Chapter 99 Wang Shouzhe! How could it be you! (Seeking monthly ticket)_3

He swept away his previous frail and decaying demeanour; as he moved steadily, a strong Heavenly Human Realm aura filled his body.

He stared coldly at the Young Master: "As Brother Hua Ye put it, how could we, the noble Da Qian Tianren Family, become puppets and servants to the Yinsha Sect?"

"Greetings to Elder Yuan Wu." Huangfu Jinghuan's face was full of excitement as he apologized to Elder Yuan Wu, "I was frightened when I asked Elder to pretend to be an old servant, please forgive me."

"Never mind. To accomplish great things, what's a small sacrifice?" Elder Yuan Wu waved his hand, implying that he did not care. Despite still dressed as an old servant, his demeanor as a Tianren Realm powerhouse demanded respect, not to be underestimated.