Chapter 4, satisfaction

Remaining on the roof for majority the rest of the school day as she literally has nothing else much to do but relax- something she accomplished by changing reality when she gave herself the job but that fact can be ignored. She can hear the door on the roof which leads to the building's stairwell begin to open and a small girl with white hair walk out, the girl- not knowing she's been seen yet decides to approach the woman who's invaded territory wrongfully.

"There's not much reason to be sneaky when I can tell you're there kitty- oh, don't take the nickname to heart, I just don't know your name yet and given how you're sneaking up on me I thought it would be fitting." The woman says, not turning not moving from her sitting position overlooking the campus grounds still from there area near the edge of the roof as she lifts one hand with a bag held in the same hand.

Still somewhat suspicious of the woman, Koneko takes her time approaching and as she reaches about halfway between the stairwell and the woman she begins smelling the bag of fresh delicious cookies the woman's holding- starting to walk faster to try and claim her prize she attempts to snag the bag from the Woman's grasp.

Rather then getting her prize as she had predicted, thinking that infront of her the woman was only a mortal- she suddenly realized that she was continuing to chase the bag of cookies which the woman held farther away from the cat girl and eventually baited Koneko into crawling into her own lap.

Having won and gotten what she wanted thus far, Luci sets the extra bag of fresh and delicious cookies in Koneko's lap who's sitting on her lap- as she begins to gently rub and scratch the top of Koneko's head, 'haaaahhhhh~ so theraputic' while ensuring through her magic, abilities and everything she can that the head rubs are equally as enjoyable for the cat girl in her lap who almost seems to purr- if not interrupted by the adorable cookie munching and the her own forceful intervention to not confuse the woman bringing about such good feelings. 

"If you keep letting me call you kitty I'll bring you more cookies and treats I baked tomorrow okies?" in response to her question Luci receives a simple nod of understanding and agreement from the cat girl. 

They proceed to spend the rest of Koneko's lunch shift simply like that, the relaxation ends with the sound of a bell ringing signifying next period classes, for others it being clubs, it varies from schedule to schedule from what Luci's noticed unintentionally. Gently picking up and setting her new kitty off to her side, she leaves behind another bag of her cookies for Koneko as she pats the cat girl's head a little more before walking into the building and roaming the halls- rather conflicted about what to do next- or with the remainder of her day? 

Perhaps mess more with Aika because she's the most opportune one to do so with as of right now if it doesn't incur mental manipulation or memory changing to make the circumstance of her interacting with them believable. The only other opportunity she can use as it stands right now that would be entertaining to her when interacting with others of dxd story would probably be fucking Kuroka, she would essentially be collecting them both cat sisters- the little sister, her pet so to speak that she definitly cherishes, and the older sister who's her mate. What an interesting family dynamic idea. 

Deciding instead to just head out on the town for now, Luci sets up a secretive and undetectable rune that will alert her when an entity who doesn't being who doesn't frequent that building appears within- though she didn't even go by the 'occult research club' to place it, and she already knows that no one will be able to realize it's presence even when the intended alarm notifying her goes off. 

'Hmm, maybe I should just be a good person of anime and weeb culture and help out my rather unfortunate community counterparts considering there's no really good shows or anime to watch here? But then what mangas and anime would I do- what a pressing and concerning matter.' ending her mental thought process for now with the most serious tone she's had since entering this highschool dxd AU. 

With an internal sight as her posture slouches a bit while she continues walking about- placing the same rune that she had set up at the occult club on the romantic bridge where Issei get's confessed to by 'Yuma' and the abandoned church- setting these runes up however to notify her when fallen angels are present in these specific areas while on her walk. 'Knowing everything is to boring and annoying- fuckin time and prophecy shit, I'll just have these tell me when cannon starts' 

She looks in the direction of the sun that's beginning to set and smiles a little, 'Death note's a very good option.' She turns away and begins walking home while stretching her joints a bit- and because she feels like doing things a bit differently then normal, she draws and writes the manga herself mentally- while what she did may have been just copy and pasting kind of mentally, her doing the production of the manga herself literally just makes it better and makes it feel better, the essence of the book naturally is going to draw readers in more.

Naturally she changed the author's name to her own and had begun printing it through a machine she also made personally in a somewhat similar fashion, oh how good it is to be a cheat being.

(A/N: the following is my first actual R-18+ scene, so don't bash me my cultured brothers.)

Stepping into her house for the night, Luci grins as she begins making her way to the master bedroom that she shares with her 'assistant'.

Before entering the room, Luci's nose is assulted by the smell of their sexual activities the previous night as she grins a little sadistically while entering the room. "I know i said you could rest and stay tied up on the bed waiting for me to return, but to think my assistant took at me saying she could be lazy and not clean up at all for the next night~ I think some punishment is required~" 

Maintaining a slow pace walking, dropping an article of her clothing with each step as she come closer to the extremely sinful and lustrous body of her assistant, her breasts bouncing as they become unrestrained, her cock falling out from the lower apparel keeping it in as her previous sadistic grin grows while she pins her dearest assistant below her predatory gaze while her assistant-

Having chosen to not unbind herself since the morning definitely didn't wish to do so now, leaving Renata to do nothing but squirm impatiently as her mistress goes through the motions of toying with her. 

Luci crawls slowly onto the bed, keeping the same slow and intimidating pace she's had since entering the room, once face to face with her assistant and grinning down at the woman below her- 

Luci presses the fingers of her right hand gently against Renata's inner left thigh, she observes the shivering body of her assistant as she drags her right hand and it's fingertips slowly up the woman's body, her fingers barely rubbing against Renata's vagina for but a moment to further tease her while her fingers further trail upwards.

Luci's fingers take a moment circling the core of Renata's lower abdomen eliciting another shiver and light moan from her assistant- the effect of her actions becoming more clear as this time Renata can't help but let out a mixed light gasp and moan, the area between her legs wetting her upper thighs profusely and her nipples begin to harden.

With a light giggle Luci gives a rather mean flick to Renata's left nipple, causing another gasp to escape her mouth as Luci presses her body against Renata- but doesn't go in for a kiss, rather she leans into renata's neck and the top of her left shoulder, beginning to repeatedly nibble and lick that very area, trying to get her partner to go crazy.

Renata's reactions seemingly prove Luci's endeavors fruitful as her face flushes with a much heavier blush and raises her hand somewhat instinctively causing the bind on her right hand to break as she shifts her face to the side and presses her right hand against her mouth hindering her moans while her toes begin to curl and her left hand grips the extra pillow laying closet to it- the left wrist/hand bind remaining intact.

With a growl Luci gets up a bit- grinding the length of her hardened searing sword for a moment against Renata's lower abdomen before forcing the woman's right hand down against the bed and away from Renata's mouth with her left hand. Shifting sides she begins doing the same nibbling and licking but much more aggressively on the right side of Renata's neck and the top of her right shoulder. Bringing her right knee up between Renata's legs, she begins purposely grind her thigh extremely slowly against her partner's pussy while using her spare hand and begins gripping Renata's neck and throat but maintaining her grip opposite from the side she currently tends to with bites and teasing nibbles. 

Within minutes of the same those repeated actions against her partner- Renata is left a moaning hardly coherent mess as she attempts her best to formulate pleas, " P-p-pl-please~!!!" nearly shouting with her heated voice clarifying her begging of full treatment.

Only to be responded with, "Please what~?" and a much greater sadistic smile then her partner entered the room with while her partner simply chooses to grind her thigh against Renata's pussy even slower. Her partner's grin clearly derived from knowing how she ticks, knowing her body better then she does. 

In a louder voice- still carrying the same tones except with more desperation layered in, "P-P-PLEASEEEE~~ I W-WANT YOUR COOOCCKKK~~!" Renata feels the plump thigh of her partner leave from between her legs, as the searing hot and hard sword she felt from earlier seems to be dragged down her stomach with it's tip pressed soon against the entrance of her pussy for a few moments as she lets out heated pants- the tone of desperation she had being carried even in her gaze and her breath meeting the face of her partner who's still grinning.

Only a second later Renata feels a long, thick and meaty rod slam up into her pussy aggressively- it's tip having forced it's way into her womb and beginning to scrape out the semen from their previous nightly efforts immediately as her partner starts thrusting through Renata eagerly and with the same aggressiveness she entered with-

Giving a kiss which matches her aggressive fucking of Renata, the ever absurdly beautiful and sinful body seems to always eagerly away her 'boss' and it's partner, The woman's pussy tightening more then should be possible whenever it feels the compatible meat rod that enters, the same meat rod which has forced the assistance's holes to be reshaped and reform time and time again to accommodate it's routinely visitor. 

Clumps of semen from the previous night's efforts that were still left in the woman's womb and pussy, clinging to it's walls, are repeatedly scraped out by Luci's rod while she continues aggressively, and somewhat abusively considering her strength, slamming her cock head through her assistant's crevix- relishing in the woman's howling like moans.

Their upper bodies are somewhat active- not as much as their eager lower halves, but that doesn't devalue the extreme tongue battle they're having while their breasts bounce against each other with each repeated thrust of Luci's hips, their bodies shaking as Renata moans loudly and eagerly into her partner's mouth, not caring for how unhinged she may sound or appear, her partner grunting with the occasional verbal groan of pleasure from the ever tight and clinging pussy around her cock.

Both of them reaching an orgasm and feeling the mutual release coming near- Luci's nails on her left hand begins digging into Renata's wrist while her grip tightens, her grip on Renata's throat also tightening a bit making it a little harder for her assistant to breath- getting it just right so her assistant gets a high from the lack of air but her body doesn't start hurting while Renata eagerly wraps her legs tightly around Luci's waist, happy with the oppurtunity of another searing hot creampie.

With both of them reaching their orgasms respectively, Luci slams one final time- harder into Renata's womb as they both cum reaching their orgasm highs after such an intense first round they both begin to exude something comparable to a heavy lust divine domain instinctively which covers the entirety of Japan and around 50 miles (80.5 kilometers about) into the ocean depending on the direction- though it's existence can be felt around the world by supernatural beings- but they aren't strong enough to sense the epicenter. After coming down from their orgasms, Luci and Renata begins going for a just as intense round two- uncaring of the lust and auras they're emitting or the lust they're spreading across the country. 

(A/N: you guys got around 1,200 words of smut filler because I didn't know what to write and I didn't wanna leave word count below a 1000, I have a problem with writing smut dude... I just don't stop after I begin- why can I not stop writing smut ;-; that aside I hope the smut I wrote was worthy of some stones)