Marine Headquarters shock!!

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Guys, at the end of the chapter there is a question so if you like you can leave ideas regarding that.


After one day, inside the Marine base office in Logue Town, three figures were present: Smoker, Tashigi, and Vice Admiral Onigumo.

"Smoker, as the Colonel of this headquarters, you were defeated by a rookie pirate," Vice Admiral Onigumo's voice rang out, filled with disappointment and disdain as he addressed Smoker.

"You've embarrassed the Marines and tainted the principles of justice. Do you comprehend the gravity of your error?" Onigumo continued, his tone dripping with dissatisfaction. "It appears necessary to report this to headquarters, strip you of your rank as Colonel, transfer you elsewhere, and have you resume your studies at headquarters. Marine justice must remain unsullied. You are a disgrace, Smoker!"

At this, Tashigi, furrowing her brow, interjected quickly, "Vice Admiral, please allow me to explain."

"Ethan possesses remarkable speed, virtually invisible to the human eye. Moreover, he adeptly wields Armament Haki," Tashigi elaborated, casting a sympathetic glance towards Smoker. "Colonel Smoker exerted utmost effort; his failure wasn't intentional. During the encounter, he sustained severe internal injuries, requiring an extensive recovery period."

"Please, Vice Admiral, show understanding in this matter," Tashigi implored.

Before she could finish, Smoker cut in, his voice laced with irritation, "Tashigi, you foolish woman, what are you blabbering about? Do you think I fear his report? Ridiculous! Strip my rank? Those bureaucrats wouldn't dare. It's preposterous!"

Addressing Onigumo directly, Smoker challenged, "If you have the gall, report me to the higher-ups. Let them revoke my rank. If you can pull that off, I'll commend you!"

Ignoring Smoker's defiance, Onigumo, familiar with Smoker's rebellious nature, dismissed his threats. "Using Armament Haki is a significant development," he remarked, turning his attention to Tashigi. "Provide me with a comprehensive report of the incident."

As Onigumo's demeanor softened slightly, Tashigi felt a wave of relief. "Vice Admiral Onigumo, as soon as Ethan arrived in Logue Town, he brazenly disregarded Marine presence and headed straight for Roger's execution platform to recruit new members."

"Back to the matter at hand..." Tashigi's gaze bore into Onigumo's stern expression as she spoke firmly, "It's only a matter of time before Ethan sets his sights on Alabasta."

"He'll undoubtedly seek out Crocodile for a showdown," she asserted.

"Vice Admiral Onigumo, it's imperative that you relay this development to headquarters. If Ethan prevails, the repercussions could be dire," Tashigi urged.

Onigumo took a drag from his cigarette, his brow furrowing with disdain. "He believes he can best Crocodile with Armament Haki? Ridiculous," he scoffed.

"The Shichibukai exist to maintain order in the seas. If Crocodile were so easily defeated, he'd have been replaced long ago. Why should I concern myself with chasing shadows?"

"However, the situation you've brought forth warrants a report to headquarters for their deliberation."

He reached for the Den Den Mushi and initiated the call without delay.

At the Naval Headquarters in Marineford, a meeting was in session. Rear Admirals and other officials were present, with Fleet Admiral Sengoku presiding.

"Recent events have escalated sea tensions," Sengoku addressed the assembly. "The South Blue Revolutionary Army is fomenting unrest, while Germa of North Blue and Boa Hancock are stirring trouble in their rights."

"Our influence is waning," he continued gravely. "We must take decisive action to restore stability and assert Marine authority."

Akainu, displaying resolve, proposed a forceful response. "We must eliminate Germa's threat and crush the revolutionary forces in the South Blue," he asserted.

Doberman concurred, emphasizing the need for firm action. "Absolute justice demands a strong deterrent," he declared. "We must show the world the consequences of defying Marine authority."

The Absolute Faction rallied behind the proposal, their determination evident.

Meanwhile, Kizaru, adopting a calm demeanor, downplayed the severity of the issues. "It's all the same in the end," he remarked dismissively.

Aokiji, displaying his characteristic laziness, suggested disengagement. "Dispatching troops is tiresome. I'd rather catch some sleep," he mused.

The Lazy Faction Marines remained silent, echoing Aokiji's sentiment.

Interrupting the discussion, Brannew entered with urgent news. Sengoku, acknowledging the gravity of the report, urged Onigumo to speak.

"Onigumo, proceed with your report," Sengoku instructed, his tone serious.

Onigumo relayed the situation from Logue Town. "The Black Sun Pirates have made landfall," he reported. "Given Ethan's capabilities, engaging Crocodile is precarious at best."

"Marshal Sengoku, the situation report is complete. Please issue instructions!"

A wave of shock rippled through the assembled generals.

"Ethan possesses Armament Haki."

"Even Smoker, a Logia user, fell to him."

"More importantly, he aims to become a Shichibukai!"

The bombshell news left them speechless.

Kizaru, with a bemused expression, remarked, "The newcomers are becoming quite formidable."

Akainu's face darkened with fury. "These damn pirates must face the consequences," he declared.

"Marshal Sengoku, we must obliterate the Ethan Pirates with full force. Justice cannot be compromised," the hawk faction generals urged in unison.

"For justice, they must perish," they proclaimed fervently.

Yamakaji, shaking his head in disbelief, exhaled smoke. "Who is this Ethan, and what makes him so powerful?" he wondered aloud.

Momonga, thoroughly perplexed, questioned, "How can a newcomer wield Haki? This is unprecedented."

Aokiji, adopting a serious tone, mused, "Another newcomer with immense potential. He's a harbinger of change."

The laid-back Tokikake said, "Ethan seems to have honed his skills over many years. It's a case of gradual progress leading to a breakthrough."

Momousagi observed silently, absorbing the conversation.

"Is it time for him to enter the Grand Line?"

"It appears he's poised to claim the title of Shichibukai in a matter of days."

"No, Ethan's rapid advancement demands expedited action. We must secure Hina without delay," one asserted.

Sengoku's authoritative voice cut through the discussion, commanding attention.

"We underestimated Ethan's strength," he admitted gravely.

"Smoker, a formidable Rear Admiral, couldn't match him. It's evident Ethan's power rivals that of a Vice Admiral."

"This unprecedented prowess in a nineteen-year-old is unprecedented in the Four Seas!"

"Now he seeks to challenge Crocodile for the title of Shichibukai. If he succeeds, it will unsettle the seas."

Turning to Staff Officer Tsuru, he sought counsel. "Tsuru, your analysis, please."

Tsuru leaned forward, his demeanor grave yet wise.

"Sengoku is correct. We underestimated Ethan," he began.

"I initially thought a bounty of 100 million Bellys would suffice. Now, it's clear he warrants at least 250 million Bellys."

"This man is shrouded in mystery. His attire, black, exudes dominance and enigma."

"His displayed strength is merely the tip of the iceberg."

"Many of his Trump cards are still submerged, waiting to surface," Tsuru continued thoughtfully. "Based on my analysis, his prowess likely matches that of an elite Vice Admiral."

The revelation left the generals stunned.

"An elite Vice Admiral... What formidable power!" they murmured in awe.

"Tsuru, your assessment is astute, and I concur," Garp interjected solemnly. "Smoker, an ordinary Rear Admiral, stood no chance against him. If Ethan isn't on par with an elite Vice Admiral, he's dangerously close."

Kizaru, reclining in his chair, commented wryly, "The youth these days are truly fearsome. They wield Vice Admiral-level strength like it's child's play."

Akainu's resolve hardened. "Given his might, we must act swiftly. Allowing him to thrive challenges Marine justice, which is unacceptable."

Doberman concurred, his tone icy. "Akainu is correct. Allowing Ethan to continue unchecked will only encourage him. If he defeats Crocodile, the repercussions will be dire."

Aokiji, adopting his characteristic nonchalance, remarked, "It's time for him to enter the Grand Line. If we aim to pursue him, we must do so promptly."

Momonga, addressing Sengoku, offered a suggestion. "Marshal Sengoku, we must prepare ourselves. If Onigumo fails to apprehend the Black Sun Pirates and Crocodile Falls, the Shichibukai position will be vacant. This is a matter of grave importance."

 Tokikake chimed in with a smile. "Considering Ethan's resolute demeanor, Crocodile will likely be bested in their confrontation. The question is whether to appoint Ethan as a Shichibukai or continue Vice Admiral Onigumo's pursuit. It's a straightforward decision."

Momousagi, rarely speaking, added her thoughts. "Ethan's strength remains a mystery, but Crocodile's abilities are well-documented."

"For this battle, Crocodile's defeat seems inevitable," Tsuru remarked, prompting a frustrated growl from Sengoku. "Damn, Ethan, causing us so much trouble."

"I intend to have Vice Admiral Onigumo continue pursuing Ethan. We cannot allow him to become a Shichibukai," Sengoku asserted. "The recent instability in the seas cannot endure another upheaval."

Sengoku rubbed his weary forehead and added, "Such incidents could lead to questioning Marine's combat prowess and potential repercussions from the higher-ups."

Garp, chuckling heartily, teased, "Well, you chose to be the marshal, didn't you? Look at me; I'm just a vice admiral enjoying daily tea and chats. That's the life."

"Perhaps you'd like to resign and join me for a carefree existence?" he offered jokingly.

Aokiji, with a yawn, remarked, "Garp's got the right idea. He knows how to live."

"I'm too tired; we can talk about it later," he said, drifting off to sleep, indifferent to Ethan's affairs.

Meanwhile, Staff Officer Tsuru, displaying wisdom, suggested, "Ethan poses a grave threat. Onigumo must pursue him relentlessly, ensuring he doesn't claim the Shichibukai title."

With a sensible tone, Tsuru warned, "Ethan is exceedingly dangerous. Even Vice-Admiral Onigumo may struggle to subdue him if given enough time."

Sengoku concurred, issuing a directive to Onigumo. "Hunt down the Ethan Pirates with all your might," he commanded.

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Sengoku addressed the group. "Ethan's bounty must reflect his formidable strength. Let's discuss an appropriate reward."

Yamakaji suggested, "With Vice Admiral-level strength, a bounty of at least 250 million Bellys is warranted."

Doberman advocated for a higher bounty, stating, "A newcomer boasting such prowess merits at least 200 million."

Tokikake proposed, "Considering his youth and power, 280 million seems fitting."

Kizaru, bemused, mused, "Are youngsters truly this formidable? A rookie with over 200 million bounty is unprecedented."

Tsuru delved into a detailed analysis, concluding, "Ethan's talent and ambition suggest a bounty of 300 million Bellys is appropriate."

The room fell silent at Tsuru's assessment.

Momousagi, observing quietly, remarked, "Sister Tsuru's insights are impressive. It's plausible Ethan possesses Conqueror's Haki."

Kizaru, lounging, commented on the daunting bounty. "Terrifying indeed, with a 300 million bounty."

Momonga nodded in agreement. "Ethan exudes the aura of a leader, explaining his devoted following."

Yamakaji, with a gentle smile, noted, "It's been ages since we've seen such a formidable young figure. This is a game-changer."

Sengoku, making a final decision, declared solemnly, "Ethan's bounty will be set at 300 million Bellys."

"Despite the high bounty of 300 million Bellys, Ethan's enigmatic nature and mysterious identity give cause for concern."

"Nevertheless, the bounty stands at 300 million."

"In any case, this troublesome individual's days are numbered. Let him enjoy his fleeting moment."

"This marks the end of the line for him!"

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If you want to read advanced chapters and at the same time support me, you can join my p@treon; I am constantly uploading chapters of my two stories, and if you have doubts about joining or not, you can try the trial mode, it is seven days of free reading.



Guys, I was thinking about the next devil fruit for one of the crew members and I don't know which one to give him. I had in mind a paramecia like the Weather paramecia, but what do you say about a Zoan fruit or a Logia fruit, so leave ideas in the comments .

And I'm sorry for the delay in uploading chapters. I was busy this week with personal things and I couldn't upload until now. The other week we returned to normal hours.

The release date of the chapters will be a chapter of ICRE on Mondays and of Dimensional Wanderer on Wednesdays for now it will be like this until I am completely free.