250: You think you're worthy to step on her head? _3

It's unforgettable once tasted.

That's how it got its name.

Soon enough.

The large round table was laden with a feast of dishes.

It was exceedingly lavish.

So much so that it was clearly too much food for the six of them.

Looking at the table full of dishes, Nako Garcia's eyes revealed nothing but a clear look of disgust.

Such a bunch of poor, unsophisticated people.

As if they hadn't eaten in hundreds of years.

That's why low-class people will always remain low-class.

"Viola, I ordered this milk tea specially for you." Mila handed the milk tea to Viola Thompson.

"Thank you." Viola took the milk tea.

Mila asked, "Do you need a straw?"

"No, thanks." Viola shook her head slightly.

The milk tea was served in a ceramic cup, so they could drink directly from the cup.

No need for a straw.

Drinking the familiar milk tea, Viola's mood improved considerably.

Throughout the meal, Visha Garcia barely touched his chopsticks.

He just sat there.