Chapter 12: More Danger than Fortune!

As soon as he said this!

The whole audience was shocked!

"This kid actually has Drunken River Moon's Diamond Membership Card?!"

"I've heard that all members with Diamond Membership Cards can eat for free at any Drunken River Moon Restaurant!"

The crowd was abuzz, and their gazes at Lionel Yeager changed.

Dion Weil, Cindy Lewis, and Lucy Lewis all turned pale.

It is worth mentioning that they only had Gold Membership Cards.

Although they could enjoy discounts at any Drunken River Moon Restaurant, they could not eat for free.

Unexpectedly, Lionel Yeager had a Diamond Membership Card.

Cindy Lewis said to the tavern manager: "Manager West, this Diamond Membership Card must have been picked up by this guy!"

"That's right, he must have picked it up!"

Lucy Lewis also chimed in.

Dion Weil sneered: "Manager West, if someone ate a free meal at Drunken River Moon with a picked-up Diamond Membership Card and word got out, it wouldn't be good for Drunken River Moon's reputation."

"I'll ask Director Levin about it."

The manager was also half-believing and half-skeptic, asking Lionel Yeager: "Kid, what's your name?"

"Lionel Yeager."

Lionel Yeager replied.

The manager nodded, then hurriedly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

A few minutes later.

The manager put away his mobile phone, slightly bowed his head, and respectfully handed the Diamond Membership Card back to Lionel Yeager, saying, "Mr. Yeager, Director Levin said that you can eat for free at Drunken River Moon anytime!"

Upon hearing this, everyone present was dumbfounded!

"My God, this kid really knows Director Levin!"

"You really can't judge a book by its cover!"

"To be able to dine with a guest who has a Diamond Membership Card is our honor!"

The attitudes of the crowd changed completely, and they showed friendly smiles towards Lionel Yeager. Some even raised their glasses to Lionel Yeager.

Lionel Yeager sighed inwardly, this is reality.

When you have power and status, people will believe and respect you.

Dion Weil, Cindy Lewis, and Lucy Lewis, on the other hand, were dumbfounded.

They never expected Lionel Yeager to really know Steven Levin.

But what they couldn't figure out was how this kid who had just come out of the mountains knew Steven Levin.

Lionel Yeager took the Diamond Membership Card and asked, "Can I order now?"

"Of course, of course!"

The manager smiled and nodded repeatedly.

Having said that, he ordered the servers: "Serve Mr. Yeager well and meet any of his demands!"

"Yes, Manager West!"

The servers nodded and replied.

Lionel Yeager glanced at the trio of Dion Weil and said, "Can you get these three out of the way? I don't want to see them."

The manager turned to Dion Weil and the others and said, "You three, please do not disturb Mr. Yeager's meal."

Dion Weil and the others glared at Lionel Yeager and then went to a private room in the winery.

The manager asked with a smile, "Mr. Yeager, do you want me to move you to a private room?"

"No need, it's quite nice here."

Lionel Yeager shook his head.

"Alright, if you have any requests, feel free to call me."

The manager left after saying that.

"Sir, what would you like to eat?"

A female waitress asked respectfully.

Lionel Yeager said, "Bring out a few of your signature dishes."

"Right away, sir."

The waitress nodded and left.

At this moment.

In a private room of the winery.

"Damn it, I'm so mad, I can't believe it!"

Lucy Lewis was somewhat frantic, "This bumpkin actually knows Director Levin and even got a Diamond Membership Card. I can't swallow this!"

Dion Weil and Cindy Lewis both had gloomy expressions, clearly unhappy.

Just now, they had intended to make everyone laugh at Lionel Yeager, but they didn't expect that they would become the laughingstock in the end.

Lucy Lewis looked at Dion Weil and said, "Brother-in-law, didn't you say you know people from the East Underground World?

Why don't you call them over and beat up this kid, so they can avenge me and my sister!"

Dion Weil patted his chest and said, "Alright, leave it to me!

It just so happens that I've been holding in a belly full of anger with nowhere to vent!"

Tavern hall.

After waiting for a while, the waitress brought over a few signature dishes for Lionel Yeager.

Each dish was exquisite, and had a perfect combination of color, aroma, and taste.

Lionel Yeager thought to himself, "These rich people really know how to enjoy themselves."

After dinner, Lionel Yeager patted his belly and left the winery.

However, as soon as he stepped out, Dion Weil, Cindy Lewis, and Lucy Lewis followed him and blocked his way.

Lionel Yeager looked at them coldly and said, "Good dogs don't block the way, get lost!"

Lucy Lewis sneered, "You country bumpkin, you've offended us, you won't leave this place unscathed today!"

Lionel Yeager frowned and asked, "What, are you going to use force?"

"Touching you would only dirty our hands!"

Cindy Lewis folded her arms and said, "Someone will teach you a lesson on our behalf!"

Dion Weil also sneered, "No one who offends me, Dion Weil, ends up well!"

Lionel Yeager was about to speak.


Two business cars approached from a distance and stopped at the entrance of the winery.

The car doors opened, and eight thugs got out and walked towards them.

The leader was a man with a short haircut, wearing a black shirt, and with a scar on his face.

"They're here!"

Dion Weil was immediately overjoyed and hurried to meet them.

Cindy Lewis and Lucy Lewis also went to greet them.

"Young Master Weil, who do you want us to teach a lesson to?"

The short-haired man asked.

"Brother Bart, it's that kid!"

Dion Weil handed over a cigarette and pointed at Lionel Yeager.

"I thought we were going up against someone important, turns out it's just a young brat?"

Brother Bart looked at Lionel Yeager, shook his head with a smile, and then asked, "Alright, Young Master Weil, how do you want us to deal with that kid?"

Dion Weil grinned viciously and said, "Break both of his legs!"

"Not enough, add one of his arms!"

"Just break both of his arms as well!"

Cindy Lewis and Lucy Lewis both chimed in.

Brother Bart frowned, thinking that these two women were quite ruthless.

"Young Master Weil, who are these two ladies?"

Brother Bart asked.

Dion Weil replied, "This is my fiancée, and this is my younger aunt.

Since they both said to break the kid's legs and arms, let's do it that way."


Brother Bart nodded and gave a wave of his hand.

"Brothers, do it!"

At his command!

Four thugs immediately rushed towards Lionel Yeager!

At this moment, the people inside the winery who were having dinner were all alarmed, and they all came running out!

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback!

"My God, isn't that Larry Lee from the East Union? What's he doing here?"

"Looks like he was called by Young Master Weil, is it to deal with that kid?"

"Young Master Weil and that kid were just at odds, I didn't expect them to call in people so quickly!"

"It's over, that kid's in big trouble now!"

The crowd commented, their faces full of sympathy as they looked at Lionel Yeager.