: Stealing From My Own Empire

Back again, yes.


This book is also entering its final few chapters before the big finale and then a volume break, somehow its getting my blood bumping at how the story will unfold.


Make sure to sure vote, comment and share the story if you want.


I also have a discord if you want to join, link is here.



Now without further ado let the thieving start. Well pick up from where we left.

More blue bursts of light could be seen as more reinforcements entered the system and at the lead was our recon fleet.

We could see their thrusters burn at full capacity as they raced towards the planet. Yamato couldn't be more happy after all that fighting and near death experience.

Her ship was lying in wait above the planet, currently we see Yamato trying to open a com channel to Shinano. Normally she would've just told analyser to do it for her, however, he was still getting repaired somewhere in the ship and his core processer has yet to start.

While waiting for the line to open, she felt her heart skip a beat before a spike of pain erupted from her chest area.

"Dammit, guess firing twice put too much strain on the core."

In the engine room, sparks were flying everywhere as the engine itself was beginning to overheat and the core beginning to go critical.

Back to the bridge, a series of beeps sound from the engineering console which showed the core increasing in percentage as it went above 180%. She didn't have long before the engine would force shutdown before it hit critical.

The comms suddenly crack up with some static before the signal becomes smooth as the display screen light up with the image of Shinano

"Haruka is that you?! Are you alright, did you get hurt?"

Yamato slightly chuckled at the questions before she interrupted her, "Shinano, I'm fine. My ship was slightly banged up but I managed to take out the enemy. On the planet, you'll find two kansens from Sakura empire, who were stranded, they helped me out and kept me safe so you have nothing to worry about-- irk?!"

Another spike of pain, this more painful, flared from her heart as her hand tightly grabbed her clothing at the front. The core was now at 210% and rising sharply.

"You don't look fine to me!"

Yamato just waved her hand as she sat on the captain's chair, "Just get here fast, my core's almost going critical right now so please hurry"

Wave motion engine shutdown. Backup power online

The constant whine of the engine died down as all the lights powered down before turning red as the backup power come online. Yamato's breathing became ragged as she passed out.

Shinano, fearing the worst, pushed her carrier past its normal limits as her dual reactor was outputting at 140%, which was dangerous. This increase in energy was funnelled to her engines making her speed past the other sips in the fleet, breaking formation.

Once she was close to the unpowered battleship, she turned into her rigging form before doing a 180 and firing at full thrust backwards so as to slow her down. She used her RCS thrusters to do another 180 before changing her heading a bit as the battleship was quickly coming into view.

A few seconds later and she released her anchors while firing all her RCS trying to slow her down as she made impact with the deck of the ship. Her shoes tore through the armour as if it was made out paper as her anchors left a line of destruction before she came to a halt.

She begun to search for an airlock but instead found a large hole in the bridge tower to use, talk about convenient. Due to her riggings small size she was able to fit in, from there she remembered the short tour she was given and quickly found the elevator leading to the bridge though, there was no power for it to work and no gravity.

In times of trouble just resort to strength as she easily tore open the elevator door before using her riggings RCS to move upwards until she came to the main bridge. Using strength again, she tore open the locked door and floated into the bridge.

She was surprised at its layout at first but when she saw the captain floating upside down, her reactors went cold as power output dropped considerably.

"No, it can't be" Shinano was shaking her head as she backed away.

In front of her was the captain, Haruka. She wasn't bleeding out or missing a limb, she suddenly had tails and fox ears which shocked Shinano so much that her reactors nearly shut down.

"Yamato?" There was no denying it. The nine tails and a face which she would never forget in the multiverse, all supported that fact, "But why did she lie to me"

Her mind flashed back to their first encounter where she tripped her on accident. She first thought it was her sister due to the face but the lack of tails and ears made her think otherwise as the girl said that it was a misunderstanding. From then on, she could remember whenever the two of them talked , it seemed like she was holding back something she wanted to say and the looks of regret. It all made sense but it still left the question why she did it.

Her string of thoughts were interrupted by a radio call from her friends, more specifically Javelin.

"Ahh, Shinano are you almost done because we're almost making planet fall"

"I'll be finished in just a few minutes" her own voice sounded alien like to her ears as she said those words.

When the call she sighed before looking at her sister with a slight glare before materializing some medic manjuus who took her unconscious sister inside her ships med bay.

After that fiasco she de summoned her rigging and towed the battleship back to the planet where the rest of the fleet was stationed in low earth orbit waiting for the carrier and when she arrived, she unhooked with the battleship and made planet fall to a location where the survivors had told them.

Cleveland, Shinano, Ayanami, Javelin and Laffey all descended as their hulls were engulfed in plasma as they cut through the atmosphere. They continued to descend steeply until they could visually see the remnants of a city which was on fire in some places.

All the ships used their RCS to slow down and hover in the air as their kansens went to the ground to investigate. On the ground they saw squadrons of people moving about as vehicles and equipment were moving about kicking up dust.

They looked at the organised chaos until two unlikely people came forward and welcomed them. They were sakuran in origin which proved her sisters words to be correct. Once, they saw Shinano they immediately knew she was part of the Yamato class and addressed her first before moving to the others.

"Welcome everyone to planet Alessa, please don't mind the vehicles as a major battle happened here which won us our freedom and since then it's just been a mess. My name Kitakami second of the Kuma class cruisers and this is my sister Oicchi, fourth of the Kuma class cruisers. We were in Alessa when communications were cut off and have been holding up with the resistance until help arrived."

Shinano nodded her head as she looked around at the destruction. "That's good to know, but what kind of battle happened to cause this much destruction and what caused the spike in energy we detected."

As she looked around, she saw that some craters look like fox prints that look similar to Kaga's fox but bigger. She could only think that it was her patient in the med bay who did it.

"The battle here was fought by one of our main squads who used special ammunition that devastated this area and as for the energy the spike, the enemy, Chaos, was going to fire a concentrated beam of energy like Apophis but much stronger. We managed to fire some orbital missile that successfully hit and destabilised it causing it to violently explode" Kitakami explained as her mind flashed back to the one instruction she was given.

"Kitakami, Oicchi come here" Yamato said as they grouped up "Under no circumstances are you to reveal that I helped in the battle much less mention my name. if you have any questions, you can ask once this whole mess is fixed."

"That's good to know" Cleveland said as she looked at the soldiers working around "Since we are here, can we help out. We can use our ships to transport things for you"

Kitakami was going to deny but they looked like really wanted to help so she had no choice but accept.

Time skip. Yamato POV


That is the only thing around me. I didn't even know how much time passed until the white was engulfed by darkness. In the darkness I could hear a faint hum of something while also feeling the dull throb of my heart as it beating very weakly. I was in a state of limbo for an unknown time until I could feel my heart get reenergized and powered up as the heart beat was increasing in tempo every few seconds until all my 5 senses returned me.

I opened my eyes slowly so as to adjust to the brightness until they were fully open. My body felt sore but I still carefully sat up while looking at my surroundings. It seemed that I was in a medic room of sorts however there was no one in the room or outside.

I quickly got off the bed before wearing my normal captains uniform. Outside, there was no sign of any human or robot so I just walked in a random direction until I reached an area that had a map. Said map showed that I was in a ship and close to the bridge.

Weighing my options I choose to go to the bridge which made me get a sense of fore boarding like no other. After walking for a while, I finally reached the elevator that went to the bridge. I made a move to tap on the screen but my body didn't respond. I tried moving my arm even forcing it but it did budge almost as if there's something that's going to kill me up there.

Yet even with all these signs I used my nose to activate the elevator which soon opened and I used my nose again to press 'bridge' on the screen. Who knew noses were so helpful.

As the elevator climbed upwards the hair on my neck stood straight as my heart unintentionally beat faster than normal. This all confused me as the elevator stopped and the door opened to the spacious bridge. Inside were manjuus who were furiously typing away at their consoles and seated at the captain's chair was none other than my dear sister Shinano, who for one doesn't know that I'm her sister.


'Ehh' those words were definitely from her mouth but how did she know and why is she looking at me with that glare, it's scary not like her usual self.

Under my sisters glare, I slightly moved back which made me hit something fluffy. Looking behind me I see 9 proud black tails waving behind me.

'When did the skill turn off !??!' internally I was shocked but externally I just remained quiet and had a blank face.

"Why did you deceive me that you weren't my sister."

I kept quiet knowing that if I try to defend myself my arguments would be weak.

"Do you know how long I've waited for you or Musashi or Kii to show up. I was alone and afraid that I'll be only one of our class but here you are. You knew that I was sister yet you lied and used a fake name for you and your ship!"

'Technically it's not a lie, Haruka also means Yamato when written in kanji but you guys never looked and Argo used to be one of my old names in the cosmo navy before it was turned to Yamato'

"And now you're just going to remain quiet, not even bothering to understand how I feel right now."

This brought a shocked looked on my face before it turned to one of sympathy. "Shinano, sister… I'm sorry it's just a lot has been going on."

"Why don't you tell me what's going on so that I help you" looking at Shinano I could feel my heart crack as her tails were dropping low and her ears were turned backwards and her face had a hurt look. She was making me want to wave motion gun myself because of regret.

"I can't, if I tell you there will be many consequences and I don't want you suffer. I was hiding my identity to keep you and everyone safe from danger." I slowly moved forward as open my arms out " I know that your emotionally hurt and feeling betrayed but please find it in your heart to forgive your sister here."

"NO!" she yelled out as she tried to back away but I lunge forward snaring her into a hug "I don't want to"

She whimpered the last part out as tears poured down her cheeks.

'Now I feel like throwing myself into a black hole, dammit why am I weak against tears'

Time skip

In the time that past Shinano managed to forgive her on the basis that I show my tails when she's around but Yamato rebuked and said when they were in a private place or when there are very few people around, some dealing later and they agreed to it.

Yamato found out that she was in the Orion system. Her ship was almost done with the minimum repairs to make it ready to warp and in the meantime most of the other kansens were walking around the station. In particular, Ayanami was showing Kitakami and Oicchi around since they were cut off from civilization for a long time.

Now that Yamato was awake she was able to better coordinate the repairs with the help of analyser who woke up around the same time as she did and in under 20 minutes they were finished with repairs and ready to head back to base.

Luckily during their warps there was no major accident apart from Kitakami and Oicchi getting lost during warp due to them being rusty and after a few more warps they all safely made it back the Azur lane system. Thus the long mission finally came to an end as the Yamato gracefully ploughed into the water before shutting down the main engine and using the sub engines to dock to the naval base.

There were some people and kansens who clapped at the return of the fleet which was gone for more than a month. For Yamato she couldn't be any happier to be stepping on friendly ground. All of the kansens who participated gathered in the admirals office where they gave a debrief on what happened.

"Hmm, so let me get this straight, Haruka. You're telling me that there's a new enemy which placed the Alessa system in a pocket dimension and that there name is, Chaos. Not only that but they also fielded a weapon like Apophis but many times greater" Haruka nodded her head to confirm this " I fell another headache coming. Okay when you leave please invite Kitakami and Oicchi, I'd like to hear their side of the story. Alright you are all dismissed, when I need you I'll call you."

With the mission officially closed most of them went to celebrate however, for Yamato she still had one more mission left and it's a heist that may probably get her killed.

Time skip

"Okay analyser, we know that the wisdom cube for Kii/ Ginga is within the rusted hull of her WW2 ship which was moved to the capital of Sakura empire. From there we swap with an equally identical one, then after that we escape but to where?" Yamato pondered as she looked at the projected Galactic map in front of her.

"Yamato" Analyser started as he zoomed close to the galactic rim "I found out that the small magnetic cloud can be a place we can go to as there's evidence that the ancient race was also here thus they could have built gates to connect them. If they are real we could go to Iscandar and use it as our new base and territory."

"It's true that we can do it but there's a lot of risk involved and Iscandar may not even exist in this universe. But I guess it's worth a shot. I'll leave the preparation of the materials that we need to you analyser. Keep in mind that we have two cruisers that would accompany us. I'll go talk to the admiral."

Admirals office

"Wait, you're leaving?!" said admiral was shocked at what she just said.

"Yes I'm leaving, we only agreed that I do one mission for you and that was to cover the cost of remodelling my ship now there's nothing left to pay back so I'm leaving for a number of months. When I'm done I'll come back here."

"Okay, at least you'll come back but do you know how long you'll be gone for?" Yamato just shrugged her shoulders.

"Fine, you can leave but when you came I'd like you to do some missions for me and maybe other countries"

"We'll see" Yamato said as she left the office and met up with her two fleet mates ,is that a thing, and quickly brought them up to speed on her plan which left them shocked.

"You want to go past the galactic rim! But more importantly you want to steal from your own empire the wisdom cube of your sister ship?!!?" Oicchi couldn't help but yell a bit.

"You already know if I suddenly show that I'm Yamato, the crisis that will unfold would be catastrophic to both you and me. Now analyser will be loading your ships with materials needed to build a base so don't complain if your ship is full"

With that she went back to her ship to get a good rest for later in the day which is when they would launch for Sakura empire. While she was in the process of sleeping she was rudely awakened by Keter who just happened to have lagged with the rewards.

Rewards have finished processing.


For killing the enemy Alpha and Nix you've obtained 50 million credits and the Cosmic sniper as your permanent sniper.


For destroying the enemy ships and breaking the barrier you've obtained blue prints for a wave motion core.


All her fatigue was gone as she stared at the last notification.


With the ability to manufacture wave motion core she would be unstoppable. OH the ideas that were filling her mind. The most prominent being an orbital super wave motion gun platform. Like a super MAC from Halo.

OH the destruction she can cause now. No enemy will be safe in the future. As her mind was filled with the thoughts of the war crimes she would do, she dozed off with a smile.

Later in the day, she was woken up by analyser which meant that they had finished loading the materials and are ready to go but Yamato had a burning question.

"Analyser, is it possible to make a wave motion core using the blueprints we have"

Analyser thought for a moment before replying. "No, the equipment on board cannot make a wave motion core but if we can use the resources of a planet I can develop the tools we need to build them"

Yamato hummed as she nodded, seems like her plans would be delayed for a long time.

"Okay, radio Kitakami and Oicchi tell them that we're leaving in a few minutes"

Analyser replied with a roger as Yamato descended into the bridge to make preparations for launch. In about 5 minutes, Yamato and her 2 destroyers left the port before igniting their main engines and lifting of the ocean. As their ships continued to climb Yamato looked at a star map, seeing that the systems that they would pass don't have much of a threat level which means a very boring journey.

Luckily, she has an automatic flight system that flies for them, talk about handy.

Time skip yes there a lot it's just that there's no action

The Sakuran capital system was named Tokyo after the capital city on earth. This capital system received a lot of traffic with ques between stations and planets being so long they circle an entire planet.

The system had a binary home planet which were both habitable and in the middle was a weird phenomenon.

The Yamato and her escorts just dropped out of warp some kilometres from the binary planet and right in front of them they could see a giant cherry blossom tree. A TREE IN SPACE! It doesn't make sense.

"Oi analyser what am I looking at?"

Instead of surfing through the nearby web to answer the question, analyser directly asked Kitakami.

"That's a new species of trees that naturally grow in space. Others normally don't grow to planet size but this one is an odd one from what we found. There's a station built around its trunk and if I remember right that's where the ship was put." Kitakami replied as their small fleet moves forward to dock.

Yamato stared blankly at the data file she was holding as her mind ran through her back up plans if they were caught one of them may be blowing up the station however, that was a last resort of the last resort.

In what seemed like a few seconds they had already docked with station, and now they were going to meet up at the nearest point. Though, not known to them Yamato's ship had already caught the attention of multiple people.

Yamato herself couldn't help but feel like she was being watched even with her camouflage on it felt like something was peering at her soul which her shiver in discomfort. Moments later, she met up with the two cruisers and went ahead to the check point.

They went through the usual frisking though the two the destroyers were allowed to pass directly, for Yamato she had to be searched then they had to scan her hand for some unknown reason.

The guard took the scanner away before looking at the report. Once his eyes landed on the screen he instantly froze and was like a statue. His face, a mix of shock and disbelief.

"Anything wrong mister?" Yamato said with a hint of annoyance as she slightly glared at him.

His earlier shock crumbled as he regained his composure and let Yamato to pass through. Once she passed him, she could feel his eyes track her as she met up with the two cruisers.

The earlier guard could be seen looking at the report again with shock once he lost her in the crowd. The guard mumbled something strange before putting the scanner away, thinking it was faulty. On the screen we see one report.

Security clearance: universal. (Only Shinano has this kind of clearance as Nagato's is one tier lower)

The three kansens quickly walk through the crowd as they head over to the museum wing of the station. They passed by a lot of tourists who gave them a glance before going back to what they were doing. The only thing they could hear were their shoes until they heard someone talking around the corner.

The two parties eventually met with Yamato staring at a kitsune girl. They were wearing a yukata had black hair with long black fox ears. One of them was pierced with an earring however, Yamato could feel a sense of authority coming from her. To her left were two kitsune one had brown hair with red eye shadow around her eyes while the other seemed to be her sister with white hair and blue eye shadow. Lastly, to her right was a girl of equal height however she had this white bunny ears and two red dots on her hair.

The stare lasted for a few seconds until the bunny girl shouted startling everyone. "Kitakami, Oicchi I can't believe you're okay. I thought you were gone!"

The bunny girl instantly pulled the two in for hug which made both of them uncomfortable.

"It's okay Shimakaze we had some help to free us." Kitakami said as she pointed at Yamato who just stood there without helping them even though they silently pleaded through their eyes.

The kitsune with dark brown hair was staring at Yamato for a long time before she spoke. "Anchors on your uniform, black trench coat with gold trims and pink hair, are you perhaps the captain of the Argo."

The black haired girl suddenly took in interest in me for an unknown reason "Yes, I am the captain"

The answer managed to make the black haired girl speak "If so I should thank you. My name is Nagato lead ship of Nagato class battleships. I once again thank you for saving two of our cruisers from Alessa" she said with a little bow.

'Nagato? No wonder she has so much authority'

"Your welcome. If that's all may I kindly take my leave as I have to go somewhere urgent"

The rest did not say anything which meant that I was allowed to go which I did with my two cruisers behind me.

"That girl" Nagato started "Looks like Yamato, even her aura and authority felt higher than mine. I want to say that I'm imagining things but I can't be wrong, can I?"

The brown haired kitsune, Akagi looked in the direction where they went. "That girl didn't have any fox like features though her eyes were foxy in a way, either this is just a random powerful human or kansen or it could be Yamato to which I'd say that she fooled all of humanity. Though, it brings up the question why would she stay hidden"

Back with our group, they finally managed to walk into an impossibly large space that looks like a garden with grass and plants in some areas but in the middle of it all was the wreckage of a Yamato class ship.

Somehow the guns had been salvaged and the hull patched up in some areas creating a sense that the ship went out with a bang, literally. In the holes of the rusted hull a faint blue glow could be seen inside which means that the target is in the hull however there was one major problem that they all overlooked, the whole entire thing was encased in an unknown material that looked like it could tank multiple positron and even wave motion missiles.

There was only one entrance with three guards, all wearing power armour. Yamato sighed before eying the few tourists in there.

"Kitakami, Oicchi distract the tourists for a second I'll deal with the guards."

They both nodded as they took out their instruments. Yes they will distract the crowd with the art of music!

Yamato sighed again waiting for them to start before doing the worst thing possible. She deactivated her camouflage and remove her captains cap, thus her true identity was revealed.

Moving fast she walked up to the entrance where two of the guards stopped her but when they met her red eyes and saw the nine black tails behind her they knew who she was.

"Forgive us your empress, we didn't know that you would grace us but that doesn't matter" one of the guards sad as he fumble with the key lock before opening it, allowing their gracious empress without a second thought.

'That was easier than I thought' Yamato thought as she continued inside the ship.

Inside, the once numerous hallways that stretched through various decks were all gone and in its place was a hollow interior. The wisdom cube was placed on a pedestal of sorts. Yamato slowly walked closer until she was close enough and grabbed the blue cube.

When she held the cube, her world burst into a number of colours as scenes or memories flashed by her so fast she couldn't even see them. This was coupled with a headache that was starting to grow even more as more images flashed by her and voices of multiple talking giving her a sensory overload as she grabbed her head in pain.

Then there was silence, just white silence with a faint ringing sound.

"Yamato?" a voice called out, it so familiar yet sounded like she was far away and close at the same time. Looking up, she met the same golden eyes that Ginga had. Her hair had a different style but it was the same colour.

Her eyes seemed to be searching for something but seemed to fail as her eyes dim in colour and her tails droop

"Though you are Yamato, you aren't her but someone from another world." Kii put on a fake smile as she looked at her again. "Though you may not be my true sister, I sense that we share a bond that I can't remember" in that moment another Kii formed beside her but this was the Ginga that she knew.

"I trust that you know what you're doing sister, just make sure you don't break me as I am very fragile."

Suddenly, the world went back to normal which made Yamato be in a daze before she focused on the mission. From one of her secret pockets she removed an identical cube and placed it where the original was. After the quick swap she exited the hull and made a clean get away.

Some tourists did see her however they didn't take photos as they just gawked at her until she was out of view. She used this opportunity to hide her foxy appearance and come out like a regular human. Kitakami and Oicchi had long since finished their distraction dance and quickly made their way to her once they spotted her.

"Okay, once we leave the station we will immediately warp out and we won't stop until we reach our destination. Also be prepared for some tough battles ahead as we blitz the enemy"

Luckily they didn't encounter any other kansen and boarded their ships. Analyser had been keeping the engines running hot and once she was aboard, the ship undocked with the station as its sub engines fired at full thrust for a while before the main engine ignited sending them speeding to the outer edge of the station perimeter.

The two cruisers managed to catch up easily and once they passed the perimeter mark they all warped successfully ending their heist mission.

The fleet continued to warp for about 16 times before they had to stop to let their cores cool down. In that time they were well away from the Sakura empires boarder and nearing the furthest scouted regions that humanity had ever scouted basically the edge of human territory.

On the comms, there were multiple distress calls however they ignored them and just warped past the fighting and into uncharted territory.

"Okay analyser, tell the rest to stop here. Have you matched the stars we used to get to Iscandar?"

"Almost, I've corrected the map that reaches the ancient gate however from there I do not where the stars are in the small magnetic cloud as they have changed positions from previous observations."

Yamato nodded her head as she looked at the star map analyser had come up with. The sirens and chaos have been quiet however they may be like the Gamelans and their forces increase the closer we get to Iscandar. There was no sure way of knowing as sirens use portals and mini dimensions to transport troops and space ships.

Yamato sighed as she closed her eyes waiting for the real action to take place. After their cores had cooled down they once again continued warping until a familiar blue structure came in view.

A grin could be seen on Yamato's face as she stared at the same ancient gate she used multiple times in her universe.

"Analyser, like last time send in a siren fighter to recon wait we don't have a siren fighter. In that case send a tiger 2 with the minimum ammunition. Once it gets the intel prepare every weapon and send the intel to the cruisers."

One of the side hangars on Yamato's belly opened as a tiger 2 blasted off into the ancient gate creating a small water like splash. The tiger, which was piloted by an advanced AI courtesy of analyser, powered through the gate as it emerged on the side.

Instead of the usual orange like gas hiding the core the area around it was different, it was like they were in a waterfall of sorts as strange mists were pouring around a barrier and where the core was supposed to be, a giant neutron star was at its centre with a giant ring like siren station.

The military presence on the other hand was insane, if you compare the fleet in 2199 to this, the 2199 fleet would be like a cat staring up at an elephant. The entire space was filled with to the brim with weapons of death and destruction.

The AI knowing what's best quickly turned tail when it located the other portal as some patrolling fighters were chasing after it.

When the fighter returned with the intel Yamato couldn't help but stare in shock at the amount of ships. This would definitely be suicidal but Yamato knew that she had faced tougher opponents but she still lent the cruisers about half her stock of wave motion missiles as they would be very handy to them. So the fleet sailed forward at full speed with all their weapons ready to let loose.

Siren station

Deep within the station we see some faces which we haven't seen in a couple of chapters.

We see Observer, Purifier, Tester and their Empress.

Currently all siren empresses were holding a discussion on what they would do regarding a major operation that would take place on Earth. The discussion was on what they would bring and other things but most of them were saying that they could win as there have been rumours of the empresses collaging with something called the Ark of the Void or something like that.

The meeting was going well until they were disrupted when alarms sounded throughout the hall. This shocked most of the sirens there as they demanded an explanation which was answered by multiple screens showing a battle outside that was what looked to be 3 ships versus an entire armada. Most sirens thought that they were suicidal while others wondered how they found out the gates.

But for one Observer and Purifier they recognised the ship in the lead which they thought perished with the arbiter but it was still there firing its guns and missiles mowing down multiple ships in a salvo.

Their empress shot them a look to which Observer just shrugged her shoulders but a smile could be seen on her face as she looked at the carnage unfolding. Both her and Purifier were starting to like this ship more and more.

Back with the Yamato.

Explosions could be heard all round them as they blitzed past multiple ships. Analyser with some combat AI's were firing everything they got with max precision. One blast from her main gun tore through 6 to 8 ships in front of her as they sailed past the wreckage and the missiles were expertly taking out the major ships in front of them that would pose a threat.

The deeper they went the bigger the capital ships which were hard to destroy in a salvo.

"Analyser, tell the others to get into their rigging form and latch on, prepare the wave motion shield."

The ship couldn't afford to waste ammo on the capital ships thus it would zoom past them hoping to not waste any time and ammo. Both cruisers quickly changed to their riggings and latched on to the hull with the anchors. Moments later a white blueish shield covers the Yamato as it blitzes past the enemy ships at full speed.

All weapons blew up on the shield but this was quickly draining it which made Yamato yell at the hitch hikers to hold tight as the ship did a continuous 360 while its main guns and missiles tore apart any ship that was too close for comfort.

But the sirens weren't so easy to destroy and most ships moved to block their path as they continued to fire at it.

"Kitakami, Oicchi use those special missiles and blow a hole through them" Yamato's voice sounded in the comms as the cruisers de summoned their rigging before letting loose. Missile silos on the deck on the hull, in between smoke stacks opened up as their payload lit up before launching out of its cell and to the enemies in front.

In total over 160 missiles launched from the cruisers and swarmed through the enemies AA defence before their wave motion package blew up. The viewports were covered in blinding white light from the explosions that happened. When the light died down it revealed a clean large hole in the enemies formation that was filled with debris and metal particles.

Not wasting time, they used this chance to break out of the enemies hold as they made a beeline for the other gate. Missiles were fired behind them to provide cover support as they plunged into the inky blackness of the star gate.

The sirens should be bowing on their knees that they didn't get blasted to pieces by a wave motion gun to the core. But no they were in an uproar, their armada couldn't even deal with 2 shrimps and a shark.

The empress ,who was the fourth empress, sighed as she looked at the damage caused by the tiny fleet. This somehow brought a tiny smirk to her face as she thought of ways that she could use this ship to make her the ruler of these stupid sirens here.

Scene change

"Are we alive" the cruiser Kitakami asked as she looked around.

"Yes we are alive and are currently the first fleet ever to venture out of the galactic rim." her AI said as she viewed the outside through the bridge window only to be met by the most beautiful view of a sea of stars all around her.

When she was told that they were past the galactic rim it made her stand frozen, "I said I would follow Yamato-sama anywhere but past the galactic rim?! After we nearly died we're going to a new galaxy! Give me a break"

"Transmission from the Yamato telling us to continue follow them, you orders" Kitakami just nodded her head before falling into her comfy chair.

Time skip

Ever since that battle, they haven't seen any other battle group or ships since then. Recon planes report nothing and radar doesn't catch anything. They've been on route to Iscandar for about 2 month and so far they were about 10 warps away from Iscandar and the closer they get the more anxious she feels that Iscandar isn't real until analyser managed to obtained a photo using the telescope and it showed two planets.

It seemed that Iscandar was still a binary system but the one dark green Gamilas planet was now a lush crystal blue with green like its sister planet. From observations it looked like both planets had no intelligent life on them even after all this time and didn't show signs of occupation.

When they reached the half way point was when they encountered a siren scout force. When they warped its seemed like they didn't detect their presence so Yamato used this opportunity and released her Fighters with both tiger 2 and 1's launching from her hangar. The recon fleet didn't stand a chance against small nimble fighters and were thus wiped out before they could even send a signal for help.

The fleet continued with the rest of the warps until they made into the Iscandarian system. From there, they had to wait for their cores to cool before warping for the final time.

And right in front of them were two untouched beautiful planets right for the taking. They continued forward using their main engines as they entered into orbit above the planet Iscandar. Slowly, they dipped their hulls into the atmosphere as they gracefully cut through the air without a hit of plasma.

Analyser had already chosen a sight to berth their giant space ships and were making their way there. The Yamato extended its wings as it flew through the air until their docking place could be seen. The Yamato powered down its main engine as it hull gently splashed into the water followed by her two cruisers. Their hull cut through the ocean as they made it into the berth where they stopped and dropped anchor.

This was the cruisers first time in an alien world that they haven't discovered and the first time azur lane ships made it to the small magnetic cloud.

"Air composition is breathable, no toxins in the air and sun intensity is normal." analyser said as Yamato opened the airlock to the outside.

Once her foot left the interior she could feel the slight gust blowing in from the ocean. This made her smile as she looked at the land that was once home to a pacifist race who helped humanity to bring back her lush earth and now she was on their planet again though it was a different universe.

"Okay, analyser prepare to remove all the vehicles and materials we need. We need to build up the port and fast"

The sun's rays gracefully shined on the three newcomers almost as a sign to welcome them.

Finally done! That was long.


They are finally at a safe haven where no siren will interrupt them as they plan to bring back the third Yamato class.


See you guys in the next chapter which may not come out in a couple of months due to school and all or maybe I can get it out sooner who knows.




Shinano could only watch as her sisters ship flew off into the darkness of space leaving her there to wait for her return. She didn't like waiting long but she would try even if it take a few months, she would wait.

While looking at her carrier being repair a sudden string of words pop in her head.

"The battle for our home planet is just about to begin, stay tune for more" -end.