Chapter 99 Wang Shouzhe! How could it be you! (Seeking monthly ticket)_4

But how easy could it be to handle him as a direct Disciple of the Yinsha Sect?

Compared to the old ancestors, Hua Ye and Yuan Wu, not only are his cultivation techniques superior to both, but he also possesses a quadruple bloodline and Yin Sha spiritual body. He can initially manipulate the Power of Laws between heaven and earth. In addition, there is a Yinsha Spirit Vein here, and the surrounding Yin Sha Qi is very strong, which can be said to have all the geographical advantages.

Under the full force, evil Qi surged all around him and a clear Dharma shadow clearly rose behind him, emitting ghost-like roars. He looked like a ghost who had slaughtered thousands of evil spirits, one who could destroy heaven and earth with a casual blow. This made people shudder in fear.

With the power of one person, he was able to withstand the two Enlightened Ones without falling under the wind.