Gu Mian raised her hand to let the staff see what she was holding.

The staff took a step back in shock when he saw the black snake with its mouth wide open. "What is in your hand? We don't have real snakes here, but fake ones to scare people."

Gu Mian nodded. Just as she expected, the haunted house couldn't work without a bottom line and use real snakes to scare people.

Since the haunted house hadn't done it, someone deliberately replaced the fake snake with a real one to scare her.

Who would do that?

The first person Gu Mian thought of possibly doing that was Wen Xia.

The fight she and Wen Xia had forged was not small. From the beginning of robbing the role, to later all their disagreements, the relationship between her and Wen Xia was already very tense. It just so happened that Wen Xia also participated in the recording of the show as a temporary guest.

If Wen Xia really did thar, it could only be said that she was really stupid. She blatantly did tricks in the haunted house. But she still had some brains. She didn't use a poisonous snake, otherwise the matter would not end well.

What Gu Mian thought of, Lou Che naturally thought of too. His expression condensed and his thin lips uttered two words coldly, "Wen Xia."

The staff shuddered as he had heard the big news.

Sure enough, the entertainment industry was as chaotic as the outside world rumored.

Someone replaced a fake snake with a real one.

Gu Mian held the seven inches snake firmly, "Let's go out first."

As soon as the two of them left the haunted house, the guests outside gathered around them. An actress saw the black snake wrapped around Gu Mian's arm with sharp eyes. Hua Rong turned pale with fright, "Gu Mian, what are you holding? What is it?"

Other people saw it and kept a certain distance from Gu Mian and asked with concern, "Where did this snake come from?"

"Why does this snake look real?"

"Is this snake poisonous?"

"Is this arranged by the program group?"

Gu Mian briefly answered their questions, "I picked the snake in a haunted house and it is not poisonous." She looked at Wen Xia's face on the side.

Wen Xia's expression was not unusual. It was the same as others, with a bit of concern, making it impossible to know if this was something she did.

But Gu Mian had a strong intuition in her heart that this matter was done by Wen Xia.

Lou Che didn't know what to say to the chief director at this time. The chief director's expression became a little serious.

After a while, he came over and said, "The program team did not arrange any real snakes. For your safety, we also checked the haunted house in advance. There was nothing in the haunted house that could really hurt people. It should've been safe."

Many of the participants in "Impossible Challenge" were big stars. If something happened on their show, the lawsuit would not be small and the compensation they ask for would be big. Therefore, the program team was very cautious and grasped safety issues.

Unexpectedly, something went wrong.

Things were a bit difficult.

"Then where did this snake come from?"

"Did it crawl in accidentally?"

"Are the security measures of haunted houses in place?"

The guests asked and the scene got a little chaotic.

Lou Che interjected lightly, "Look at the snake carefully again." His voice was cold and carried a rare deterrent force, which made people subconsciously look at the snake.

The black snake looked very excited. He opened his mouth frequently, showing sharp fangs, as if it was extremely aggressive.

The director was very knowledgeable as he filmed shows over the years. He said, "This kind of snake is named Black Snake because its body is pitch black. Black snakes often feed on frogs and mice and are not aggressive. But this snake's behavior is obviously not normal. We have already called the police. The police will first take the snake for testing to see if it had been artificially fed something or not."

The guests on the scene were silent for two minutes.

If the snake was actually fed something in advance, then the incident was not an ordinary accident, but could be characterized as a malicious incident.

Li Mingjue took a sigh of relief. In order to ease the tension on the scene, he deliberately said, "Haha, fortunately, Gu Mian was able to catch the snake without injury."

It was a pity that he wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but no one was praising him.

The chief director motioned, "For your safety, the recording of today's show is temporarily suspended. Please go back and wait for the news from the show team."

Most of the guests felt disappointed and regretful. But there might be similar snakes inside. Therefore, the program group's decision was right.

Anyway, safety first.

The haunted house was originally dark. In order to scare people, the atmosphere inside must be very scary. If a real snake that bites people madly suddenly came out, anyone on the scene would be frightened to death.