Chapter 005: The True Divine Doctor!

Hearing this, Kenneth Stewart and Laird Tennat were instantly left speechless.

Since Doctor Holman said he would take responsibility, they had nothing more to say.

Lionel Yeager glanced at Joan Holman and said, "Old man, your medical skills are not that good, but you are quite responsible as a person."

These words made Joan Holman's eyebrows twitch angrily.

Do I, Joan Holman, need you as a kid to tell me about responsibility?

"Alright, let's not waste time with nonsense, let's get started."

Lionel Yeager spoke, then walked directly to the bedside.

"Mr. Yeager, can you really cure my grandfather?"

Julia Stewart looked at Lionel Yeager with a pitiful expression.

"Don't worry."

Lionel Yeager gave Julia Stewart a reassuring look.

Kenneth Stewart stared closely at Lionel Yeager and said, "Kid, if you can cure my father, our Stewart Family will owe you a huge favor!

But, if you can't cure him, I will make you pay!"

"Just wait and see."

Lionel Yeager casually replied, then reached out his hand, "In my haste, I did not bring my silver needles, lend me yours!"


Joan Holman handed over the silver needles.

Lionel Yeager took the silver needles and began to apply acupuncture on Haward Stewart.

The others also gathered around, wanting to see if Lionel Yeager really had the skills.


Lionel Yeager directly mobilized the True qi within his body, injected it into the silver needles, and then with lightning-fast hands, the first silver needle accurately penetrated one of the acupoints on Haward Stewart's body!

When the first silver needle was inserted, the needle began to vibrate slightly and even emitted a golden light!

Seeing this, everyone present was astonished, thinking that Lionel Yeager was performing a trick!

"This... is this the Air Transport Needles?!"

Joan Holman couldn't help but exclaim.

"Doctor Holman, what are the Air Transport Needles?"

Kenneth Stewart asked in confusion.

Joan Holman quietly explained, "The Air Transport Needle is a method of acupuncture that uses the True qi within the body to administer the needles. Only those who have cultivated their acupuncture skills to a very high realm can perform it!

Maybe this kid can really cure Mr. Stewart!"

At these words,

the gazes of Kenneth Stewart and Jefferson Stewart toward Lionel Yeager changed.

Since Doctor Holman said so, maybe this kid really had the abilities.

At this moment, Lionel Yeager's expression was extremely focused as he continuously inserted the silver needles, accurately penetrating Haward Stewart's major acupoints!

Until the ninth needle was inserted!

"It's done!"

Lionel Yeager exhaled a turbid breath and withdrew his hands.

"My God... Is this... the 'Heavenly Road Nine Needles'?!"

Joan Holman could no longer suppress his excitement and shouted in amazement.

His face turned red, his eyes widened, and his breathing became rapid.

"Doctor Holman, what is the 'Heavenly Road Nine Needles'?"

Laird Tennat asked curiously.

Joan Holman swallowed and said, "Since ancient times, many acupuncture techniques have been passed down, but among them, only ten techniques are the most powerful. They can bring the dead back to life and compete with the King of Hell for souls!

Therefore, these ten techniques are ranked in the Divine Needle List. Even my Returning Yang Nine Needles can only rank tenth, while the first-ranked is the 'Heavenly Road Nine Needles'!

I had some understanding of the Heavenly Road Nine Needles from an ancient book, and I thought this technique had been lost. I didn't expect to see it today!

I, Joan Holman, can die without regrets, without regrets!"

Lionel Yeager turned to look at Joan Holman and said, "You old man, you have some knowledge."

Joan Holman looked at Lionel Yeager with excitement and said, "Mr. Yeager, may I ask where you learned the 'Heavenly Road Nine Needles'?"

Lionel Yeager replied, "My Master taught me."

"Then who is your Master?"

Joan Holman continued to inquire.

Lionel Yeager shook his head and said, "I don't know the name of my master either."

Joan Holman exclaimed admiringly, "It seems that your master is indeed a true hermit!"

"Hehe, even if this 'Heavenly Road Nine Needles' is so powerful, Sir Stewart hasn't woken up yet, has he?"

A doctor murmured softly.

But his words had barely left his mouth!

"Cough, cough..."

Accompanied by coughs, Haward Stewart, lying in bed, slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant!

The entire ward quieted down!

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Haward Stewart on the bed, thinking they were seeing things!

He woke up!

Haward Stewart, whose life was hanging by a thread, had actually woken up!

Especially the doctor who had been murmuring earlier, his face now burning with embarrassment!

The slap in the face came way too quickly!

"Quickly check Sir Stewart's body!"

Laird Tennat promptly gave the order.

Several doctors swiftly checked Haward Stewart's body with various instruments.

An attending physician reported, "Dean, all of Sir Stewart's indices are back to normal!"

Everything is normal!

At this moment, Laird Tennat and the other doctors stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say!

Haward Stewart was actually cured by this young man!

And it only took about ten minutes!

Divine Doctor!

This is the real Divine Doctor!



Kenneth Stewart, Justin Stewart, Julie Stewart and Julia Stewart burst into tears of joy, rushing forward.

Haward Stewart smiled warmly, "Kenneth, Justin, Julie, Julia, you're all here."

Julia sobbed, "Grandfather, how do you feel now? Does your body still hurt?"

Haward Stewart replied, "I feel much better now, and I don't hurt."

He looked at Joan Holman and said, "Thank you, Doctor Holman, for saving me."

"No, no, no!"

Joan Holman waved his hands, "Sir Stewart, it wasn't me who saved you, but this young man."

Haward Stewart turned to look at Lionel Yeager, his face disbelieving, "Doctor Holman, don't joke with me.

I know my own body very well, and ordinary people can't cure me. How could this kid possibly cure me?"

Julia said, "Grandfather, it really was Mr. Yeager who saved you!"

The others nodded in agreement.

Seeing everyone nodding, Haward Stewart's expression changed, still finding it hard to believe, "Kid, did you really save me?"

Lionel Yeager spread his hands, "Believe it or not."

"Good, good!

The new waves behind the Yangtze River drive the old waves ahead!

Kid, you're great!"

Haward Stewart said excitedly, "Kid, you saved me, that's a great kindness! Our Stewart family will definitely repay you handsomely!"

At this point, Justin walked up and handed Lionel Yeager a bank card, "Mr. Yeager, thank you for saving my father. There are fifty million on this card, the password is the last six digits of the card number!

Of course, this money is nothing compared to the favor of saving a life!

In the future, if you have any requests, you can contact our Stewart family directly!"

Lionel Yeager took the bank card, put it casually in his pocket without even looking at it.

This scene made Haward Stewart's admiration for him even stronger.

"Mr. Yeager, please accept me as your apprentice!"

Joan Holman bowed deeply to Lionel Yeager, his eyes filled with anticipation and anxiety.