The times are changing.


If you want to read advanced chapters and at the same time support me, you can join my p@treon; I am constantly uploading chapters of my two stories, and if you have doubts about joining or not, you can try the trial mode, it is seven days of free reading.



New World, above a particular sea área.

As dawn breaks, the sun casts its radiant beams across the vast expanse of the sea. The azure sky is adorned with billowing white clouds, painting a picturesque scene of tranquility.

"Ethan, how I long for you," murmurs Hancock, rising to stand before the window with the early light. Her mesmerizing eyes gaze out at the rippling waves below, her heart filled with longing.

A gentle breeze caresses her flowing black locks, adding to her ethereal charm. If any man were present, he would surely be captivated by her beauty.

"It's so beautiful, so breathtaking," she muses softly, her thoughts drifting to her beloved Ethan.

"Ethan, as each day passes, I grow stronger and more adept at wielding Conqueror's Haki," she confides, a tender smile gracing her lips. "The next time we meet, I promise to be a worthy partner, no longer holding you back."

Her fingers lightly trace her delicate cheeks as she imagines their reunion.

Knock knock knock...

A knock at the door interrupts her reverie, accompanied by Marigold's voice.

"Sister, there's news from Lord Ethan."

Hancock's eyes sparkle with excitement as she turns eagerly towards the door. "Come in," she beckons.

With a swift motion, Marigold and Sandersonia enter the room.

Impatiently, Hancock gestures towards the newspaper clutched in Sandersonia's hand. "Quickly, bring me the newspaper," she urges.

Sandersonia strides forward without hesitation, presenting the newspaper to Hancock with reverence.

With eager anticipation, Hancock takes the newspaper and unfolds it without hesitation.

Upon seeing Ethan's photograph, her eyes light up with joy, and a radiant smile spreads across her face, illuminating the room with her happiness.

"So dashing, Ethan is still as handsome as ever; I adore him to pieces!"

"Ethan, I miss you terribly; would you consider marrying me?"

"I'll cherish and care for you endlessly. I will be a devoted wife and fulfill your every wish."

"Ethan, my longing for you knows no bounds..."

Sandersonia and Marigold exchanged joyful glances, their hearts filled with satisfaction.

Once upon a time, they would have felt powerless, forcing smiles while secretly feeling disheartened. But now, witnessing Hancock's infatuation with Ethan, they couldn't be happier.

Indeed, Ethan was powerful, the most formidable young man they'd ever encountered. They idolized him to the utmost degree.

If Hancock were to become Ethan's partner, they would be overjoyed and wouldn't object.

"Sister, haven't you checked the newspaper yet?" Marigold inquired with a smile, breaking the trance.

Sandersonia nodded in agreement. "Yes, Master Ethan has garnered yet another substantial bounty increase. Please take a look, Sister."

"Of course," Hancock responded eagerly.

As Hancock perused the newspaper, a look of astonishment crossed her features, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "This is incredible; Ethan's bounty has risen to 300 million Bellys!"

"To have such a high bounty even before entering the Grand Line is truly remarkable."

"He truly is the man of my dreams, the strongest and the best," Hancock declared with pride.

Marigold concurred, smiling warmly. "Master Ethan's strength is unparalleled. This time, he'll make waves throughout the world."

Sandersonia added, "His previous bounty of 100 million Bellys caused quite a stir. This time, it'll be on a whole different level. The entire New World will be left in awe."

With determination, Hancock set aside the newspaper and declared, "Ethan is becoming more formidable by the day, and I refuse to be left behind."

"You two, leave me to my training. I must strive to match Ethan's strengths. In the future, I'll stand by his side as his most formidable ally. No one will surpass me."

Marigold and Sandersonia nodded in agreement. "Yes, my lady."

They hastened to leave, discussing in hushed tones as they reached the door.

"Our lady is growing stronger and more resolute," Marigold remarked with relief. "Before, she seemed adrift, without purpose in life."

"It's different now. I wake up every day filled with fighting spirit and confidence. It feels amazing."

Sandersonia nodded, her smile radiant. "Yes, our sister is truly blossoming. She used to seem cold and aloof on the outside, but inside, she struggled with emptiness and lack of confidence."

"But everything has changed. Her past no longer haunts her, and no shadow looms over her."

"Moreover, the hardships she endured in the past have now become her driving force, constantly pushing her forward and reminding her to keep striving."

"Seeing our sister undergo this transformation fills my heart with joy."

Marigold smiled, echoing her sentiments. "And Granny Nyon is over the moon about it too."

"Every time they talk, Granny Nyon is all smiles. She feels rejuvenated and carefree like she's shed years off her age."

"Granny Nyon has always been deeply concerned about our sister's well-being, fearing that she might one day collapse under the weight of her burdens."

"Our sister, like us, couldn't shake off the ghosts of the past. She lived in constant fear, often waking up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep again."

"If this had gone on much longer, she might have cracked under the pressure, succumbing to mental health issues."

"But now, thanks to Ethan, everything has changed. His arrival has lifted the burdens from our shoulders, allowing us to live freely and without worry."

"Now we can eat, sleep, and live without the world's weight on our shoulders. It's a tremendous relief."

Sandersonia took a seat, nodding with a touch of emotion. "Yes, I'm incredibly grateful to Ethan. I'd love to thank him personally."

"He's given us a new lease on life, pulling us back from the brink of despair and allowing us to reclaim our humanity."

"Reflecting on the past is almost unbearable. It felt like living in hell every single day..."

Sandersonia glanced at Marigold, a smile playing on her lips. "I'm thrilled for our sister. Ethan is truly remarkable."

Marigold nodded, a slight smile gracing her features. "We may not fully understand love, but as long as our sister is happy, that's all that matters."

"Didn't Granny Nyon say that our sister marrying Ethan would bring great joy to Jiu Snake Island?"

"Everyone is rooting for her, hoping she'll tie the knot with Lord Ethan."

"Our sister is busy training, so we mustn't fall behind."

With that, she rose swiftly and headed off to practice.

In Dressrosa, at the King's Heights...

"My lord, there's more news about Ethan."

Violet handed the newspaper to Doflamingo, her smile elegant and composed, her beauty captivating.

Diamante glanced at Violet, a grin spreading across his face. "Your beauty only seems to improve with time."

"Well, she is a dancer, after all. Can we expect anything less?" Jora chuckled, rubbing his cheeks.

Violet returned her smile. "You're still young, Giolla. Four hundred isn't old."

Giolla pouted playfully. "Violet, why must you be so good at everything? It's annoying!"

Trebol leaned in eagerly, eager for the news. "Doffy, what's the latest on Ethan? Has he caused another stir?"

Diamante reclined, a smirk playing on his lips. "That Ethan is always making headlines. Do we want to associate with such a troublemaker? He's a nuisance, and I fear he'll bring trouble upon us someday."

Gladius shrugged nonchalantly. "He's just a cocky kid, full of himself. He might end up getting himself killed by the Marines before he even reaches the New World."

Meanwhile, Doflamingo was lounging in his chair, a crazed grin.

"Times are changing, fufufufu..."

Doflamingo tossed the newspaper aside and grinned at his family members.

"Ethan has a bounty of 300 million Berries now, and he's caused quite a stir in the entire sea. This is delightful!"

"Let's make some noise, shall we? The more chaos, the better. Let's make this sea boil until the Marines have a headache, fufufufu..."

Shock rippled through the room.

Sugar, who rarely paid attention to newspapers, was stunned by Doflamingo's announcement.

"300 million?!"

The sheer magnitude of the bounty left everyone incredulous.

It was incredible!

Considering that Doflamingo's bounty was only 340 million Berries, the gap between the two was now marginal.

If Ethan stirred up trouble again, there was no doubt he would surpass Doflamingo's bounty.

This realization left everyone astonished.

"Three... three hundred million?!"

Giolla's voice trembled with disbelief. "How is that possible? Ethan, a mere kid? How did he manage this?"

Trebol wrinkled his nose skeptically. "I mean, could there be a typo in the newspaper? It's just not possible."

"It's a bounty of 300 million! It's terrifying." Gladius picked up the newspaper, his eyes widening in horror as he took in the figure.

Diamante sighed, his brow furrowing in concern. "This kid is trouble, and his power is formidable to reach such heights."

Pica's tone remained as sharp as ever. "It's unbelievable that he could cause such a commotion before even entering the Grand Line."

"Think about it, though. It's not entirely bad. Let him clash with the Marines and see if he can make it into the New World surrounded by them."

Lao-G nodded in agreement. "If he makes it to the New World, the sea will buzz with activity. Good game."

Listening to their conversation, Violet couldn't help but feel pleased.

"Master Ethan is the strongest, breaking historical records left and right."

"No one has ever achieved what he has. His power is unmatched."

"Hmph, Doflamingo, just wait. Your time will come within two years."

"I'll have to avenge the citizens and my mother by taking your life."

But then, considering her relationship with Ethan, she changed her tune.

"Ethan is exceptional, and he's mighty. It wouldn't be a bad thing to be his woman."

"I should make more efforts to communicate with him and discuss matters of the heart."

"He can be my partner. I've earned my keep; there's no reason to settle."

"Ethan, don't try to resist. You're meant to be mine in this life; no one can take you away."

In Dressrosa, amidst the flower fields...

In a particular room, King Riku and Rebecca were discussing.

"Grandpa, look! Mr. Ethan is in the newspaper."

Rebecca's eyes sparkled with excitement as she showed the newspaper to King Riku, her expression one of disbelief.

"Wow! Grandpa, Master Ethan has a bounty... of 300 million Berries!"


King Riku was taken aback.

His aged face contorted in shock, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"Rebecca, what did you say? Master Ethan has a bounty of 300 million Berries? How is that possible?"

Rebecca nodded and handed him the newspaper, a smile on her lips. "Grandpa, see for yourself. It's 300 million."

King Riku remained silent as he read the newspaper, his expression a mix of shock and murmurs of disbelief.

"It's 300 million; this is truly incredible!"

"Master Ethan is indeed the strongest; it's astonishing how he's set such a record."

"But that's a good thing too. The stronger his power and influence, the better he'll be able to assist us."

King Riku smiled as he looked at the newspaper. "This young man is exceptional; I've never seen anyone quite like him."

"If he were to become my son-in-law, I might just wake up laughing from my dreams, hahaha."

Rebecca glanced at him, her beautiful eyes twinkling as she smiled. "Grandpa, there's no need to dream."

"Didn't Auntie say she plans to reach out to Ethan and pursue him?"

"Auntie is powerful, beautiful, and dignified; Ethan won't be able to resist."

"Then I'll have an additional uncle, and you'll have an additional son-in-law, hehehe~~."

King Riku waved his hand with a slight smile. "Even though your aunt said it might not be easy for her to pursue Ethan."

"She sees through men's hearts and is quite wary of them."

"So, it might be challenging for her to win over Master Ethan."

King Riku turned to Rebecca, sighing. "It's a shame you're still too young to discuss marriage."

"Otherwise, it would be a safe betrothal to Lord Ethan."

Rebecca rolled her eyes at him, playfully scolding him. "Grandpa, what are you saying? I'm still young, so don't go arranging marriages for me."

"Besides, while I admire Master Ethan for his power and excellence, I have no romantic intentions whatsoever."

"So, Grandpa, please don't meddle in matchmaking."

Rebecca huffed indignantly. "Grandpa, you're teasing me again, aren't you?"

King Riku chuckled, finding her reaction amusing. "Just kidding, my dear; pay no mind."

"Now, let's see if your aunt can make it happen. I hope she'll put in the effort and win over Master Ethan, hahaha..."

Moby Dick, above deck.

"It's incredible~~."

 Marco looked at the newspaper and said with emotion: "That brat Ethan is in the newspaper again."

Tacht smiled slightly, gently asking, "What's the commotion? Did Ethan stir up trouble again?"

Fossa leaned over to Marco, and he was startled when he read the newspaper.

"How is this possible?"

"300 million Bellys, the bounty is incredibly high!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked and quickly turned their heads to look over; all of them were in disbelief.

Vista looked at Fossa, unable to believe it, and asked: "You read it correctly, it's 300 million Bellys?"

"No way, he's a rookie who hasn't even entered the Grand Line yet; a bounty of 100 million would be enough; how could it be 300 million?" Kingdew quickly added.

Blamenco shrugged and said casually: "Regardless, I don't buy it; it's impossible."

Marco looked away from the newspaper, gazed at them, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lazily.

"You heard it right, it's Ethan. That brat."

At this moment, Whitebeard, seated on his throne, spoke deeply: "Marco, bring the newspaper here; I want to see what this brat is up to."

Jozu doesn't talk much and rarely speaks, "Father seems to be very interested in Ethan, a brat, and always asks for news about him."

Rakuyo nodded and said with a smile: "It's rare to encounter such an interesting young man; it's understandable that Dad would pay more attention."

"But this Ethan has something special." Haruta smiled slightly, praising him, and said something.

"Dad was right about his immense potential."

Izou wiped his flintlock and said lightly: "Father's judgment has always been sharp; he couldn't be mistaken."

By now, Marco had already delivered the newspaper to Whitebeard, who laughed heartily and said, "Gurararara...Ethan, kid, you're getting quite the reputation."

"The sea has been calm for so long, and it's finally starting to boil, Gurararara~~."

Clad in a pink nurse uniform, Anne stroked her pale golden hair and gently cautioned, "Captain, you mustn't get too excited."

With beautiful black hair, Mary nodded in agreement, "Indeed, captain, you should maintain a stable mood; no wild swings..."

Whitebeard raised his head and laughed loudly, speaking directly.

"You worry too much; my health isn't that fragile."

"You know, I'm Whitebeard, Gurararara..."

New World, surrounded by untouched islands.

"It's unbelievable that Ethan, a young man, is in the newspaper again."

Beckman took a breath, glanced at the newspaper, and said calmly: "And this time, the bounty has been increased to 300 million Bellys."

"This young man is truly remarkable."


When the people around heard Beckman's words, they all turned their attention with expressions of surprise on their faces.

Lucky Roo paused mid-bite, eyes widening as he looked at Beckman. "You read that right; how is this possible?"

"That's correct, it's not 30 million, but 300 million Bellys," Yasopp confirmed, still in disbelief.

Rockstar glanced at the newspaper and exclaimed, "It's indeed 300 million Bellys; there's no mistake."

"How can this be? Ethan, a mere brat? How did he manage that?"

Shanks, leaning against a large rock, chuckled before speaking up. "What's so surprising? This young man is extraordinary, a true force to be reckoned with, hahaha..."

Beckman set down the newspaper, letting out a puff of smoke as he began to analyze with a flash of insight in his eyes.

"If my hunch is correct, this young man must possess Conqueror's Haki, prompting the Marines to offer such a hefty reward."

"No matter how promising a young man is, the Marines wouldn't offer a bounty of 300 million without such a capability."

"After all, we all know how frugal the Marines can be."

Lucky Roo resumed eating, wearing a smile. "I'm intrigued; I'd like to meet and see what makes him so special."

Yasopp nodded in agreement. "It's not every day we encounter such a formidable young man."

Rockstar shrugged indifferently. "Although I'm skeptical about him having Conqueror's Haki if the first mate says so, it's likely true."

Shanks waved his hand confidently. "No need to wait; I believe he'll soon make his way to the New World."

"Of course, if he doesn't prove to be as strong as anticipated, we'll just pretend this conversation never happened, hahaha~."

Ethan's bounty had sent shockwaves across the entire sea.

Discussions about him were rife, with merchants and pirates talking about him in every corner of the Grand Line.

"It's astonishing. From a bounty of 100 million Bellys to 300 million in one go. Remarkable..."

"Where did such a formidable young man come from? It's unfathomable!"

"The Marines must be out of their minds, offering 300 million for a mere rookie. Ridiculous~~"

"The Ethan Pirates better prepare themselves; entering the New World won't be a cakewalk. Hahahahaha...."

"Another supernova on the rise, signaling the dawn of a new era."

"After all these years, the sea is again stirring, and Ethan seems to be leading the charge."

"Ethan, the harbinger of change, you're the one~~~"

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If you want to read advanced chapters and at the same time support me, you can join my p@treon; I am constantly uploading chapters of my two stories, and if you have doubts about joining or not, you can try the trial mode, it is seven days of free reading.

