Out Run

Aselero looked at his family and saw the look of utter fear and horror in their eyes, his family in the state they were in made even more determined to protect them but at the same time he knew the risks that would be entailed if he were to give the Light Bringers the red heart.

"Hurry up Aselero, my patience is running thin and if I were to grow more impatient, I can't ensure the survival of you or your family" said the female voice from outside the house.

Aselero just sighed, knowing that he didn't have much time on his hands which meant he needed to think of something fast.

Aselero then took a deep breath before glancing back at Swifa, Fastilo and Spedori, his family and the people he cherished most in Kinerik, there was no way he was going to let anything happen to them while he was still breathing.

Aselero then walked up to Swifa, Fastilo and Spedori.

He looked at Spedori and said, "You're beyond slow, seriously I've seen snails move fast than you and those tiny broom sticks you call legs. *sigh* But you're also young and may be with enough time you could get faster, after all your brother was just as slow as you before he, by some miracle, became fast enough not to be a total disappointment".

"Thanks dad" said Spedori, knowing that that was the closest thing he would ever get as a compliment from his father.

Aselero just smiled at his son before ruffling up his hair a little, making Fastilo to chuckle lightly much to Spedori's annoyance.

Aselero then turned to his eldest son.

Fastilo stopped smiling immediately upon seeing the serious look on his father's face.

Aselero examined his eldest son with his eyes sighed before saying, "You better be there for that little runt, heaven only knows he'll need all the help he can with how slow he is".

Fastilo upon hearing what his father said looked at him with a look of confusing, not understanding what he meant.

Aselero then ruffled up his hair like he used to do with Spedori, causing Spedori to giggle greatly annoying Fastilo who proceeded to just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Aselero then went to Swifa who looked at him with a look of fear and sadness, already understanding the Aselero was about to do something reckless and incredible stupid.

Aselero looked at her with a warm smile on his face, shocking both his sons as they had never seen him smile that way before but for Swifa his smile only confirmed what she already knew, Aselero was planning on doing something really reckless.

"What are you planning Aselero?" asked Swifa.

Aselero looked at his wife face, seeing the pain and sadness in her eyes with tears forming on her eyes at the brink on falling, and just sighed before saying, "I not very good at this which is ironic considering how fast I seem to be able to run".

Aselero then used both his hands to hold on to hers before saying, "I'm not a man that can proudly say he has lived a life with no regrets, heck I have a long list of things I wished had never done but meet you having Fastilo and Spedori with you will never be one of them".

Aselero then leaned in closer to his wife and then kissed her softly, knowing this would probably never have a chance to taste her loving, soft and tender lips he savored every moment of it before finally allowing his lips to depart from hers.

Swifa could stop herself from shedding a tear, understanding everything Aselero was trying to say.

Aselero then closed up her hands before saying, "You, Fastilo and Spedori are the only people in this blasted life of mine that I care about and you all are the reason I run, the fire underneath my feet pushing to move faster and faster. So please, no matter what happens to me, promise you'll protect this wonderful family we made together".

"Aselero, please don't…" Swifa was stopped before she could complete her sentence by Aselero kissing her one last time.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself. Once I leave, I want you to get out children out of here to somewhere safe. Run as fast as you can and no matter what you hear or see don't dare to look back" said Aselero before racing off, moving as fast as he possibly could, out of the house before Swifa could say another word.

The woman within the confines of her World Flier watched as Aselero raced out of his home.

"Hmm, so you chose to run did you" the woman said with a smirk on her face before turning to her fellow Light Brings manning the controls.

"Follow him, we cannot risk losing the red heart," said the woman.

The Light Brings did as she instructed and began to chase after the Aselero on the World Flier.

"Let the hunt begin" the woman said with a devilish smile on her face as her eyes began to glow blood red.

Aselero raced through Kinerik blinding speeds while being chased by World Fliers piloted by the Light Bringers.

The World Fliers then began to fire out from the cannon's massive balls of red-hot flames; however, Aselero was fast enough to dodge every single one of their attacks.

"Miss Luminara, the target is moving too fast for us even with our cannons we can't reach him" said one of the Light Bringers to their leader.

The woman leading the Light Bringers upon hearing what her subordinate said just smiled before saying, "I guess the age-old saying is true, if you want something done right…"

The woman then preceded get up before complete her statement, "You have to do it yourself" with a villainous smirk on her face and red glowing eyes.

The woman then with a simple snap of her fingers vanished.

Aselero continued to run as fast as he could but as he did so he began to notice his body was beginning to glow due to the excess power he was generating.

Aselero then looked behind him and saw the World Fliers were still chasing after him.

"Come on, just a little bit further" said Aselero, knowing that he had to find a way keep himself in one piece and continue run for a while longer, he needed to get the Light Bringers away from his family and to do that he need to hang on and keep running a while longer.

Aselero was forced out of his train of thought when he noticed a red beam make its way towards him.

"Shit" said Aselero upon seeing the beam rushing straight for him.

Aselero moved as fast as he could and managed to barely dodge the beam by the skin of his teeth, the beam hit the ground instead causing a massive explosion that sent Aselero flying before crashing down hard to the ground.

Aselero, wounded and incredible pain due to the explosion, slowly opened up his eyes upon hearing the flaps of what he presumed to be some kind of bird.

With his vision blurred Aselero saw, emerging from the sky, a shadowy figure whose features his blurry eyes could make out except for a pair wing attached to its back.

If Aselero did not know any better he could have sworn the figure he saw might have been some king of angelic being, most likely the angel of death sent to put him out of his misery but as the figure grew closer and his vision began to clear he realized that the angelic figure approaching him was anything but angelic and as the being landed before him Aselero looked at her with a look of pure an utter anger and rage as the person standing before him was none other than Miss Luminara, leader of the Light Bringers, with a pair of black raven like wings attached to her back hovering over him.

"Aselero, I presume. I'm Luminara, leader of the Light Bringers" said as she landed before him with a pair of black ravenlike wings attached to her back disappearing as she landed.

"And you must be the bitch that was talking to me through that asshole, Xellorus arms. You know some people see angels during their last moments, I'm on the other hand I'm stuck with a demon like you" said Aselero, recognizing Luminara's voice.

Luminara simply giggled upon hearing what Aselero said.

"You're a funny one, aren't you," said Luminara.

"Yeah, I am and you're psychotic" said Aselero.

Luminara upon hearing what Aselero said just smiled sinisterly before lifting him off the ground with her magic.

"You were given a chance to join us but you rejected it, accepting the darkness instead of the holy light, the truest thing that exist above everything else but it's not too late Aselero, you can still step in to the light and bask in its overwhelming and peaceful warmth," said Luminara.

"If I have to kill millions of innocents and awaken a creature capable of destroying all six worlds to bask in the great 'holy light' of yours, I think I would rather stick to the darkness besides I get sun burnt way to easily" said Aselero.

Luminara just sighed before saying, "You don't understand, this world and the rest of the six worlds is poison, corrupted by the darkness and the only way to save it all is to destroy it all".

"Like I said before, you're a psycho" said Aselero upon hearing Luminara's crazy plan to save the six worlds by destroying them all.

"You still fail to understand; after all, six worlds have been destroyed. Our master and the one true god, Ansaki Tonju, The One Who Came Before the Light and fix it all, replacing those flawed and broken worlds with perfect ones," said Luminara.

"I'm sick and tired of hearing that name, it's so annoying, Ansi...Ansa…An…whatever. Couldn't you give your so-called god a proper name" Aselero.

Luminara upon hearing Aselero disrespect the name Ansaki's name he grew made with rage and then began to use her magic to inflict immense and tremendously agonizing pain upon Aselero causing him to scream and yell out in pain.

"How dare you utter the Lord's name with disrespect" Luminara said before she stopped tormenting and inflicting pain upon him using her magic.

"A god who need a couple of idiots to blow everything up to save everything from a darkness he claims has corrupt everything doesn't sound like the kind of god that deserve my respect" said Aselero.

"How DARE YOU, YOUR UNGRATEFUL BUFFOON!!!!" said Luminara as her eyes began to glow red with pure rage as she began to inflict even more pain than she did before using her magic.

Aselero scream out in pain, feeling as if every single atom of his being was being ripped apart rearranged and then ripped apart once again, in an endless, vicious and utterly painful cycle.

Luminara continuously tortured Aselero with her, making him suffer for daring to speak a word against Ansaki before finally freeing him from the pain once she felt that he had had enough.

Luminara then placed Aselero back down to ground on his knees.

"It's not your fault you can't see the light. You've been in the darkness for far too long and now you know nothing but the darkness you've been living with but even a man blinded so deeply by the darkness and see clearly enough to know when his been beat. Surely even you must understand that if you continue to fight against us, you'll end up either falling to us or your speed, so why fight us at all" said Luminara noticing that Aselero did not have his limiter.

Aselero upon hearing what Luminara said just sighed before look down at the finger where his limiter once was.

"You're right; I'm fighting a losing battle. One I know I can't win *chuckles lightly*. But the funny thing is even though I'm probably going to die I'm not scared. I've lived a decent enough life, I'll admit most of it was crappy and I've made way too many mistakes but all in all it was a pretty god life, sure it wasn't a great one but it was good enough" said Aselero as he got up and cracked his knuckles and his neck as he prepared to fight.

"So even though I know if I keep fighting, I'll most likely end up as a pile of ash on the ground I'll never stop" said Aselero before charging straight for Luminara at full speed and begin to assault flurry of kick and blows, moving too fast for her dodge or try to defend herself from his attacks.

Aselero continued attacking her until he noticed his body had begun to start glowing once again and as it did, he felt a sharp pain flow through his entire body, forcing to stop for a brief moment and giving Luminara the opening, she needed to strike him down with her magic.

Luminara wasted no time in blasting Aselero away with her magic, sending flying straight to the ground.

"You're a special kind of fool Aselero. Even in a hopeless situation one where you have no chance of winning you still keep on fighting" said Luminara as she approached Aselero who was still on ground, too hurt and in pain to get up.

Luminara then used her magic to try and take the red heart from him but upon doing so, much to her shock and anger it wasn't on him.

"Where is it?" asked Luminara with a look of pure and utter rage.

"Where is what, your sanity? I'm sorry I think you lost it a long time" said Aselero with a smile on his face, enjoying seeing the look of madness and rage on her face upon finding out that the red heart was not with him.

"Don't play dumb with me, tell me where the red heart is or else you just how much of a demon I can be" Luminara spoke with her eyes glowing red and her voice becoming distorted and sounding more demonic.

"Do you mean a red rock, one of the broken pieces of the core stone of the most powerful and dangerous creature to ever live. Never heard of it" Aselero said with a cocky smile on his face, infuriating Luminara even more so much as that she began to once inflict pain on Aselero, this time making sure it would be the worst thing Aselero would ever experience in his life, making she he felt the full brunt on her immense rage.

Aselero screamed out in pain as he felt Luminara's magic flowing through his entire body with every fiber of his very being aching and crying out in immense pain as it did.

The pain Aselero felt maddening and unlike anything he had ever felt before, like his blood was on fire, a million needled attacking piercing through his skin and his bones being crushed and broken in to fine powder all at the same time.

All Aselero could do was yell out as he felt the pain continue to flow through his entire body, until finally it stopped and Luminara driven solely by her rage, grabbed Aselero by the neck before yelling with a demonic voice, "Where is the red heart".

Aselero, all though weakened without an ounce of strength left to fight back and immensely hurt, just smiled before saying, "Home is where the heart is".

Luminara upon hearing what Aselero said realized that red heart must be with his family at his home and Aselero only ran any to lure her and the rest the Light Bringers to chase after him.

Luminara upon realizing what Aselero had done turned on her communicator and saying, "All are Light Bringer retreat to Aselero's home and search for the red heart there".

All the World Fliers that once chased after Aselero then turn back on Luminara's command and made their way back to Aselero's home.

"I hope you know that you've just doomed the family you claim to love and care about some much," said Luminara.

Aselero upon hearing what Luminara just chuckled before saying, "Doomed them, you underestimate my family. Granted they aren't as fast as me but given enough time they would be more than fast enough to get to somewhere, somewhere you can't reach them. The truth is during all this time you wasted trying to catch me my family would have already left the house".

Luminara then received a massage from one of her subordinates saying, "Miss Luminara, no one is in the house and so is the red heart".

Luminara upon hearing what her subordinate said gritted her teeth, enraged at what she heard from her subordinate.

Luminara then looked at Aselero, who just smiled back at her with a sinister grin on his face, mocking and enraging her even more.

"Do you think you've won? I and the rest of the Light Brings will stop at nothing to get the red heart and once we find your family, I'll personally make sure their deaths are as painful and agonizing as possible," said Luminara.

"Yeah, good luck with that. Kinerik is our home and we know this place better than you, you can spend your entire lives searching but you won't find them" said Aselero.

Luminara upon hearing what Aselero said looked at him with her eyes beginning to glow blood red before she spoke with her demonic voice, "Oh, I can assure you we will and once we do, I'll make sure to send them to the deeps depths of hell, right after I send you first".

And with those words said Luminara raised her hand towards Aselero, her hand then began to glow red with mystical energy flow through it.

Aselero saw what she was doing but couldn't find the strength to get up, he was too badly beaten, hurt and weak to put up a fight, all he could do was lie there on the ground and wait for the end to come.

"Any last words" asked Luminara as she readied her attack.

"Does this count" said Aselero as he raised his middle finger at her, enraging and annoying Luminara even more.

"You're just making me enjoy what I'm going to do even more" said Luminara before firing a massive red beam out of her hands and straight for Aselero.

Aselero perception changed as the red beam made its way to him, time suddenly slowed and he watched as the red beam that would most like bring his death when it reached him slowly made its way to him.

And in those moments when time seemed to have slowed down Aselero looked around him, seeing the World Fliers that surrounded him and the level of destruction they had brought to Kinerik.

He then turned to the Luminara, the person that was about to end his life and thought about his family and what would happen if she and the Light Brings were to find them, he was no fool and understood that they couldn't run and hide forever, sooner or later they would find them.

Aselero just sighed knowing all he could was to buy time for them to escape, he wasn't fast enough to protect them and that was his greatest regret at that very moment.

Aselero wished had the strength to get up and continue to fight, to, somehow, by some miracle, find the power he needed to the Light Bringers and save his family and home but there was nothing he could do, in the end, when all was said and done, despite all his power and speed, he was just a man, and there was only so much he could.

This seemed to be the end of the road for Aselero as there was nowhere left to run and even if there was, he would really get very far in his current state.

Aselero just sighed before closing his eyes, accepting his death with the only thing on his mind being his family, hoping and, even though he wasn't much of a believer, praying to whatever god was listen, to keep his family safe after he was gone.

Aselero felt the heat of the beam as it came closer and closer to him, it won't be long before it made its way to him but just as it was about to reach him, he felt something race straight to him, standing between him and the beam and then it hits.

Aselero then heard something fall dead on the ground before slowly opened his eyes and saw, much to his shock and horror, none other than Swifa lying on the ground dead next him with a hole on her chest.