250: You think you're worthy to step on her head? _4


She achieved her goal.

Visha Garcia is now very interested in her.

Visha Garcia hooked the corner of his lips, "Tricks? No woman has ever dared to use tricks in front of me."

Viola Thompson was the first.

Other women, once they saw him, were like mice facing a cat.

Ready to be trampled upon.

But Viola Thompson was different.

Even if she was pretending, she at least had the courage.

Did others have it?


Visha Garcia narrowed his eyes, and the dangerous light at the bottom of his eyes said word by word: "I want her."

As long as it was something he wanted, he never failed.

For the first time after Visha Garcia came of age, he was so curious and impulsive towards a woman.

This feeling was very strange.

Especially when he thought of Viola Thompson's cold eyes.

It seemed like there was some trapped beast wanting to break out of her bones.