Back into that world (5)

The lack of information about the meteorite and the strange happenings weighed on my mind as I searched on the lowest of the internet. I was unable to find any posts, articles, or even something paranormal in the headlines. It looked like the world forgot what even happened not long ago and turned a blind eye on this phenomenon.

I began to feel a growing sense of unease, and I couldn't help but wonder: was the government suppressing information, or was it all just my imagination?

"Anyway, never mind, maybe I'm just too tired to even think clearly. I'd head to sleep for tonight and if I get to meet Alex again, I will ask him about where he lives exactly to visit him tomorrow, or the next day after tomorrow."

And with that being said, I pressed myself upon the sheets of the bed, and rested my head on the pillow. The next thing I see is a massive tree, like those you see in an anime. As my surroundings became clearer, I realized I was back in that world, and I was in a place compared to the last time I left this world. As I search the surroundings, I see Alex standing on a branch of the tree looking for something.

"I guess I'm back. Hi, Alex! How are you?"

"I'm searching." 


"Yes, for clues, but I haven't found anything so far."

"Ok, I will join you because I have something to ask you." As I was saying that, I was thinking 'I hope I can manage just fine… to climb a tree.'

And as I try to get up, not even 1 meter above of the surface, I find it very exhausting because I'm afraid of heights, and I drop on the ground. I get a little scratch, and with no way of going up, I give up and ask Alex to come down.

"So… Yesterday I wanted to visit you, but then I remembered that I don't know your address, to check on you. Can you tell me so I can talk to your relatives and let them know you are safe for the moment?"

"I live near a park called Regia, in a small house, the third house after you pass the park."

"Thank you, I will go tomorrow and talk to them about this. What do you want to let them know?"

  "I miss my mommy and daddy and I want to see them!"

"You will, you will, just remember what I told you and stay safe, we don't know what is happening all around."

"Also, yesterday, after I came from the university, I tried to search for more information on the internet. Nothing so far, and all I'm thinking is either the government is blocking the information to flow into the internet, or someone else is interfering, or just on short, is blocking the access."

"Really?" And I could see tears coming out of Alex.

"I feel sorry I am unable to do more. I really do feel like this."

After this talk, we were silent for a while. Alex went up in the tree to see if there is something what could help us, something he might've missed, but there's only the forest, and the small village and a small valley with some small mountain formations.

As the time was running out, I could tell that I'm about to wake up in the real world, and I lay on a sheet of leaves I gathered, in a safe space, near some rocks because we were not close to that space with those people.

As I lay there, I asked Alex to tell me about his daily life. He shared that he woke up at 7 am to attend school at 8, returned home around 12 pm to 1 pm, where his mother had already prepared delicious meals for him to eat. Afterward, he tackled his homework and then spent the rest of the day playing outside with his friends until it was time to return home.

"It sounds very nice to have someone do this stuff to you. I'd love to be in your shoes."