Chapter 14

Hu liena doesn't see anything but only her teachers suffering so she begun to cry and ran towards bibi dong and hugged her tightly.

While renxue completely collapsed and kneeled down in the floor by thiking of every incidents in her life and till now connecting with the story. She cannot even understand how can her mother control this much amount of killing intent even in front of her. She cant even imagine being in the place of her mother because she might really killed everyone because of this hatred caused by that beast.

She looked towards her mother walked in front of her and kneeled down '' Till now i i thought you were cruel women who refused tho acknowledge me but now i dont even have the face, to face your eyes. I can't do anything to you has a daughter, I am useless but from now on i will not acknowledge that lowly beast has my father''.

Renxue after saying this she took out the dagger in her space tool and tried to cut her own hair. But bibi dong stopped her and said '' No need, no need just come here''. She opened her arms and hugged both the girls in her arms begun to feel happiness but she also stunned because feng chen did not said anything which also worriess her heart.

When both girls cried for sometime and looked bibi dong and smiled sweetly towards bibi dong. Which also caused bibi dong to relax her completely and untied her heart that has been closed for many years.

But both the girls also looked the situation and saw the feng chen who did not even reacted till now. Which also made them worry in their hearts. Bibi dong also saw this and thought feng chen may be look me in disguise, may be he did not even want to be disciple any more.

Feng chen suddenly asked '' Teacher i have a presumptuous request''. Even though she somewhat expected this but she now completely lost her hope now. Feng chen said '' Teacher i dont want to be your disciple anymore''. Before bibi dong can react renxue '' What feng chen now do you look down on my mother and dont want to be her disciple anymore'' while looking anrily towards feng chen.

Hu liena '' Yes brother do you feel teacher is not worthy to you''. While the voice may be pleasent but her tone contains infinite amount of coldness.

Bibi dong said weekly and helplessly '' yes you can be free from now on. You will not be my disciple any more''.

Both the girls looked feng chen coldly but they did not do anything because bibi dong herself said her words. But these actions also made her heart to feel both happiness and sadness at the same time.

Suddenly feng chen said '' Teacher i did not completed my request''. Bibi dong looked feng chen and sighed '' say what you want''. Feng chen kneeled down suddenly which surprised them and said '' I want to be your adoptive son from now on''.

This stunned both the girls while bibi dong's mind and heart completely blown up by feng chen's words. Bibi dong asked '' what did you say''. Feng chen '' Will you accept me has your son, mother''.

Bibi dong now completely blown up and subconsciously asked '' Why''.

Feng chen replied '' I have lost my parents after my birth and i did not even remember their face. I have grown in orphanage and did not have friends after a year or two i have accepted three friends. But the emptiness and loneliness in my heart did not disappear But after martial soul awakening i was accepted by a women has her disciple, I don't know in her eyes i am a tool or a person but she is the first one helped me, showed me future, and gave the feeling of affection and fondness. I did not see her has a teacher but has a mother''.

'' After knowing her sufferings i did not want to be disciple any more i want to become has her son be her sword and shield to protect her for my rest of the life''.

Bibi dong's heart have completely changed she can now die happily because of the words of feng chen.

Feng chen asked again '' will you accept this poor orphan has your son''. Bibi dong hugged him and cried and both the girls also hugged them. They can now feel how much is bibi dong is important for feng chen''.

Bibi dong '' I accept xiao chen, I accept you will be my son from now on you don't need to be hide your identity in martial soul hall you can roam freely everywhere i will protect you''.

Feng chen '' Mmmm'' said slightly and enjoyed the feeling of love and care. Now bibi dong doesn't even care about that beast and decide to live for her children.

Hu liena asked silently '' This, can i also call teacher has mother''. Bibi dong overjoyed again by hu liena words and said '' yes hu liena will be my second daughter and xiao chen will be third''.

Hu liena '' Yes, yes i agree''. Renxue '' Hmm now i suddenly have two siblings out of know where. But i will be taking mother time mostly so you two cannot interfere with that ok''.

Bibi dong and feng chen laughed by renxue words. But feng chen's next words caused everyone to widened their eyes. Feng chen '' But we still have another beast to kill and it is not over. We have the duty to kill another beast which caused our mother to suffer in pain for years''.

Hu liena and renxue widened their eyes and asked '' who''. Even bibi dong is puzzled by feng chen's words. Feng chen said '' who else, it is that waste yu xiaogang the self claimed master''.

Bibi dong widened her eyes, she know that feng chen will not say something to make her angry or lie to her but she cannot help it and asked in a harsh tone '' Feng chen what do you mean by this''.

Feng chen '' Mother please don't think has a women but think has a genius who even solved the twin martial spirit and has the current pope''.'' Do you really think he really loved you, No. He is using you to gain fame to prove in front of the world that he is not a waste''.

Feng chen '' Mother i know this will make you angry but i already learnt his book which is in the library but i only saw him has a plagiarist work. I personally wanted to ask this question, how he can release this book and gain the fame has master, And it is achieved because of your backing that he can gain everything. I expect that even if mother eloped with him, he does not truly loved you mother but will use you has his backup to shut up the peoples mouth pointing him has waste''.

Feng chen '' personally i don't want to talk about him but i will reveal his true face so that mother can understand everything, that he his not worthy to receive my mothers love even in the afterlife''.

Feng chen said '' sister renxue if your in the heaven dou city means you will have some important mission, but i want sister help to find that waste location and keep him a check and sister hu liena check that who are all receiving subsidiary of our martial soul hall that have been in the realm of soul grandmaster for years. I have a hunch that he will do something in the future in the name of revenge against us''.

Bibi dong don't know what to say, now she only want to live with this children but she also don't want to hurt him. Feng chen looked at the complicated feelings in mothers face and said '' mother if he had truly loved you then by knowing this at least you can be happy for him, But what if he is using your feelings and playing around our nose, so even it is positive or negative i will dig it to see what's the truth''.

Feng chen '' But i will not kill him, even if i want to kill him it can be only done by your hands''.

Bibi dong want to refuse these things but she also had hope in him which to make feng chen words is false sentence. And nodded ''ok".

Feng chen '' Ok lets leave this matter and enjoy our time because of me situation lightly got tensed come lets go for another strolling with just four of us''.