Chapter 11: Enjoying a Feast for Free!

Lionel Yeager nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll accept it.

Mr. Clancy, if you have any questions in the future, feel free to ask me.

As for taking you as my apprentice, I'll think about it."


Cyril Clancy nodded repeatedly, saying, "You take your time. I'm not in a hurry.

In the future, I will find other medicinal materials for you, and if I find them, I will send them to you as soon as possible."

Lionel Yeager nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

Shortly after, Lionel Yeager and Cyril Clancy exchanged contact information and then left the medical hall.

Watching Lionel Yeager leave, Cyril Clancy finally turned his gaze away.

Philip Steel said, "Master, are you really going to take that kid as your teacher?

What has that kid done to deserve it?"

"You don't know anything!"

Cyril Clancy slapped Philip Steel's head, saying, "Although that young man looks young, his medical skills are far above mine!

If he were to accept me as his disciple, with just a little guidance in the future, my medical skills would definitely reach a new level!

You, on the other hand, have mediocre medical skills and lack discernment!"

"Master has taught me well."

Philip Steel repeatedly nodded, not daring to say anything more.

After leaving the medical hall, Lionel Yeager found a deserted corner, put the hundred-year Ganoderma lucidum into his storage ring, and then planned to find a place to eat.

After walking for a few streets, Lionel Yeager saw that the Drunken River Moon Restaurant was not far away.

Seeing no other places to eat nearby, Lionel Yeager headed towards the Drunken River Moon Restaurant.

However, just as he approached the entrance, a mocking voice came from behind him.

"Oh, isn't this the country bumpkin?"

Hearing the voice, Lionel Yeager turned his head and saw a man and two women dressed in designer clothes walking towards him.

It was Dion Weil, Cindy Lewis, and Lucy Lewis.

Lionel Yeager frowned slightly, wondering how he could meet these three guys here.

Lucy Lewis sneered, "Country bumpkin, you dare to eat at Drunken River Moon?

Do you know how much it costs to eat here?

Can you afford it?"

In the daytime at the Lewis Family Villa, because of Julia Stewart, her grandfather had slapped her.

Naturally, she didn't dare to cause trouble for Julia Stewart, but she could still make Lionel Yeager's life difficult.

Lionel Yeager frowned and said, "Whether I can afford it or not, what does it have to do with you?"

Cindy Lewis looked at Lionel Yeager with disdain and said, "Lionel Yeager, know your place.

This place isn't for you. Street food for 20 yuan is more your style."

Dion Weil, with his arm around Cindy's waist, said arrogantly, "Kid, eating here costs at least 5,000 yuan to start, and it can easily go up to 10,000!

Even if we sold you, would you be worth 10,000 yuan?"

Lucy Lewis screamed, "Did you hear that? Hurry up and scram, don't get in our way!"

Lionel Yeager calmly replied, "Who said I have to pay to eat here?"

Cindy Lewis sneered, "Are you saying you don't have to pay for your meal here? Are you planning to dine and dash?

Do you know the consequences of doing that here?

At best, you'll be beaten half to death; at worst, you'll go to jail!"

Lionel Yeager sighed softly, "Your grandfather is on the verge of death, and yet you still have the mood to wine and dine. What a big heart."

With that, Lionel Yeager didn't pay any more attention to Cindy Lewis and the others, and went straight into the restaurant.

Cindy Lewis shouted angrily, "You bastard, how dare you curse my grandfather! I'll make you pay!"

Dion Weil said, "Cindy, don't be angry. All we have to do is tell the person in charge of the restaurant, and this kid will definitely be kicked out."

Cindy Lewis nodded, "Mhm, we have to teach this brat a lesson!"

After entering the restaurant, Lionel Yeager was led by a waitress to a table by the window.

But just as he sat down, Cindy Lewis's voice rang out again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as we all know, the Drunken River Moon is a high-end restaurant in River City, not a place where any random riffraff can enter.

But now, there's a poor bastard who wants to eat a free meal here.

Do we really want to dine with this kind of person?"

"Miss, who is this poor loser you're talking about?"

A middle-aged man with a bald head and a protruding belly asked.

"It's him!"

Cindy Lewis pointed directly at Lionel Yeager.

In an instant!

Everyone's eyes turned to Lionel Yeager!

"How did this unsophisticated kid get in?"

"Waiter, what on earth are you doing, letting anyone in here?"

"Only elites are supposed to dine here, not just any Tom, Dick or Harry!"

The crowd started to speak up, expressing their dissatisfaction.

Cindy Lewis, Lucy Lewis, and Dion Weil wore smirks on their faces.

They wanted to see Lionel embarrassed and kicked out.

Lionel's face turned dark.

When would these three finally stop?

At this time, the restaurant's manager came downstairs.

After understanding the situation, the tavern manager walked towards Lionel Yeager.

"Sir, you're not welcome here. Please leave," the tavern manager said with a cold face.

Lionel replied in a cold voice, "You're running a business here. How can you drive away customers?"

The tavern manager said, "Sir, even if I let you dine here, can you afford to pay?"

Lionel shook his head, "I don't need to pay to eat here."

"Everyone, hear that? This country bumpkin isn't planning to pay!"

Lucy Lewis took the opportunity to shout out.

There was a sudden uproar in the restaurant!

"Am I hearing this right? This kid really plans to dine and dash. Who gave him the guts?"

"Get him out of here quickly. He's ruining our appetite!"

The crowd spoke up, urging Lionel to be driven out.

The tavern manager's face grew darker, "Kid, this is not a place where you can get a free meal. Please leave immediately!"

At this moment, several security guards rushed over, ready to evict Lionel.

Lionel said, "Mr. Levin said that I don't need to spend money to eat here. Is that a lie?"

"Which Mr. Levin?"

The tavern manager asked suspiciously.

"Steven Levin."

Lionel uttered three words.

Lucy Lewis laughed out loud, "Country bumpkin, are you trying to say you know Director Levin of Drunken River Moon?"

"Of course, I know him."

Lionel nodded.

Hearing this, the faces of the people in the room changed slightly.

If this kid was really close to Director Levin, it was likely true that he wouldn't need to pay while dining here.

Seeing this, Cindy Lewis hurriedly said, "Everyone, don't be fooled by this kid.

He just came from the mountains, a little hillbilly. How could he possibly know Director Levin?"

The tavern manager also looked at Lionel suspiciously.

Lionel sighed in his heart and took out the Diamond Membership Card from his pocket. He slapped it on the table and said, "So, do I need to pay to eat here with this membership card?"

The tavern manager hurriedly picked up the card and looked at it, unable to suppress an exclamation, "Diamond Membership Card!"