chapter 15

After the incident with bibi dong and qian renxue, every thing went normal. Feng chen begun to cultivate in pointiff palace in martial soul hall with tutoring of bibi dong.

Even though feng chen is not even 7 years old, but he is already a soul elder with the cultivation of 35 level of soul power. When they returned to martial soul hall, Feng chen is assigned to consolidate his cultivation. 

After half a year of cultivation his soul power is consolidated and improved, but bibi dong made Feng chen assigned to death canyon with gui mei protection. She told feng chen need to get experience in fighting and survival. Also he can only get his fourth soul ring, when he reach his 8 years old.

Feng chen begun his journey in the death canyon by relaying on his martial soul. He used his first soul skill only for his end strike. He does not want to relay on the boost of his first soul skill. He used his second soul skill frequently for his defence and to save his life in the critical strike.

Because of the nature of second soul skill it partially blocks the powerful strikes. But it also reduces the amount of power in the strike. when third soul skill is used for controlling enemies and to partially attack them, which also helps in defence purpose.

After one year of training in the death cannon also makes his survivability to the top and get experience in the battle. When he is 8 years old, he returned from the death canyon. Bibi dong have been waiting for him in the pointiff hall. 

Bibi dong '' Feng chen you have grown healthy and powerfull. You also reached 40 level of soul power and consolidated your foundation.

Get some rest for few days and we will go to the star dou forest to obtain your soul ring''. 

Feng chen '' Yes mother ''.

Bibi dong '' Feng chen lets talk at night, now go and give company to hu liena. She is more depressed for a year ''.

Feng chen '' Mmm then i will take my leave mother ''.

After coming out of supreme pointiff hall, he goes to hu liena room and found her cultivating without noticing anything. Feng chen stroked her nose which disturbed her and makes her frown. When she opened her eyes, she saw her little brother after a year, which almost makes an attack on the heart.

She gained her senses and looked at her brother for few seconds. Then she captured his ear and begun her scolding for leaving nearly one and half year.

Feng chen '' Sister nana ouch... ouch... ha sorry sorry no no its paining please please ''.

Hu liena '' Mmm how dare you leave me for one year ''.

Feng chen '' But its mothers call what can i do. And i come after a year but you scolding me. Mmm then i will go to sister xuier ''.

Hu liena '' If you dare to leave me again then i will make you eat my cooking, which i named has devils wish ''.

Feng chen '' Haaa sister nana sorry i will not make you unhappy please don't make those dishes ''.

Hu liena '' Ok ok now how many days are you going to be here ''.

Feng chen '' Mmm in a few days i will be obtaining my fourth soul ring and probably cultivate for seclusion in the soul hall with you, so dont worry i will give you company ''. 

And for few days we have been enjoying our visit to martial soul city. When mother got free from her duties, we traveled to star dou forest to obtain my forth soul ring. we searched for suitable soul beast within the limit of 20000 year of cultivation. 

As for the type of the soul beast we have been searching, for that has to be speed type. which is quiet difficult to find a suitable soul beast. When the pair have taking rest at night time a beast tried to ambush them. When feng chen saw that beast he says '' Mother this phantom tiger looks like 20000 years old and it has terrifying speed with shadow doppelganger ability it will be perfect for my soul ring ''.

When Bibi dong heard feng chen voice she already begun to beat that tiger to submission. After few minutes of its struggle it have beaten to death. When feng chen saw the beast in its last breathe, without any hesitation he killed it with his first martial soul skill. 

He started to observe the soul ring with some difficulties, but without any surprise he absorbed the soul ring after 5 hours. When he opened his eyes '' How are you xiao feng and what did you gain, show me '' asked by Bibi dong worriedly.

Feng chen '' Mother i am alright and i got surprisingly powerful soul skill [shadow strike]. This soul skill enables me to split my trident into to two, which probably from the innate skill and gives speed boost of 100 percentage. And it affects me slightly by increasing my speed.

Bibi dong '' Mmm again another powerfull ability, but it will make you has an absolute offensive attacker.

After the hunt they came back to martial soul hall. Bibi dong also came back to her work which makes her engaged for every day. But also..... she begun to plan for the future cultivation of Feng chen in slaughter city. Even though she know it is insane for sending a kid there. but she also needs to do it for slowing his cultivating speed and also helps him make even powerful.

Feng chen begun to cultivate in seclusion, after he got his soul power to 43 level with diligently. And some time after the cultivation, he will hone his soul skills to make full use of it. 

Feng chen arsenal- soul skills                                                        1- [OVERBEARING STRIKE]                                                          2- [CRYSTAL SHIELD]                                                              3- [COLOSSAL TRAP]                                                               4- [SHADOW STRIKE] 

After 3 years. now feng chen is 11 years old and also his cultivation has reached 50 level of soul power before half a year, but he is waiting for others to catch up and go on together to get soul rings. This is also the year, the protagonist of this story tang san to awaken his martial soul.