250: You think you're worthy to step on her head? _2

"He never believed that a woman could meet him and remain indifferent.

Never had there been a woman he could not conquer.

But now.

After meeting him, Viola Thompson showed no reaction at all.

"Visha Garcia." After a moment, Visha Garcia uttered these words.

Upon hearing this, Nako Garcia slightly furrowed her brows, turning her eyes to Viola Thompson.

Surprise flashed in her eyes.

As his sister, Nako Garcia knew her brother better than anyone else.

Visha Garcia had never looked at anyone with such a gaze, nor introduced himself to a woman on his own initiative.

In Country Polluton, there is not only a division of high and low caste, but also traditional beliefs of male superiority and female inferiority.

In the history of Polluton, there has never been a female official or queen.

In their cognition, women are not only intellectually inferior to men, but also far behind in strength and execution.