Taking on a Master

Taking on a Master . . .

Following Bai Wuya's rigorous trial, the eight participants found themselves at the grand banquet. Among them, four fortunate souls had been selected by immortal kings to be their disciples.

Qin Wentian lingered in the background, quietly observing the unfolding drama. His heart couldn't help but churn with turbulent emotions. This celestial spectacle, broadcasted throughout the Royal Sacred Region, bore witness to his journey—a journey that had led him to this grand palace, competing with the brightest talents from the immortal realms. Ultimately, he had triumphed, securing a coveted spot as the Eastern Sage Immortal King's disciple.

Back then, the brilliance of his achievement had shone like a supernova, attracting the congratulatory gazes of the immortal kings.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, he found himself abandoned by the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor, reduced to nothing more than an onlooker. The immortal kings no longer spared him a glance. What genius? In the absence of his esteemed mentor, the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor, his status had dwindled to insignificance. Even in the presence of immortal king-tier experts, he was akin to an ant, unworthy of their attention. This was the harsh lesson Qin Wentian had swiftly learned upon entering the realm of immortal powers.

The reverence that the immortal realms held for the mighty and the disdain they harbored for the weak were starkly evident, more direct than anything he had experienced in the particle worlds.

In a mere matter of moments, Qin Wentian had been swept on a tumultuous emotional roller coaster. To many of the immortal kings, the events that had transpired were sufficient to determine his fate for this lifetime.

Yet Qin Wentian harbored no regrets; his principles and determination remained steadfast. Regardless of the world's perception, he stood by his convictions. Despite being seen as insignificant, he held his head high, knowing he could face himself with a clear conscience.

The Royal Sacred Region's inhabitants watched with rapt attention, though they couldn't hear the words exchanged. The visuals alone provided enough context to fuel their speculation.

A supreme being, a figure of immense respect, graced the gathering. Dongsheng Ting, standing alongside this eminent figure, signaled the main protagonist's arrival—a rumored supreme being seeking a disciple.

A short while ago, Qin Wentian had knelt before the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor, expressing his eagerness to become the Immortal Emperor's disciple. Smiles of approval had lit up the faces of the assembled experts. Even as he contended with geniuses from the immortal realms, Qin Wentian continued to shine brightly. Could it be that he was to become the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's disciple?

However, just as everyone believed this to be true, they witnessed the expressions of both the immortal emperor and Qin Wentian shift. The experts at the banquet similarly regarded Qin Wentian differently. Qin Wentian silently retreated, surrendering his position as though he had been censured, stripped of his status. Another had taken his place, paying homage to the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor.

The abrupt change left many speculating that the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor had abandoned Qin Wentian in favor of someone else. Hua Taixu and a few others were also chosen by immortal kings to enter their tutelage. Qin Wentian alone remained, his isolation palpable, forgotten by all.

"What exactly transpired?" Countless observers throughout the Royal Sacred Region were left pondering. The people of Grand Xia and Chu alike closely followed the events in the immortal palace. What had befallen Qin Wentian? Those who cared for him fretted with concern.

Inside the immortal palace, one participant after another was chosen by immortal kings to become their disciples. Out of the eight participants, five had been selected. Qin Wentian and two others stood aside, not because the chosen five were exceedingly exceptional, but because the immortal kings wished to honor the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor by following suit. Amidst the festive atmosphere, they, too, decided to accept disciples but only selected those who aligned most with their preferences.

A stifling silence hung over the banquet as Qin Wentian's peers shied away from him. None dared to extend a hand to him, fearful of incurring the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's wrath. Even though they acknowledged Qin Wentian's exceptional talent, they were wary of the consequences of openly associating with him. Instead, they chose the safer path of avoidance, leaving him to stand alone in isolation.

Dongsheng Ting's gaze flitted toward Qin Wentian from time to time, and within those deep eyes, a fleeting trace of derision danced. Qin Wentian had aspired to leap to the heavens in a single bound, but was it a feat within his grasp?

This time, his royal father had given ample face to the Evergreen Great Emperor. Dongsheng Ting believed that the Evergreen Great Emperor, too, understood the situation. It was this impudent young man who had displayed a lack of respect and an improper character.

Qin Wentian's senses were remarkably sharp. He could keenly feel Dongsheng Ting's gaze upon him. He couldn't help but muse that perhaps it wasn't such a misfortune after all that he hadn't been accepted as the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's disciple. If he had, he would be but a lowly disciple with no standing, vulnerable to Dongsheng Ting's potential machinations. In this scenario, the talented scion of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor could employ any means necessary to undermine Qin Wentian.

In this moment, Qin Wentian fervently wished to escape the oppressive atmosphere. Yet, he found himself tethered to this awkward setting with no immediate means of exit.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar will intruded upon his sea of consciousness, causing Qin Wentian to furrow his brows in irritation as he prepared to resist. However, a voice reached him, "Don't resist."

At the sound of this voice, Qin Wentian was taken aback. He abandoned his resistance, allowing the potent will to enter his sea of consciousness. His heart trembled as he beheld a figure materializing within his mind's eye—the White Robe Immortal King, Bai Wuya.

"Don't be alarmed; this is my immortal sense. Our strength disparity permits my immortal sense to manifest directly within your consciousness. You can communicate with me using your will," Bai Wuya explained. Qin Wentian complied, and Bai Wuya's immortal sense effortlessly discerned his thoughts. Bai Wuya nodded in acknowledgment and continued, "As far as I know, the Eastern Sage's decision to organize this event is likely connected to the Evergreen Great Emperor. Are you familiar with the Evergreen Great Emperor's daughter?"

"I can't be certain of her status, but I believe your supposition is plausible," Qin Wentian responded through his will.

"Then it's likely accurate. The Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor, in his desire to honor his friend, the Evergreen Great Emperor, may have orchestrated this event as per his request. From the outcome, the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor has already made considerable concessions. After all, you refused his guidance and disrespected him. Whether the conditions he imposed were intentional or unintentional is something I can't determine, nor do I particularly care to know. I arrived in this particle world by sheer coincidence and regret not seeing the extent of your potential. Now, may I inquire: are you interested in joining a power in the immortal realms? I'm affiliated with this sect but won't disclose its name unless you're willing to join. If you decline, you can forget this conversation ever took place." Bai Wuya's proposal hung in the air, an unexpected invitation that defied convention.

Had others been privy to this clandestine exchange, they would have been left in a state of profound astonishment. Common knowledge held that Bai Wuya was a lone wolf, untethered to any power in the immortal realms—a solitary, enigmatic figure defined by his unrivaled combat prowess and unyielding principles.

Amidst the veil of collective avoidance, Qin Wentian remained blissfully ignorant of this so-called 'general knowledge.' The isolation he experienced at the hands of those who feared the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor's displeasure perplexed him. However, amid this sea of caution, Bai Wuya emerged as a beacon of curiosity—an individual who not only approached him but also seemed poised to extend an invitation.

"Senior, might I inquire about the nature of your sect?" Qin Wentian ventured to ask.

"It's a power that imposes no restrictions on your freedom, one that won't dictate your actions or steer you against your will," Bai Wuya began, his tone laced with gravity. "However, it also offers no protection. You remain your own master, charting your own path and securing your own resources. The only stipulations are absolute secrecy—you cannot disclose your affiliation with this sect to anyone, not even your closest kin. Secondly, joining means accepting a supreme existence as your master. Once you're a part of our sect, you cannot take another master or join any other powers in the immortal realms. Violating these conditions warrants extermination, regardless of the reason. Consider this carefully."

Bai Wuya's words weighed heavily on the atmosphere, sending shivers down Qin Wentian's spine. It was a cryptic power, with secrecy as its hallmark, only mandating silence and an exclusive bond with a master.

"Additionally, allow me to share further criteria for joining our sect," Bai Wuya continued. "First, we consider only those with remarkable talent, individuals who possess a violet-gold astral soul for their fifth astral soul. You meet this requirement. Second, you must have no prior affiliations with other powers in the immortal realms. Given your origins in a particle world and your lack of connection with the Eastern Sage, you fulfill this condition as well. I, Bai Wuya, as an Immortal King, have the privilege of extending invitations. I'd already planned to invite you when I noticed you earlier."

The revelation sent tremors through Qin Wentian's heart. An astral soul of violet-gold quality was the bar of entry, and swearing allegiance to any other power was strictly prohibited. The gravity of Bai Wuya's intent and the secrecy shrouding the sect raised the stakes, preventing Bai Wuya from revealing more.

"Senior, if I were to join this power, would I indeed be taking someone as my master?" Qin Wentian inquired, seeking clarity.

"Yes, all members of our sect accept a master. If you agree to join, you'll become a part of our sect and my junior apprentice brother. However, this is a private matter between us, something we cannot acknowledge publicly," Bai Wuya elucidated.

Qin Wentian fell silent, deliberating his choice. Joining the sect would render him Bai Wuya's junior apprentice brother, bound by a shared affiliation within the sect's clandestine ranks.

In the shadow of the White Robe Immortal King, it was easy to envision the formidable might of the sect to which Bai Wuya belonged. In many ways, this sect seemed even more potent than the illustrious Eastern Sage Immortal Sect.

Joining the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect held little promise of guidance until Qin Wentian ascended to the Immortal King Realm, a distant goal. However, if he accepted Bai Wuya's invitation, the sect's core might become accessible even sooner, aligning his fortunes with those of a fellow sect member.

Choosing the Eastern Sage Immortal Sect would tether him, prohibiting alliances with other powers or the acceptance of another master. Any deviation from these strictures would incur the wrath of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor.

Conversely, Bai Wuya's sect imposed no such restrictions. It granted autonomy and freedom unparalleled in the realm of immortal cultivation. Furthermore, joining the tutelage of the Eastern Sage Immortal Emperor would provide brief intervals of freedom once every thousand years, while Bai Wuya's master offered boundless liberty.

"A supreme existence accepting a disciple hinges on their favor," Qin Wentian mused. "But isn't it the same for a disciple choosing a master? It's a matter of fate. Bai Wuya has shown me favor from the beginning, and my impression of him is favorable. Why should I deliberate further? Even if I can't join other powers in the future, I'll always rely on myself."

After a moment of reflection, Qin Wentian decided. "I'm willing."

"Excellent," Bai Wuya nodded. His immortal sense projection bore down on Qin Wentian as he made the formal invitation. "I, Bai Wuya, on behalf of my master, the Realmlord of the Heavenly Talisman Realm, formally invite Qin Wentian to join our sect. From this moment on, you are an official member of the Heavenly Talisman Realm, a disciple under the guidance of my Master."