Chapter 006: Get Married!

Upon witnessing Joan Holman bowing to Lionel Yeager in person to ask for his mentorship, everyone present was astonished!

Joan Holman was a figure akin to the top of the Traditional Medicine World!

Yet now, Joan Holman was actually pledging himself as an apprentice to a young man decades younger than himself!

If this were to get out, all of River City would undoubtedly be in a huge uproar!

Lionel Yeager looked at Joan Holman indifferently and said, "Old man, I initially had no plans to take on an apprentice, but seeing your good nature, I might as well give it some thought."

Upon hearing this!

Everyone present was once again aghast!

Joan Holman had swallowed his pride to ask to be an apprentice, yet this kid was actually thinking it over?

However, Joan Holman wasn't angry at all and instead said merrily, "Alright, alright, Mr. Yeager, please give it some thought. I'll wait for your reply at any time!"

After this, Joan Holman exchanged contact information with Lionel Yeager, then left.

After Joan Holman departed, Laird Tennat approached, his face full of smiles, "Mr. Yeager, I'm sorry for having offended you earlier. I hope you can forgive me.

I now sincerely invite you to become the chief physician of our Traditional Medicine Department at the Central Hospital, with an annual salary of 5 million."

Seeing Laird Tennat sincerely inviting Lionel Yeager to be the director of the Traditional Medicine Department at the hospital, and even offering an annual salary of 5 million, every doctor present was envious.

But when they thought about Lionel Yeager's extraordinary medical skills and compelling interest from the dean, it all seemed very normal.

Lionel Yeager frowned, "Didn't you just say that anyone who didn't attend Medical University wouldn't be considered a doctor?"

Laird Tennat forced a laugh and replied, "Mr. Yeager, I was blind to your greatness.

There are people who have attended prestigious Medical Universities, but their medical skills are a fraction of what yours are.

If you're willing to come to our hospital, this won't be a problem."

A couple of attending physicians nearby reddened at his words, as they realized Laird was referring to them.

Lionel Yeager shook his head, "I'm sorry, I have no intention of becoming a hospital doctor."


Laird Tennat wasn't satisfied yet, "Mr. Yeager, why don't you give it another thought?

If you agree to come, I can arrange for you to be the Vice-President. We can also increase the annual salary."

"Director Tanner, different people have different aspirations. There's no need to insist."

At this moment, Haward Stewart spoke in an indifferent tone.

Laird Tennat let out a deep sigh and handed Lionel Yeager a business card, "Mr. Yeager, my invitation is sincere. I hope you will reconsider.

If you ever make up your mind, you can contact me anytime."

Lionel Yeager nodded, then put away the card.

Haward Stewart said to Laird Tennat, "Director Tanner, you all should get back to work. We have something to discuss."

Laird Tennat nodded, then led the attending physicians out of the ward.

Once Laird Tennat and others had left, Haward Stewart, looking benevolent, regarded Lionel Yeager and asked, "Kid, where is your family from, who are your parents?"

In response, Lionel Yeager honestly stated, "Sir Stewart, I have no family or parents. My Master raised me."

"Another poor child."

Haward Stewart sighed, then asked, "Where is your Master now?"

Lionel Yeager replied, "My Master went to take care of something, I don't know where he is now."

Julia Stewart and others on the side were confused, not understanding Haward Stewart's intentions. Why was he asking these questions like a survey?

Haward Stewart asked doubtfully, "Kid, why did you come to River City?"

"I was carrying out my Master's orders to fulfill my engagement with the Lewis Family in River City…"

Lionel Yeager did not conceal anything and shared his experience with the Lewis Family with Haward Stewart.

Once Lionel Yeager finished speaking, Kenneth Stewart was immediately furious, "The Lewis Family really went too far! They could have cancelled the engagement in a more respectful way, why did they have to humiliate people so much?"

"The Lewis Family did indeed go too far!"

Justin Stewart's expression also cooled.

Julia Stewart and Julie Stewart suddenly understood what had happened.

No wonder Lionel Yeager had clashed with the Lewis Family. So, it was all because of this.

Haward Stewart's face also darkened a bit, but he quickly revealed a joyful smile.

"Grandfather, what are you laughing at?"

Julia Stewart looked puzzled.

"The Lewis Family is blind to a gem in the rough in their potential son-in-law and they're rejecting him?"

Haward Stewart laughed and shook his head, continuing, "If the Lewis Family doesn't want him, our Stewart Family will take him!

Julia, let's pick a time for you and Mullen to get married!"


Julia Stewart and Lionel Yeager both looked surprised and dumbfounded at Haward Stewart.

Kenneth Stewart, Justin Stewart and Julie Stewart were also shocked!

"Father, isn't this a bit hasty?" Justin Stewart commented.

"Indeed, father, Julia should be the one deciding her personal matters."

"Father, why don't you think over it? There are diverse ways to thank Mr. Yeager, rather than marrying him to Julia."

Kenneth Stewart and Julie Stewart also voiced out their concerns.

Haward Stewart turned to Julia, asking, "Julia, do you dislike this kid?"

"No, I don't."

Julia shook her head and continued, "But Mr. Yeager and I just met today, we have no emotional attachment..."

"Then you can develop emotional attachment later."

Haward Stewart laughed and then looked at Lionel Yeager, "Kid, what do you think of Julia?"

"Miss Stewart is not just beautiful but also very well-mannered; she's the epitome of a noble lady.

But, considering we just got to know each other, it's too soon to discuss marriage..."

"If neither of you dislikes the other, why not get married!"

Haward Stewart decisively interrupted, "My decision is final, no more persuasion!"

The reason he wanted Julia to marry Lionel Yeager was because he recalled an incident from ten years ago.

Ten years ago, a mysterious old Taoist predicted his future.

The old Taoist told him that ten years later, he would encounter a deadly crisis and a man with the destiny of the celestial dragon would appear and save him.

If he could keep him, the Stewart Family would ascend to new heights.

The events that happened today corresponded closely with what the old Taoist had said, so he intended to keep Lionel Yeager by their side.

Maybe Lionel Yeager was the man with the celestial dragon destiny as predicted.

Justin Stewart knew no one could change their father's decision.

But he thought it was a bit sudden.

Considering this, he said, "Father, if you really are set on bringing them together, I don't think there's such a hurry. They can get engaged first.

After the engagement, let them spend time together and if everything goes well, they can proceed with the wedding. What do you think?"

"That's alright. Then let's have them engaged first."

Haward Stewart nodded, following, "Kenneth, Justin , Julie, you all need to organise this well.

Three days later, hold the engagement party for Julia and Mullen.

My granddaughter's engagement party must be grand and lively."

After a pause, Haward Stewart added: "Be sure to invite the Lewis Family to the engagement party, I would like to see their expressions when they find out Mullen will be our son-in-law."

"Yes, father!"

Kenneth Stewart, Justin Stewart and Julie Stewart nodded in agreement.

Haward Stewart turned to Julia, saying: "Julia, from now on, Mullen will live with you.

You youngsters should get along well."

"Yes, grandfather..."

Julia Stewart shook her head in resignation.

Subsequently, as Haward Stewart and the others had further matters to discuss, Lionel Yeager and Julia Stewart left the ward.