Get Up and Run

Aselero, on the floor, severely found himself face to face with a Slotula, a creature known and fear by all Kinerikan for its insatiable hunger to devour Kinerikan flesh.

But Aselero, despite the fact that he was gravely wounded and down on the ground with the Slotula standing before him, mustered the very little strength he had left to get back on his feet and face the Slotula.

Aselero, even though he was injured and barely had the strength to stand on his two feet, refused to stay down as in his core he was a warrior above all else and as such he refused to fall without fighting with every bit of strength his body could muster.

Aselero, now standing albeit barely on his two feet, looked the Slotula in its reptilian green eyes without an ounce of fear in him before charging straight for the creature at supersonic speeds.

The turtle like creature, seeing Aselero, racing straight for it at supersonic speeds activate the crystals on its shell which began to glow a brilliant emerald green as it did, the crystal on the Slotula's shell then immediately negated Aselero's speed, the moment he got too close, slowing him down enough for the Slotula to send him flying with just a swipe of its massive tail.

Aselero was sent flying straight to the wall upon being hit by the Slotula's massive tail before falling hard to the ground.

Aselero felt blood sipping out of his mouth, feeling immense pain as that simple hit from the Slotula's tale was enough to break several bones and inflict even more injures upon an already severely wounded Aselero.

Aselero then slowly raised his head and saw the Slotula slowly approaching him, stumping the ground underneath its massive feet with each and every step it made his way.

Aselero tried to get up but each attempt he made ended up with him falling back to the ground while wincing in immense pain.

Aselero was to hurt and could not find strength he needed to get up and, in those moments, as he watched the Slotula slowly making its way towards him he began to think about how it might be the end for him.

Seeing his life flashing before his eyes, how his childhood and he had to endure a miserable brutal life in the stumps without a mother his abusive father, how he grew up and, through many struggles, made a name for himself as one of the fastest Kinerix in Kinerik and eventually joined the ranks of the Hypirex but above all else, the parts of his past that stood out more than the rest, the most memorable parts of his past which he actually enjoyed were of his family, how he met Swifa and eventually had Fastilo and Spedori, remembering how he actually fell in love with a woman that drove him crazy half of the time and how he managed to whip Fastilo in shape, making him achieve a level of speed he considered descent enough to not embarrass him, he then thought about Spedori, remembering how he felt when he was born, scrawny and weak, and spent way too much time crawling when most Kinerik children around his age had already started running.

Aselero sighed as memories of his second son filled his mind; Spedori was slow at least compared to other Kinerik his age, Aselero tried his best to whip him in to shape like he did Fastilo but no matter how hard he pushed him could never seem to break that invisible barrier within that was holding him back.

Aselero, even though he attitude towards Spedori may not reflex it, did care for his son, he may not show it as much or even outright admit it but he did truly and genuinely love his son, it's why he was always so hard on him and pushed him to grow faster.

Aselero had lived a long life and he had seen what life in Kinerik was truly like and to live a good life in Kinerik you either had to be born in to or be fast enough to grab it for yourself, a hard truth Aselero had to learn a long time ago, something he hope his sons would understand someday.

Aselero, upon remembering his past and his family began to slowly get up; mustering the strength he needed to get back on his face as remembering everything he had struggled to achieve, and his family, one of the only few things in his life that brought him both joy and pride especially his two sons, he wanted to see them grow and become one fastest Kinerikans to ever live, even surpass him in speed.

Aselero had lived, despite so many hardships, a good life and even had a family which, even though he may not admit it as often as he should, loves them and he was not ready to lose it, especially not to an over grown turtle.

Aselero then got up, once again looking the Slotula in the eye before racing straight towards once again.

The Slotula, seeing Aselero racing him attempting to use the same trick on him, using his crystals too negate Aselero's speed and the striking him down with its massive tale but this time Aselero was ready for him.

Aselero, just before the Slotula was about to strike him with its tale ducked and slid in between the gap in its legs, making out through the still opened Vulorinuim door before dashing away at incredible speeds as fast as his legs could carry him.

Aselero dreaded the idea of having to run away from a fight but his pride and stubbornness had not blinded him to the point where he could recognize a losing battle.

He was gravely wounded and on top of that there was Slotula's ability to negate his speed, those two factors made it clear to him that that battle was one he stood not chance of winning, so if he wanted to stay alive, he had to swallow his pride as a warrior and flee.

Aselero thinking that his worries were over came to the horrible realization that he was terribly mistaken upon hearing the ferocious roar of the Slotula behind.

Aselero then turned around and the Slotula chasing after him.

Normally a charging Slotula won't be much of a problem for Aselero as they were fast to a degree but weren't as fast as a Kinerikan as skilled and fast as him, in a normal circumstance Aselero would be able to easily out run a Slotula but the circumstances he was in were anything but normal.

Aselero was wounded and on top of that the intense gravity in the chamber made it hard to for him to run as fast as he needed, the Slotula's naturally tough body was built to be able to withstand the enhanced gravity in the chamber and on top of that there was the fact that all the Slotula needed to do was to get close enough to Aselero to be able negate his speed.

Aselero tried to increase his speed as best he could but no matter how much he pushed himself, thanks to the enhanced gravity and his injuries could not seem to move fast enough and the Slotula slowly began to catch with him.

Aselero, seeing that Slotula was getting too close for comfort, knowing that if it got any closer it would be able to negate his speed knew he had to find a way to increase his speed fast otherwise he would end up in the Slotula's stomach.

Aselero then looked the ring on his finger, his limiter, understanding what he had to do increase but all knowing the risk he would be taking he did.

Aselero, with the only thing on his mind being his family, took a deep breath before taking off his ring and throwing it away.

And upon doing so he felt his power and speed begin to grow, he began to move faster too fast for the Slotula to be able to keep.

Aselero, upon losing the Slotula couldn't help but out of relief, thinking that was home free, only to see the Vulorinuim door that was both the entrance and only way out of the chamber was closed shut.

"Xellorus" Aselero cursed out of anger and annoyance upon seeing the shut door.

Aselero then remembered what the council member said about it and how it would take an army of Eretikans to bring down it.

Aselero then had a crazy idea, one which he had no reason to believe in it would actually work but it was the only one he had.

Aselero continued to run, allowing his body to generate more and more power as he did, before channeling all that power in his hands which he crashed in to a tight and used in delivering a blow so powerful it sent the Vulorinuim flying out.

Aselero, now out of the chamber, stopped running, taking a moment to catch his breath, unable to believe that his crazy idea actually worked before realizing something.

The arm he used to deliver the blow to the door was broken with any attempt of him trying to move it even if it was slightly would end in him wincing out in pain.

Aselero, seeing his now broken hand, ripped out a piece of cloth and then wrapped it around his broken hand.

Aselero then looked his broken hand, it was the hand where his ring which was also his limiter used to be and now that he was without a limiter, he had little control over his speed and the uncontrollable amounts of power he generated while running, meaning if he pushed himself too hard and ran too fast, he could overwhelm his body with too much power and die.

Aselero just sighed before remembering Xellorus and the fact that he still had the red heart, he had to find him and stop him after all he was still a Hypirex and had a duty to protect Kinerik above else but a large part of him wanted to stop him because he knew if the Light Brings got their hands on the red heart it would spell nothing but doom and disaster for everyone including his family.