chapter 3

The girls name is hu liena. yes feng chen is in the orphanage of martial soul hall when the people from martial soul hall on the mission of eradicating the evil soul masters, they saved a village from the clutches of evil soul masters. But feng chen parents were died because of them so he was organized by martial soul hall people to grow in a orphanage of martial soul hall in martial soul city.

But only feng chen knows that his parents were a cover up story by god for him to enter martial hall. Feng chen now began to acknowledge hu liena, because of her feng chen also made friends with xie yue and yan. xie yue is hu liena's brother and yan is their best friend. Feng chen fells that life is somewhat interesting.

Quietly another year is passed now feng chen is 4 years old. It is important day for that four of them because today xie yue and yan reached age of 6 now they are going to attend the martial soul awakening ceremony. both of them are excited and also fearful for awakening martial soul.

xie yue '' sister do you think we can awaken a powerful martial soul''.

hu liena '' brother don't worry we will awaken powerful martial soul so that we can become powerful and save people from tragedies to prevent them not to be like us.

yan '' nana don't worry about it we will awaken powerful martial soul so that we can help others.

feng chen ''ok now don't think about anything and be prepared for the ceremony, now go go.

After sometime both of them and some children entered with the director of the orphanage to awaken the martial soul. feng chen and hu liena waited for 15 minutes and the good news came to them.

xie yue awakened moon blade tool martial soul with innate soul power of 9 and yan awakens mutated martial soul of flame lord with innate soul power of 9.

After knowing about the awakening of her brother and her best friend yan, hu liena become happy for them for a while and thought of separating with them makes her sad.

Then they thought for a while and steeled their heart and began part with them.

Another year has passed silently and now hu liena turn to awaken the martial soul and as expected by feng chen she awakens the charming fox martial soul with innate soul power of 10 and sent her to the martial soul academy.

Now after a while hu liena awakens her martial soul she has accepted has first disciple of new pope bibi dong. The former pope Qian xunji has chased the youngest titled douluo tang hao because of her wife being a one hundred thousand transformed soul beast. But because of soul beast sacrifice tang hao got his nineth soul ring and seriously injured Qian xunji.

After sometime the pope has been died because of injuries suffered in the battle but feng chen knows bibi dong killed him and swallowed his martial soul by her twin martial soul.

Feng chen begun practice seriously for the awakening of martial soul, because of his past three years of practicing the void god art[changed the name for convenience] has changed the body by a large difference simply he transformed his body.

Because of the void god art feng chen body expanded and has soul elder's physic and spiritual power. Feng chen begun to work out for half a year and secluded himself for 3 months to consolidate his cultivation for solid foundation.