Chapter 4

I walked for at least an hour before I couldn't anymore. I sat down on the sidewalk and nearly fainted from the heat. There weren't many cars on this road but eventually one came along driven by a kind elderly woman. She spotted me and helped me into her car.

"What are you doing out here sweetie?" She asked me, "Especially in that bodysuit."

"I was at an interview and fought with my parents. I had no way back so I had to walk."

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to bring you home?"

"Please." I gave her my address and she headed in that direction "Do you happen to have any water? I'm very thirsty."

"There should be a bottle somewhere back there. You might have to search around a little for it."

I found the bottle and chugged most the water in one go. I decided to save the rest for if I got thirsty again but gave in and drank it soon after. We arrived at my parent's house and the woman spotted the sign out front.

"Home of Violet Skull. Isn't that the new hero? You know you kind of look like them."

"I am Violet Skull. I thought you knew?"

"Oh no, I was just doing a kind thing for a young lady. If you're Violet Skull would you mind signing this for me?" She pulled out a picture of me "My daughter absolutely loved you but she passed in a car accident a few months ago. It was her dream to meet you."

"Of course, I can sign it. It's the least I owe you. I would say I'm sorry about your daughter but that probably means nothing to you at this point. I just hope you're feeling better."

She nodded "Well goodbye then. Maybe we'll meet again."

"Maybe," I said and watched her drive off.

My family's car was parked in front of the house but none of them had seen me yet. I got up and headed to Nina's window. I knocked on it loudly and she opened it allowing me inside.

"What are you doing?"

"Shh. Mom and Dad are mad at me. Get your brother and we'll leave. Make sure to leave a note somewhere that says you are headed back to school."

"We're supposed to stay another night."

"I know but I'm leaving now. You can't get back otherwise so we need to go."

"Alright." She said and ran out her door

I climbed out the window and back to my car. Soon after Nina and Noah walked through the door waving goodbye to Mom and Dad. They hopped in the car and I used my powers to pull the sign out of the dirt and attach it to the roof of the car. They had kicked me out so it wasn't my home. We drove and arrived back at school around dinner time. We checked back in and I carried my new sign over to my apartment. I walked in to find Jenny alone at the table eating Taco Bell.

"Nico had a mission against Heatwave. Left about half an hour ago. What's that in your hand?"

"Oh, this? A sign I may or may not have stolen from my parents. Thought you might like to help me destroy it."

"Of course, I'll help after Nico gets back. If you're hungry I ordered your usual. It's in the fridge."

"Thanks and you won't have to worry about me leaving all day again. My parents got mad about what was brought up during the interview. You know about me and Heatwave."

"That person brought up a good point. It's taking Nico forever."

"We could probably watch their fight. There's got to be at least one reporter there."

She nodded and we changed through channels until we found one covering Nico and Heatwave's fight. Nico appeared pretty beat up but it was hard to tell through her costume although one part of her mask was burned off. Heatwave really had no mercy but she was so hot I could stop staring at her. As we watched Nico caused a huge storm and it was raining everywhere as she tried to put out the fire but it only kept spreading.

"Dark Storm appears to be struggling." The reporter said "I wonder what's taking them so long? Violet Skull always completes it in seconds. Maybe Dark Storm isn't powerful enough."

That made me mad. If only they knew the real reason why it was so easy for me. I watched Heatwave continue to burn everything in sight as Nico's storm grew to stop the damage. Her skin was usually pale but in a close up it appeared pure white. She was about to faint and there was nothing I could do. Or maybe there was.

"I'm going to help her," I said to Jenny

"You can't without permission."

"I have to, no one else will."

"Let me come to"

"No. I have to go alone. I don't want you to get hurt too."

"Fine but stay safe."

I snuck around all the teachers in the halls and headed for the gates. I could spot Nico's storm not too far from where I was and started towards it. Along the way I grabbed a bike someone had abandoned on the side of the road and pedaled as quickly as possible. Just as I arrived Nico's storm flickered out. I knew this was my last chance.

"Heatwave!" I yelled as loud as I could

She turned towards me and her face lit up. She started moving to me but I threw her into an alley and ran to Nico's side. Nico was out cold so I gently lifted her up and looked up at the reporter's helicopter.

"Could you give us a ride back?" I asked the pilot

"Of course Violet Skull. Climb up the ladder."

I climbed up levitating Nico next to me.

"Where to?" asked the pilot

"Just the hero school. It's not far from here."

"Of course. If you don't mind me asking how do you two know each other?"

"We just go to school together. We share a class."

"That makes sense. Well, here we are. It was nice to talk to you."

I nodded and climbed down the ladder. I snuck back to the apartment carrying Nico. Jenny ran up to me and took Nico out of my arms. She headed towards Nico's room and must've put her in bed because she came back soon empty-handed.

"She'll be fine soon. Did you get hurt?"

"No Heatwave left me alone."

"From the footage, she looked almost happy to see you. Are you sure you're not dating?"

"No, we aren't dating!" I snapped and stormed to my room

Everyone knew my secret now but no one knew my plan. I was going to get Heatwave to join my side and fight with me. I mean let's be honest she doesn't have any kind of organization. If she ever did, they'd probably have kicked her out by now. I settled on that thought as I fell asleep.