Chapter 12

Unknowingly bibi dong releasing her pressure which makes both of them and qian renxue to become unconscious. Now bibi dong carried xiao chen and nana to the bed, even though she does not want to do it she remembered xiao chen's words made her place renxue besides them and gone to another room to calm her mind.

After the dawn three of waked up one by one and renxue finally waked up and touched her neck which has imprint of bibi dongs hand, she feels little bit dejected for a moment but feng chen saw through renxue thought and replied to her '' Teacher had not killed you but also placed you besides us which proves even though she was angry with you but she really looks you has her daughter''.

Renxue thought for a while and suddenly cried in feng chen's arms which also made hu liena to skip a beat. After some time she stopped crying and showed happy smile towards them even hu liena shocked by renxue smiling face.

Then they began to clean themselves and decide to find bibi dong. Even though it may be not pleasant but yesterday situation will not be continued. After they cleaned themselves they began walk towards elders room to enquire about bibi dong.

When they enquired about bibi dong, they also did not know where bibi dong so they decided check every room to find her. When they checking like this they also find her in hu lienas room which also shocked them and they begun to move towards bibi dong.

When they came in front of the door they stopped there for movement and entered the room. They saw bibi dong has been resting in the chair while closing her eyes. But after they came in she opened her eyes and asked towards renxue '' what are you doing here still, go back or else i will kill you''.

Renxue '' NO i will not leave you mother''.

Bibi dong '' Hmm Don't call me mother, do you forget what have you gone through in my hands and still calling me mother''.

Renxue '' So what, that does not make you not has my own mother or do you want deny that you have given birth to me''.

Bibi dong '' Hmmm if you talk any other word i will kill you, get out of my sight now''.

Feng chen " Teacher you cannot go back on your words you said we can play in the heaven dou city for a day but now you want to drive sister xuier from us''.

Bibi dong '' Xiao chen i did not settled accounts with your yesterday matter now you speaking for others in front of your teacher. And don't forget you got more punishment be ready for deceiving your teacher through out this trip''.

Feng ''But teacher i can accept any punishment but you also need accompany us today while we play together with sister xuier''.

Bibi dong ''xiao chen don't try to take advantage of your teacher now or else i will be really angry and spank your butt do you want to try that''.

Feng chen '' Teacher you can spank me if you want, but you cannot escape from us today you need to accompany us today in the city while having fun''.

Bibi dong '' Then what if i say no''. Feng chen '' then i will not cultivate and eat food and also i will not obey teacher words''.

Bibi dong '' Xiao chen you brat today you win but remember you will not spared when we return''.

Feng chen '' teacher that are all future issues and we will live in our present hahahaha''.

While preparing for enjoy their day, 5 children begun run around heaven dou city they buy interesting things and eating candies, while bibi dong accompanying them.

Feng chen '' teacher come with us and play with us''. Hu liena '' yes come play with us''. Renxue '' yes mother come play with us''.

When bibi dong heard renxue voice she coldly mocked her and but she also begun to fell her love for her daughter. They have been putting some facades in their faces so that they could not identified. Renxue changed into a normal girl with beautiful features which makes bibi dong not to have any resentment towards her daughter.

After looking looking at the teacher he begun to implement his plan. Feng chen had already asked gui mei to prepare some hooligans without knowing our identities to harass any girl if she is alone.

Even though feng chen knows its dangerous for playing this game but to make teacher realize her feelings towards her daughter he need to play this. He already instructed his idea to renxue and signaled her to implement the plan.

Renxue also begun to move slightly from the group and entered the nearby ally while bibi dong immersed in her childhood memories and begun to feel sad for a minute. When she came back to her sense with a sigh, she could see renxue is not with the group and missing her daughter also made her slight panic but begun to use her mental power to check the surroundings to find renxue.

When bibi dong find the renxue, she was surrounded by three wretched looking man and they begun to talk about renxue. Hooligan no 1 '' brothers we can have pleasure time today, see this girl is delicate and beautiful''.

Hooligan no 2 '' Yes brother she has a hot body she can help us vent our lust and we can sell her to make some money''.

Hooligan no 3 '' But she has beautiful features i think she can fetch more gold coins if we auctioned her, how about this we can tame her into a sex toy''.

Hooligan no 1 and 2 '' yes brother you are genius we can follow your idea hahahaha, yes brother you have proved you are the smartest person in our group hahahaha''.

When renxue heard this she is angry to her core but she determined to act has normal girl has xiao chen planned. But in bibi dongs face the killing intent is overflowing which if she released the entire heaven dou city might envelope in her might. she immediately disappeared in her place and came in front of the ally and closed the entire ally with her soul power has a barrier so that no one can peep inside it.

When the hooligans move forward suddenly they have a felling if they even took a single step forward then the death will come. Their backs have been drenched with their sweets and heard the sound of footsteps. They saw a beautiful women coming towards them but when they saw her face they can only see has death is coming. Her killing intent is overflowing with an unlimited level. Even she can realize that her killing intent now is atleast 10 times stronger when she killed that beast qian xunji. Now she truly realized in her heart that she cared more about her daughter and realized her mistake for neglecting her because of that beast. She now understand that she also had the heart of the mother but it only came out because of her being in danger.

Bibi dong '' You does not have the right to live in this world from now on die''. When these words ended three of them began to change their complexion and painful scream's can only coming out of their mouths. They now begun to regret coming here, now they want a peaceful death. They died because of poisoning which is full of corrosive properties and become a paste like substances. Meanwhile when renxue saw what bibi dong done she was not disguised but begun to cry and ran towards her mother.

Renxue '' motherrrr huhuuhuuhuu''. Bibi dong don't know what to do when she saw her daughter crying while hugging her.

Then a voice came into her ears '' teacher i don't know what is the problem but no one can replace the place of being her mother and except you no one can give her the mothers love that she wanted for nearly 10 years. And you cannot replace me and nana has your sons and daughter because you cannot deny her existence has your daughter. So accept it, accept your feelings towards your daughter and try to live for present and future''.

When bibi dong heard this, she also begun to accept her feelings which makes her feel that heavy burden has been lifted in her heart. She knows that this may be xiao chen's plan by separating from the group and did not done anything until she came, even though she knows this but she slightly become happy because she now understands her feelings clearly.