Chapter 791: One Thought Becomes Buddha, One Thought Becomes Demon!

Seeing Louis Corcoran, Kevin Franklin, and Sam Lee attacking Lionel Yeager and Reginald Weston!

Lily Tisdale and others clenched their teeth and struggled to stand up, but they couldn't get up at all!

On the peak of Ten Thousand Swords.

"It's over, it's really over!"

"With Mr. Yeager and Alliance leader's current state, I'm afraid they can't withstand Louis Corcoran and the others' next attack!"

"Will we really lose this battle? Too bad, it was so close!"

Disciples of the seven major sects were heartbroken, feeling a wave of despair.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

Disciples of Ten Thousands of Swords Gate cheered, feeling excited and ecstatic.

However, at this moment!


A demonic roar suddenly came from the distant valley!

Everyone turned their heads to look!

Only to see Bardon Bard, who had been severely injured and unable to get up, suddenly stood up!

At this moment.