Episode 21

I woke up the following morning alone in my bed. I was literally alone and I was shocked to see now sign of Agreus. Did he really leave me without a good morning kiss?!

I couldn't remember much since last night other than the sex and that mark and him calling me his soulmate. Oh my devil, I'm his soulmate!

I lifted my sheets to see the glowing mark still on my side. It looked as if it could hurt since it was the colour of hot metal, but it didn't feel painful at all. It also wouldn't stop glowing and it also felt as if something was being scribbled on my skin. He said he imprinted on me whatever that means.

I was so deep in thought I didn't even notice Bruce was in the room with me, getting ready for class. "Dorrek?"

I blinked and looked at him, seeing him. "Bruce...Hi..."

"You're awake..." he said staring awkwardly.

"I am." I muttered and then looked at his bed. This was the first time after days since I've last seen him wake up alone in bed.

"Agreus left you here last night and then he went out, probably back to his frat house. I overheard what happened...Is it true that you are his soulmate?"

"Eh..." I blinked my eyes twice. That was a direct and unexpected question, I hardly knew how to answer that one. It also sounded as if Bruce knew what it meant. "You know what it means being an incubus's soulmate?" I knew what it meant being someone's mate but I thought demons were incapable of love.

Agreus and I have been having sex a lot so much that he claimed me but only as his sexual possession. We never had something romantic going on have we? I mean I loved but I didn't know if he felt the same.

"I do actually." Bruce looked at his hands smiling and blushing. The dude literally blushed!

I wanted to know more so I pressed for more. "So it means that Agreus and I are destined to be lovers for eternity?"

"Yes. That's pretty much it and I know because I am someone's soulmate." He said and rolled up his leg sleeve showing me a mark on his leg. "You know the chic I've been seeing lately? It turns out she and I are destiny. I'm really happy for you man! I also wanted to say that I am sorry for...you know... getting in bed with her here? We are roommates and I should respect your privacy as you should mine. I promise it won't happen again."

I was too busy getting jittery about what he told me, confirming that Agreus and I were destiny and it meant that he had to love me. Agreus fucking loved me and was too hot headed to say it himself! I was literally sitting there with a tomato face, wanting to shove my face into a pillow because I couldn't believe this was finally happening to me.

I jumped out of bed not even realising I was still naked. "No worries Bruce! I'm actually moving to the frat house so you and your 'soulmate' can come here as much as you like. Also Agreus is related to the chancellor so I can call in a favour and let you have this room all to yourself and no more new roommates! In the meantime I'm hitting the shower, I need to see my soulmate right now!"

I left before he could give me a reply. I took my toiletries and my towel with me and walked out the door. A few others came out their dorms staring at me terribly in shock when they saw me nude and I had no care in the world. Agreus was my soulmate and nothing else mattered to me other than that.

I reached the showers and got into a stall. I washed myself before I came out and wrapped the towel around my waist. I headed to the exit and nearly bumped into my brother but thankfully I saw him on time.

"Dorrek..." Eric smiled and beside him was his fiancé Lena. "You look in a good mood. Hope you're not up to something."

I was surprised to see Lena here and again she could never get her hands off my brother. Thank the devil he and I are fraternal because I definitely don't want a face like hers to be into a face that looked like mine. And again I didn't care. Agreus was my soulmate and nothing else in the world mattered.

"Oh brother, lately life has turned out to be so great that no one out there is worth my time or my pranks!" I said and shrugged. Saying that made me feel good and I realised how much I changed over the time I spent with Agreus. He really helped me grow to become a better version of myself.

Eric smiled. "Glad to see you're happy. I was actually hoping to come and see you."

"Me?" I frowned. "Sorry but I don't have time now maybe later."

"This is something serious, Dorrek. Lena just came to inform me that there's been an incident at home. Our family got attacked by the White Skulls. They made it out in one piece but Father got badly injured and is now in the hospital."


How was this possible? The Vladimir family coven was one of the most powerful family covens since back in the day. They were known for their reputation of being a family of badass witches and warlocks that not even other supernaturals would mess with. My dad was the most powerful in the coven and me knowing just one spell was the reason everyone else in that family saw me as the odd one out and treated me that way in spite of me being some king of lust. They were all out of my league!

To hear that these white skulls were capable of doing this to our coven and my father...I couldn't put into words but maybe it was time I realised how dangerous they were. They did all this because they wanted me. Could this mean that they were coming to the campus next?!

I had to tell Agreus.

"We'll be leaving now." Said Eric before adding. "And father wants to see you."

That family put me through hell and visiting a man who made me feel hated and worthless my entire life shouldn't be something I needed to agree with. Yet still I agreed to leave with Eric.

"Wait for me here, I'm going to need a change of clothes."