Chapter 004: Secular World Scammer!

Everyone turned their heads to look.

A group of people walked in.

Walking in front were none other than Julia Stewart and Julie Stewart.

Lionel Yeager followed behind.

"Julia, Julie, you're here."

With a grief-stricken face, Kenneth Stewart greeted them.

"Big Brother, how is father?"

Julie Stewart asked anxiously.

Julia Stewart also looked at Kenneth Stewart.

With red-rimmed eyes, Kenneth shook his head and said, "Doctor Holman said...father...won't make it past twelve o'clock tonight..."

Upon hearing this,

Julia and Julie Stewart wavered, almost falling.

With tears streaming down her face, Julia choked, "It's impossible... Grandfather won't die!"

"Doctor Holman, is there really no other way?"

With tears streaming down her face as well, Julie Stewart looked at Joan Holman.

"I'm sorry, I am powerless to help."

Joan Holman responded, then turned her head to look at Lionel Yeager, "Kid, was it you who just questioned my words?"

"That's right, it was me."

Lionel Yeager nodded.

Laird Tennat frowned and said, "Kid, do you know who this person is in front of you?

This is River City's top Doctor, the famous 'Divine Needle King'!

Since even Doctor Holman says so, it must be true!

On what basis do you question Doctor Holman's words?"

With a light laugh, Lionel said, "Is it now the case that anyone can become a Divine Doctor?"

Hearing this, everyone present stirred in an uproar!

"Kid, do you know what you're talking about? This is Doctor Holman, who has been practicing medicine for 30 years and has treated thousands of patients!"

"Doctor Holman is also a director of the East Nation Medicine Association of Huagu, being recognized as the top doctor in River City. It's not for you to question!"

Several attending physicians spoke in succession, very displeased with Lionel Yeager's arrogance.

Joan Holman squinted at Lionel Yeager, "Kid, based on what you said, do you have the ability to treat Sir Stewart?"

"What's so difficult about that?"

Lionel Yeager shrugged.

Just now when they entered the ward, he had already diagnosed Sir Stewart's condition and was 100% confident he could cure the old man.

Joan Holman sneered and said, "Kid, if you can really cure Sir Stewart, I am willing to be your apprentice!"

Lionel Yeager curled his lip and said, "Old man, you want to be my apprentice? I don't even want to take you on as a disciple."

This statement immediately made everyone present extremely angry!

This kid was clearly looking down on Doctor Holman!

Joan Holman's face also turned somber!

He had been practicing medicine for many years, and wherever he went, he was treated as a guest of honor and received great respect!

This situation today was the first time he had ever encountered it!

"Julie, Julia, who is this kid?"

Kenneth Stewart asked coldly, his gaze towards Lionel Yeager filled with anger.

Julia quickly explained, "Eldest Uncle, this is Mr. Yeager, Lionel Yeager.

Not long ago, Aunt had a myocarditis attack, and it was Mr. Yeager who alleviated Aunt's discomfort.

So, Julie and I invited Mr. Yeager to come here and help treat grandfather."

Originally, she only wanted to ask Lionel Yeager to try.

But who would have known that as soon as Lionel Yeager arrived, he offended Doctor Holman? This left her not knowing what to do.


Kenneth Stewart's eyes flashed with surprise, "Kid, are you a doctor too?"

"That's right, I'm a doctor."

Lionel Yeager nodded and spoke.

"Can you really cure my father?"

Kenneth Stewart asked again.


Lionel Yeager uttered a word firmly.

Laird Tennat sneered, "Kid, since you claim to be a doctor, may I ask which Medical University did you graduate from?"

"I haven't attended any Medical University."

Lionel Yeager shook his head.


Laird Tennat scoffed, "Kid, you haven't even attended a Medical University, yet you dare call yourself a doctor? Are you kidding?"

Then, he turned to Kenneth Stewart and said, "Mayor Stewart, I think this kid is obviously a scammer from the secular world. You'd better drive him away!"

Kenneth Stewart said solemnly, "Kid, I don't care who you are, you have three seconds to disappear from my sight!"

Joan Holman spoke up, "Mayor Stewart, hold on!"

Kenneth Stewart said respectfully, "Doctor Holman, what can I do for you?"

Joan Holman said, "Since the kid just spoke so eloquently, why not give him a chance?"

Kenneth Stewart and the others were taken aback, not understanding the meaning of Joan Holman's words.

Joan Holman turned to look at Lionel Yeager and said, "Kid, since you said you can treat Sir Stewart, please tell us about Sir Stewart's condition."

The others also looked at Lionel Yeager with interest.

They understood that Joan Holman wanted to see Lionel Yeager make a fool of himself.

Without any hesitation, Lionel Yeager said directly, "This old man has injuries in his lungs, waist, and legs, and they have been there for many years.

When this old man was young, he could bear it, but now that he is old and his various physical functions have declined, naturally he can't bear it anymore.

It is thanks to the old man's good physical quality that he has made it to today, otherwise, he would have died long ago."

Upon hearing this, Joan Holman, Laird Tennat and the others were suddenly shocked!

What Lionel Yeager said was exactly the same as the results of their examination!

They learned from the Stewarts that Haward Stewart had fought several battles for East Nation, which had left him with numerous injuries!

But how did this kid know?

Joan Holman quickly reacted and said, "It must have been Third Madam and Miss Stewart who told you, right?"

Julia Stewart kept shaking her head, "Doctor Holman, I didn't discuss my grandfather's condition with Mr. Yeager."


Joan Holman's face changed, staring closely at Lionel Yeager, "Kid, how did you know?!"

"Of course, I saw it."

Lionel Yeager shrugged, "Old man, since you are a traditional medicine doctor, you must know what 'observational diagnosis' is, right?"


Joan Holman was suddenly stunned.

Traditional medicine masters like him emphasize the four methods of diagnosis - observing, listening, inquiring, and feeling the pulse. He knew this better than anyone.

However, even he couldn't diagnose many illnesses through "observational diagnosis."

For example, he couldn't diagnose Sir Stewart's condition through "observational diagnosis."

If Lionel Yeager could diagnose all kinds of illnesses at a glance, how excellent would his medical skills be?

But this kid looked to be only in his twenties, even if he started learning traditional medicine in the womb, how remarkable could his medical skills be?

Joan Holman took a deep breath and said, "Kid, it seems like you do have some real abilities."

Lionel Yeager smiled, "At least better than you."


This remark angered Joan Holman so much that his chest heaved.

However, the way everyone looked at Lionel Yeager changed slightly at this moment.

After all, being praised by Joan Holman was not something many young people could achieve.

Joan Holman suppressed his anger and said, "Kid, since you said you can treat Sir Stewart, I will give you a chance!"

"Doctor Holman, do you really want to let this kid treat him?!"

Kenneth Stewart suddenly became nervous.

"Doctor Holman, what if something goes wrong?"

Laird Tennat also spoke up.

They still didn't have faith in Lionel Yeager.

Joan Holman said loudly, "If anything goes wrong, I will take responsibility!"