Episode 7

I opened my eyes and I was back inside the cottage, lying on the leather bed. I was disoriented at first, but then I remembered what happened and Agreus appearing after those people tried to kidnap me. It must've really been him and clearly he brought me back here.

"You're awake." He said as he was standing next to the window with folded arms.

I looked at him and gulped before I touched my wrist. A bandaid was wrapped around my wrist and it looked like the magic dampener also got removed.

Agreus came a little closer. "What were you thinking? Why would you go off like that on your own? Who were those people in anyway?"

"I don't know..." I told him and rubbed my wrist. "I also didn't ask for your help."

"Come again?"

I looked at him and then I stood up after kicking those stupid sheets off me. "I said, I didn't ask for your help. I have no fucking idea who those people were or why in the hell they were even after me. But the last thing I need is for you to tell me what I can and cannot do!"

"Are you seriously started an argument with me based on that?"

I folded my arms. "Can you take me back to the campus please? I have a class to attend."

"Oh you mean that potion class? It already ended about five hours ago and I don't think you are registered for any other classes..."

I frowned and sat back down. Was I out of it for that long? I was just kicked against the back of my head, so surely that kid did something to me but me missing a class only meant that my parents would soon find out about it. Which was good, because I wanted to know what the bloody hell that lumberjack and witch wanted from me. I had a feeling they were old enemies of my father's holding a grudge against him.

Agreus was still pissed and since I was so deep into thought and didn't even pay much attention to him anymore, he grabbed my throat and pinned me down. Hovering above me as he growled down my face. "HEY! You nearly got abducted by three mages and I had to fucking save you, so unless you start talking now I will make you talk!"

I looked up and yelled back. "I don't know!!! I don't know who these people are or what they I want, all I wanted to do was get back to campus and that old man offered to show me directions. He asked my name and then those people showed up and the boy attacked me!...I..." Wait, hold up. Did Agreus really save me from these people?

I was such an idiot for not realizing that sooner. I mean he even took care of my wounded arm and stayed out of school just to watch over me. He really did that for me? I felt terrible for how I was behaving just now and understood why he was angry.

I thought of the only possible why to calm him down, so I kissed him. He tensed up but relaxed and kissed me back before the hold around my throat loosened.

I pulled away and sighed looking into his eyes. "That's all and I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I just don't like it when people scold me because it always feels like I did something wrong."

He was silent and just got off me to sit on the bed. His elbows on his knees as he leaned forward and held his hands together.

He glanced at me again saying, "By the time I got there you were already out of it. It was easy to handle all of them, but they all ran away the moment they realized who I was. They also said they will be back."

"So these people have been lurking in the woods all because they were looking for me..." I stared at my hands.

"Did they say anything else to you?"

"Nothing other than saying I was some treasure they have been looking for over hundreds of years. I don't know what that shit means, but I'm only 20 years old, so they probably got the wrong person!" I shrugged.

"Hmm..." Agreus went silent again, probably just in a train of thought and I was glad he didn't see how me realizing him saving him left me flustered. But I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

I quickly changed the subject. "So what if they come back? This time I'll be ready for them and they'll regret ever messing with me! That aside, I suppose since I missed class there is no point in getting back to campus, so maybe we can stay here..."

Agreus looked at me and then his lips curled up. "You want to stay here? Did I hear that correctly?"


"Fine by me, let me just make one thing clear." He turned and grabbed my throat again. "Sneak off like that again without my permission, then I will punish you dearly for it. Don't ever do that again. Do you understand?"

I blushed again and then I rolled my eyes. "Yea...whatever..."

"I am being serious here, Dorrek. Your safety is important to me." He frowned.

I looked into his eyes almost as if I was caught in a trance and then I nodded. He was becoming weirder by the day.

"Good," he said next and then got up. "Besides, you must be hungry." My stomach growled confirming his statement. "I suppose I could give this place a tiny upgrade, like a kitchen for instance. I saw you are pretty good at transmogrification spells, wanna help me with making this place bigger?"

"I don't know conjuring spells..."

"Boy, all you need is the ability to change the form of matter at will and then you can basically do anything."

He reached out a hand to me. I didn't receive any insults or down talking inspite of revealing how I sucked at magic. Agreus didn't judge me at all and he had no idea how that made me feel. It gave me a sense of belonging.