The nearby of the Regia Park (6)

'The next day, I had a feeling of sorrow knowing Alex is not able to see his friends and family…'

"The thought of that, being alone must be sad for him. I can't shake that feeling of…

I think first I will go and brew a tea. I drank too much coffee these days."

With the tea made, I searched on the internet where exactly is that Regia Park. It's a small park and I should make around 30 minutes, that's the average I got as estimated.

As I was getting closer and closer, I could tell that's something is out of space, something odd in such a way you wouldn't know how to express.

The more I get close to I remember. 'So, the thing what I forgot to ask, which one is the third house? I see 6 houses what belong in this category. I'm such a forgetful guy…'

'Since, it's morning, the only logical thing is to ask at those houses where I can see someone is inside, or has the car parked. And of course only 4 cars are there, from that 6 houses, meaning I have to go only to 4 houses, such a luck I've got.'

At the first house out of those 4 where I can see the car, I knocked on the door and asked if they knew someone called Alex. I explained that I'm a friend of his and I'm worried for him because I suspected something wrong might happen and I want to check. The one what opened the door to me was a middle-aged lady what looked surprised and rather mad on me for coming. 'I think you should be happy when someone asks for someone, but uhhh, I'm not sure'.

"Who are you and what are you talking about? I live here for 17 years and it's the first time I hear this name!" she said with a mad voice and with a thick voice.

"Like I said, I'm a friend of him, and I want to know his whereabouts."

"I don't know this friend of yours, I don't know this name you mention, so now get out of my property and don't bother me again, or I will call the police!".

'Police? Just for asking about a friend what's in danger, maybe? Let's leave this bi.. alone.'

'Also now, I take a moment to think about Alex, is he really an actual human what's stuck in that place, or it's a dream of mine? I know it might sound stupid, but somehow, I ended up at an address I wasn't before, asking for someone I met in my dreams. If there's nothing important here, sadly I'd just have to leave this "imagination" behind and continue my studies'.

At the next house, I saw some kids playing and listening to music. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, thinking they might not have heard the first one. When that also had no response, I decided to use the doorbell. The music stopped, and a shy-looking guy with a massive build, like a gym guy, answered the door, clearly wondering what business I had with them.

I explained that I was searching for someone named Alex, a small kid who might be in danger. The guy replied that he didn't know anyone by that name. He also mentioned that he was new to the area and was just renting the place.

Again, with the sad sigh, I excuse myself and head to the next house. On this one another mid-aged house life looking women was standing on front of me after knocking on the door. This time, before even starting to ask her out, she seemed a little bit worried.

"Hi, madame, I'm sorry for the bother at this hour, but I'm curious about someone called Alex, I'm a friend of his and I'm hoping he is fine and I'm a little bit worried about his wellbeing. If you know much, can you let me know, more?"

"Alex, you kno-" as she wanted to continue saying, but something was bothering her from continuing the sentence. "I'm sorry I don't know this guy. You must've gone to the wrong house! Yes! Yes, this is the reason, you got to the wrong house! There isn't someone here what lives by that name!"

"Are you sure? Then do you someone by this name who lives in this area? It's a small kid around the age of 8."

"No, I don't!" She replied as she was mad, but in fact she was trying to hide her tears, even though I didn't see that. "I wish I could've been helpful to you, but I'm sorry I'm not able to help you."

"Thank you, it's more than enough to know that he's not here. I'll keep on searching!"

"Don't!" she replied with a silent voice and again I wasn't able to notice that. "Take care and I hope you find your friend."

I get my leave from that house, and I decide to make a break and sit on a bench what wasn't far away.

'Sigh! Nothing works so far. I'll just catch my breath and then continue.'

In the background, 2 police cars were approaching, you could tell from the sound of their sirens. 'By that number, I guess it's a problem in this neighborhood.'

The more I was thinking about Alex and the place he told me, that nobody seems to help or know you, it got a little bit suspicious, but that though was interrupted.

As the sound of the police closer, I was starting to be a lot more irritated. The sound of the police was louder and louder and by my surprise they stopped right by the house I knocked earlier and they were surrounding me.

"Hands in the air, you are coming with us!" 'What, what?' "You are being arrested, hands in the air!"

"Why?" with a confused face. "I did nothing! Why are you arresting me?"

'That woman called them from the first house...'

"You have the rights to remain silent." and their steps were rather slow towards me.

"Look I don't know why you are doing this, but I literally did nothing."

They were preparing to handcuff me, and immobilize me and while doing that, I was confused and was embraced with an overwhelming fire up to my shoulders.

'All the moments this could happen, it's happening right now, what a lucky guy I am…'

"What the heck, this guy is on fire, bring an extinguisher from the truck!" a police officer exclaimed.

As they were trying their hardest to put down the fire, a fire what's burning without stopping. One of the police officers says "Let's try those experimental handcuffs, maybe that will stop the fire! I'll go get them!". As he said that I was clearly able to watch the nearby residents what were already watching. Some of them were telling their kids, "This is what will happen if you skip school and don't waste your life!" 'I really wanted to tell them that it's a misunderstanding and I've got studies at the university, but I guess that would be a waste of time after seeing this many officers holding me and they wouldn't even care to listen. I mean, not even myself, as a spectator I would've believed this. I guess I should see what's going to happen next.'