Chapter 792: A Hermit Expert?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This golden Buddha's palm was too enormous, resembling a golden Five Fingers Mountain pressing down!

The power that it burst out was too intense, the exploding space made a noise, and was even distorted!

"How dare you! Who dares to meddle in the affairs of Ten Thousands of Swords Gate!"

"No matter who you are, if you dare to show yourself, we will definitely take your life!"

"First, deal with this palm!"

Louis Corcoran, Kevin Franklin, and Sam Lee roared out, swinging their swords upward into the sky with all their strength!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Accompanied by ear-piercing breaking air noises!

Three giant swords tore through the sky, carrying heaven-shaking Sword Qi and Sword Might, slashing towards the Golden Buddha Palm pressing from above!

In an instant!


The three giant swords collided heavily with the Golden Buddha Palm, causing an explosive thunderous impact sound!