Chapter 19: Great Heavenly Proud Li Yao! Battle Celestial Being (Seeking monthly votes)_2

These elders were also once the elite core disciples of the Academic Palace. After reaching the age of over two hundred years old with no hopes of ascending to the Purple Abode, they would be assigned to various positions. Some stayed with the Academy as elders, while others were sent on various tasks outside.

Moreover, the vast majority of elders held significant real power. After all, there were countless disciples in the Academic Palace, and each branch only had one person in the Purple Abode Realm, who could possibly have so much time and effort to manage and mentor all the disciples?

Just when everyone was tense and apprehensive, Elder Shang over there had already heard Senior Brother Le Xian's report.

His face was dark and solemn as he stared at Wang Liyao, "You are bold. Not only did you dare to steal our Primordial Water energy cultivation techniques, but you also dared to be ruthless towards your fellow apprentices from the Academic Palace."