Episode 22

I stormed into my dorm room and jumped into clothes. Bruce saw me quite in a rush and asked what was going on, but I already headed out the door, just in time for Agreus to come my way holding a gift bag in his hand.

He did see the urgency on my face and rushed to me. "Dorrek? Where are you going?"

"Something happened. I need to go with Eric." I told him, keeping it brief.

"What? Where too?" He growled his possessiveness showing.

I didn't know how to tell him this. He knew more than enough about my family and how they treated me, so was going to be against me going with Eric, but I somehow felt the urgency of going with him.

I sighed and decided to tell Agreus everything. "Our coven got attacked by the White Skulls and my father barely made it. And now he wants to see me apparently."

"So Eric wants to take you to their coven because his father wants to see you?!"

"Agreus I am not in the mood to argue about this. This is the White Skulls and if they managed to nearly annihilate the coven then this academy might be next!"

Agreus clenched his teeth. "Fine! But I am going with you!"

I had no protest to that idea and smiled glad he wasn't going to all alpha dom on me after I talked back with him. I even saw the gift bag and smiled.  "Is that for me?"

"Eh..." he quickly hid it behind his back and looked away. "It's not me it's Ishtar. She told me to buy you chocolates and give them to you."

"Really?" My eyes sparkled. Liar! I knew he was lying. The bag even is a tiny red ribbon attached to it.

"Yes!" He said and shoved it to my chest. "Now take it!"

"Uhg fine! Tell Ishtar I said thanks!" I took the bag and beamed. He should've just been honest and told me he bought these for me now he left me no choice but to punish him in my own creative way. "I think I'll thank her personally! Not even my own soulmate could buy me these!"

I shook my head and began walking. Agreus glared at me, the veins around his neck bulging as if he wanted to say something but he didn't. This was going to be interesting.


The whole drive to Vladville was quiet. Eric and Lena were sitting at the front with Eric driving while Agreus was sitting with me at the back. Lena looked at Eric as if she wanted to ask him something because even she seemed shock I was here with my boyfriend even though I was a guy. If anyone at that family dared to be homophobic Agreus would do to them worse than what those White Skulls did and I bet she knew it. It was probably why she started an unrelated topic.

"By the way babe, I saw this perfect new place which would be perfect for our wedding!" said Lena.

"Is now the time to be thinking about weddings, Lena? There are people out there out for our blood." said Eric.

I didn't further listen to their conversation as I looked Agreus and wanted to start my own banter with him. Like these chocolates for instance!

I opened the gift bag and had a peek inside. I saw a note and pulled it out before showing it to him. "Did you mom also write me a love letter?"

He frowned and looked at the note as if he didn't know about it and to then he snatched it from my hand. "Give me that!" Before it burnt into a crisp between his fingers.

I pulled out the chocolates and damn I was impressed. It wasn't just any kind you find inside a store but the expensive kind you find in very expensive chocolate shops.

"How did she know I love chocolates so much?" I turned my head to him and damn. The man looked as if he was about to explode.

"Put. That. Away. Dorrek." He said through gritted teeth.

"Why?" I pouted. "Ishtar was so nice to buy these for me and no one was ever this nice to buy me sweet things-"

"IT WAS ME!" Agreus yelled and even Lena screamed. "I was the one who brought you those chocolates and I asked Ishtar about buying you something and she told me chocolates were always the best and easiest kind! She did not buy them! I did! You are mine! Mine! Not hers! MIIINNNEE!"

After that an awkward silence filled the car. Even I had my jaws hanging after his sudden outburst. I didn't know it was that easy to make him break and the way he called me his made me very excited, especially between my legs.

Lena and Eric looked at each other and for moment it was as if I saw this smirk on his face before they just went on with their conversation like none of this just happened.

Agreus leaned over to me and then he grabbed my throat. "When we get back to Whitemourne I will put you in your place, you brat! That's a promise!"