now pale, and her beautiful eyes filled with fear.

"This is frightening. Are these pirates?" she asked.

"Why are they so aggressive? We didn't provoke them; why are they coming after us?"

Merry, too, was deeply concerned and urged, "Miss, this place is too dangerous. Let's return inside quickly, please~~"

Kaya's fascination with pirates had vanished entirely. She nodded quickly and hummed in agreement.

Looking at Makino, she implored, "Sister Makino, please stay with us. It'll be safer."

Merry had considered offering advice but ultimately refrained. He had a favorable impression of the kind and gentle Makino and believed she wouldn't harm Kaya.

"Alright, this is a good opportunity to have a chat with you," Makino agreed with a serene smile.

The three of them wasted no time and hurried back to Kaya's room...

On the merchant ship's deck.

As the ship's owner, Josiah felt compelled to stand at the forefront and give orders.

"Kurahadol, why haven't the guards fired back? Why haven't they counterattacked?"

Josiah frowned, observing the approaching pirate ship, and inquired urgently.

Kurahadol, as was his habit, adjusted his white glasses with his right hand and responded calmly, "Master, I've already spoken to the guards and instructed them to retaliate."

"These pirates have never appeared before, so they grew complacent, not sensing any threat. When I summoned them, they were either drinking or asleep. Upon waking, they had to fetch their weapons."

"Master, the guards are no longer effective. We must rely on ourselves."

Upon hearing Kurahadol's explanation, Josiah's shoulders slumped, and he was steadied by Keluo.

He shook his head slightly, sighed, and smiled wryly. "It's over, it's all over."

"These pirates are ruthless; they won't spare us."

Kurahadol's eyes gleamed with insight as he calmly stated, "Master, the only option is to abandon the ship and escape."

"Let's use the spare boat and leave immediately; it's our only recourse."

Josiah was compassionate; otherwise, he wouldn't have raised such a gentle and kind daughter like Kaya. How could he abandon the ship's passengers and escape alone? His conscience couldn't bear it.

"No, that won't work. Abandoning everyone would be a disservice," Josiah firmly declined, fully aware of his character.

Having anticipated Josiah's response, Kurahadol said lightly, "Master, even if you don't consider yourself, please think of Miss."

"These pirates are ruthless killers with no qualms. They are fond of women, and they won't let her go when they find one they fancy."

"Miss is exceedingly beautiful, and if they discover her, what will happen?"

Kurahadol gazed at Josiah, feigning urgency, and implored, "Master, I can't wait any longer. Please take the lady and leave promptly please..."

At this moment, Josiah's reaction was swift, as if he had been struck. Kaya was more precious to him than his own life. Even if something happened to him, he couldn't allow his daughter to be in danger.

"Hurry, let's go; take Kaya and leave immediately."

Without hesitation, Josiah rushed to Kaya's room, tailed by Kurahadol.

Kaya's room.

With a loud thud, Josiah hastily opened the wooden door and entered. His gaze landed on Kaya, and he urgently declared, "Kaya, come quickly. We need to leave right away."

The three occupants of the room were startled by Josiah's sudden entrance, and their unease quickly escalated to anxiety.

"What's happening, Father?" Kaya asked, quickly rising to her feet.

Kurahadol stood at the door and urged, "Miss, please don't ask too many questions. Let's depart swiftly."

"We can discuss it on the way; we mustn't delay any further."

The ship jolted violently just then, causing all five of them to sway and nearly stumble."Kill all the men and keep the women! Hahaha!"

"Help! Spare me, I have money. I'll give it all to you!"

"Please, Have mercy!"

"Kill! Let me kill them!..." The cacophony of pirates' voices, combined with the desperate pleas of the ship's passengers, rang out, creating an intense and chaotic atmosphere.

The situation had reached its most critical point.

"Let's go..." Josiah, gripping Kaya's hand tightly, appeared extremely flustered as he implored her to hurry.

"Alright, Father." Kaya was about to take a step when she suddenly remembered Makino. She quickly turned to Josiah and pleaded, "Father, this is Sister Makino. Let her come with us. She's very nice, and I like her a lot."

It was then that Josiah realized the presence of the green-haired girl and instantly consented. "Alright, let her come with us. We need to leave right away."

"Thank you, Father!" Kaya beamed and quickly added, "Sister Makino, please join us; it'll be safer."

Merry, who had contemplated offering advice, had second thoughts. He had a favorable impression of the kind and gentle Makino and believed she wouldn't harm Kaya.

"Very well," Makino agreed without further ado, ready to depart.

"Hahaha! I hear a woman's voice; it's so sweet! Now that I'm grown up, I can have some fun,....."

Suddenly, a nervous voice echoed from outside the door. Then, a tall, dark-skinned pirate appeared in the doorway.


"Two beauties have graced us! It's my lucky day!"

"Before the others arrive, I'll have some fun first. Hahaha..."

Astonishment coursed through everyone as they were caught off guard. Fear etched across their faces.

The towering pirate appeared imposing and formidable, raising concerns about what to do next. Josiah, being the experienced one, reacted first. He positioned himself protectively, positioning Kaya behind him, and put on a faint smile.

"My lord, I have a substantial cache of gold and silver jewels here. I can offer you—"

His words were abruptly interrupted by the pirate.

"I've already told you, all the riches belong to me," the pirate asserted. "As for these two women, they're mine as well, hahaha...."

With a gleaming machete in hand, he swaggered forward, asserting arrogantly, "As for you three men, I'll deal with you first."

"Then, I'll have some fun with these two lovely ladies,..."

Hearing these words, the five of them recognized the grim reality. Merry valiantly protected his master, swiftly grabbing Josiah and Kaya. He extended his arms protectively and pleaded, "Master, Miss, you must run. I'll stall him..."

"Merry...." Kaya's face reflected her worry. "We can't leave you behind. We'll run together!"

The pirate sneered, revealing a cruel grin. He spoke coldly with icy eyes.

"Escape? Where do you think you'll go? Stand still, and anyone who attempts to flee will be caught and tortured to death!"

His menacing glare scanned all five individuals before fixating on Ke Luo. He chuckled maliciously, "I especially detest you, four-eyed boy. I'll start with you!"

Before anyone could react, he brandished his hefty blade and lunged at Kurahadol.

"Kaya," Josiah couldn't delay any longer; he was focused on protecting his precious daughter. Without hesitation, he swiftly grasped her tiny hand and rushed toward the side.

Makino and Merry trailed hurriedly, their eyes scanning for an escape route. Kurahadol, pushing his glasses habitually, declared in a chilling tone, "You vile pirates! You all deserve death! My perfect plan has been utterly ruined by you."

With a resounding thud, two razor-sharp cat claws materialized, shimmering with an icy edge. They were wickedly sharp.

"Shakushi!" In a whoosh, he vanished, his movements soundless.

"Arghh...!" A scream pierced the air as the pirate collapsed. He died without understanding what had happened.

Shh~~ Without any hesitation, Kurahadol exited the room.

Fury consumed him at this moment, burning brightly. He knew that his identity had been compromised all because of these detestable pirates. Without delay, he continued his rampage, and the pirates' pitiful screams persisted outside, relentless.

The entire scene unfolded so swiftly that the four were still reeling, stunned.

"...What just happened?" Josiah was the first to regain his composure. He examined the corpse in shock and bewilderment. "How did Kurahadol possess such power? What's going on here?"

Kaya, always with a pure heart, was oblivious to the darker aspects of life. Her brow furrowed in confusion, a sweet smile on her lovely face as she chimed in, "Amazing! Our butler is incredible; now we're safe."

Afterward, she turned her little head to avoid looking at the lifeless body on the floor, her gaze filled with fear. "Father, is this a dead person? It's so scary."

Merry, a loyal and gentle soul, didn't doubt anything and smiled gently. "Yes, the butler is very powerful. You don't have to worry now."

"You stewards are truly impressive. I didn't hear anything earlier, but the pirate was swiftly dispatched. So efficient!"

Makino, also kind-hearted, held a positive opinion of Kurahadol. She suppressed her surprise, smiled, and patted her heart. "You, sir, have a kind heart. We were all fooled by him."

Josiah, a businessman and a gentleman, promptly took Kaya's hand and started moving toward the door. With a look of innocence, Kaya inquired, "Father, what are you saying? Our butler is very nice; why would there be any problems?"

Josiah decided not to explain and simply stated, "Kaya, don't ask too many questions. I'll explain once we're out of here."

The four of them exited the room and quickly proceeded down the corridor.

"Arghh...!" At this moment, another blood-curdling scream echoed, and the entire merchant ship fell eerily silent, devoid of any sound.

The strong scent of blood lingered in the air, corpses littering the deck.

It was a gruesome tableau.

"Father, I feel so unwell." Having never witnessed such a scene, Kaya paled with a terrified expression and trembling voice.

Josiah tried to console her, saying, "Kaya, bear with it. We'll be out of here soon."

Suddenly, a chilling voice rang out. "Where do you think you're going?"

With a thud, Kurahadol materialized before them, eyeing them with a cold stare.

"Are you planning to take the spare boat?" he asked mockingly. "If that's the case, there's no point. I've already sabotaged it since leaving the room."

Kurahadol adjusted his glasses once more, sneering. "Since my identity has been exposed, I won't let you leave. Today, you will all die here!"

Merry stepped forward, arms outstretched in defense, his loyalty evident. He scowled and declared, "How could you, Kurahadol? The master and Miss have been so good to you. How could you betray them? I won't let you harm them!"

Kaya, covering her mouth, looked at Crowe in disbelief. Her voice trembled as she said, "Butler, this must be a joke, right? You love Kaya the most... You must be joking with us!"

Makino frowned, her gaze fixed on Kaya, and she asserted, kaya, it appears we were deceived by him. This butler is not a good person at all; it was all an act."

Josiah nodded in agreement with Makino and confronted Kurahadol with anger. "Kurahadol, you owe your life to us. We took you in when you were dying on our doorstep. You're already dead now; how can you stand here? I implore you to remember our kindness and spare us."

Kuro pushed his glasses up again and snickered. "I'll tell you, my name isn't Kurahadol at all. It's Kuro! Enough with the chit-chat; all of you are going to meet your end. As for your belongings, I'll return to Syrup Village and take everything myself."

Before anyone could react, he took a step forward, closing the gap between them.

At this moment, a hearty laugh resounded. "Captain, it seems the action here is heating up. Wiiiiihahahaha..."


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*The lord of Blood

*Brandon alberto plata espinoza

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Titles of the next chapters.(Spoilers)









 054-055: Ethan Obtain the Nuke Nuke no mi.

056-057: The Mysterious Ship Appears!!

058-059: The Mizu Mizu No Mi