Chapter 3, first day at the new 'job'?

'fuuuuuhhhhaahhhh, thank goodness I managed to set up the house nearby without to much work- running or teleporting to the school everyday would be tiring and I don't wanna deal with their parking policies until I get a staff parking spot or the like.' While walking to Kuoh academy, Luci made a few changes to her outfit that she decided would suit her better given the circumstances and that the staff have a less strict dress code, now having a large leather satchel hanging from her right shoulder with the bag resting against the left side of her hip, she has custom made leather shoes to fit her proportions given her body's unusual height when compared to the average populous as she's a bit past 6 feet 7 inches tall presently (200.66 centimeters), having chosen to adjusted her form to give off a more intimidating aura of sorts- she's certainly also made the choice of developing her body's proportions to a similar level to keep herself looking just aswell endowed as she was before with her assets.

As for the rest of her clothing, she's switched to dark thigh highs with a skirt that pushes a bit above her knees, giving possibly onlookers a small view at her rather thick thighs. Moving the skirt seems to outline her ass rather well to. For the clothes on her upper body she's wearing a semi loose black business jacket with one lower middle button closed, a large white blouse visible below the black jacket, despite it's large size it's still somewhat tight around her chest- emphasizing her large chest. (She has no bra btw because she doesn't need one, she's a outer comic/celestial deity, her breasts don't need support nor can something really happen to them unless she lets it- yes she's partially doing it to flex that she's better.)

Going into The campus grounds she takes in the extremely well taken care of grounds that are kuoh academy, despite being controlled by a couple of supernatural kids it's extremely well equipped and extravagent looking when compared to other schools- having around an hour or so before school begins and kids are expected for homeroom, Luci picks up the pace making her way to the student council to get her class roster considering that the school hasn't switched to online platforms yet and such.

With an internal sigh she mentally laments the fact she's taken another job (albeit a temporary one because she thought it'd be funny) that seems to have a sort of aversion to utilizing networks and more online features- preferring to have everything in more physical manners. She soon Reaches the student council area and knocks on the door before being told to enter.

Ensuring a warm smile is placed on her face as she enters before speaking her greetings and the like, "Greetings Ms. Shitori, I'm a new teacher who had applied for the mythological history class and position, forgive me if my mannerisms are off as I've never been to Japan before and it's been quite a while since I've used the language." Luci finishes with a mild bow as a signal of courtesy.

Sona merely nods her head in response while observing the chess game infront of her that she's playing- against one of her peerage members while shifting through papers for the Luci's class schedule before putting it to the side for another of her peerage members to give to Luci as she maintains her focus on the game.

With a smile Luci takes the roster with the same smile being maintained as she speaks before stepping out, "Ms. Shinra, I would recommend you sacrifice a pawn take out your president's forward knight otherwise she'll have you in checkmate by the very same knight and trapped by a rook of hers within the next three turns." Causing both to be stunned somewhat mentally, mainly Sona due to her main strategy and it's outcome being exposed when the game has only recently started, but before either can question Luci- she already left the student council room, relishing in the confusion she suddenly caused both of them due to her sudden input.

Walking the halls of Kuoh academy before school hours begin, Luci eventually steps into her class room and sits in a chair at the front of the room. Beginning to shift through the schedule papers and rosters she was given she takes note first of her schedule, it being one class early in the morning and the rest of the day is essentially free planning periods most of the time except for events she would have to attend to manage as an extra staff member would be needed.

Taking note next of her roster, 'Huh~ it seems the perverted trio and miss crotch magnifying pervert are in my 1st period class. How interesting, the trio likely want to fantasize about the gods with harems after hearing their stories and such- or ogle goddesses from mythology- Aika likely wanted the chance to crotch scout some of the male gods during school so there's a class she won't be bored in because her perverse nature also tends to push away her peers- hmm, how nice the girl's pretty much 100% going to keep the class because of my body's uniqueness between the legs, I'll probably take the chance with her at some point~'

As school begin students begin to enter her class and take their seats, the students of most interest to her sitting in the back- with dxd's protagonist taking the sterotypical protagonist's seat and beginning to immediately fall asleep, notably when Aika enters the room she's very quickly stunned and gapes at Luci when Aika unintentionally inspects her teacher beyond what she meant to.

With a knowing smirk Luci motions for Aika to remain quiet as before speaking with mildly seductive undertone, "Please, take a seat Miss Kiryuu."

Stuttering over a quick acknowledgement of her teacher's words the confused and stunned girl makes her way to her seat, before coming to realize the tone her teacher's voice and her face developing a flustered blush as she grows much more confused.

Plastering on her face another welcoming smile, Luci stands up at the front of the class and begins to speak once the bell signaling the beginning of class rings, "Hello, I'm a new teacher at the academy, I hope the upcoming experiences can be mutually beneficial for all of us-" finishing sentence with her gaze landing specifically on Aika continuing to play with her mentally a bit considering the circumstances. "Pleasantries aside, we'll first be starting out class with the information I personally hate going over most when considering the topics of history and mythology but regardless it serves as good evidence and good to cross reference with events of the time- we'll be getting Christianity topics out of the way first and be done with that by the end of the week."

After finishing what is to be her first class of the school year- which is mostly introductory stuff which no one ever cares for but is essentially used to 'break the ice', she leaves her classroom and ventures out onto the roof where she takes in the view of the campus below while sitting close to the roof's edge, pulling some still fresh cooking from her leather satchel (she made them into existence simply inside her satchel however so that other beings wouldn't just see her create cookies from nothing) and begins snacking a bit while letting out a sigh of relief at the easy life present to her currently.