Chapter 19: Great Heavenly Proud Li Yao! Battle Celestial Being (Seeking monthly votes)_3

However, as she failed to escape, the enormous hand also failed to capture Wang Liyao's figure. Thus, both parties ended in a stalemate.

"This girl, indeed only nineteen..."

The faces of Senior Sister Yuyun and Senior Brother Zhenghua were quite awkward as they looked at each other...

A nineteen-year-old girl, not only has her cultivation base reached the second level of the Spirit Platform Realm, but she also skillfully grasps the Primordial Water Sword Intent, and her movement technique, the Water Shadow Flow, has reached a masterstroke.

Even if they both entered the fray, they wouldn't be able to withstand Elder Shang's move "Primordial Water Spirit Hand" for several breaths' time.

Yet Wang Liyao repeatedly shattered their imagined limits with her performance, which made both Senior Sister Yuyun and Senior Brother Zhenghua feel like they had lived their fifty-plus years in vain.