Chapter 23 Light King


Glancing at Justin Welan, who was engaged in an argument, Jack Clark's eyes swept past Crystal Lewis.

The Class Leader today had gathered her slightly curly purple hair behind her head, and because she was wearing a rather form-fitting white cultivation suit, her already tall and slender figure appeared even more graceful.

Especially from Jack Clark's perspective, it gave a sense of grandeur as if beholding overlapping mountain peaks.

However, as one should not leer, he only took a brief glance before averting his gaze.

Through the dialogue that had just taken place between the two and his understanding of his classmates' cultivation progress over the past few days, he had a rough idea of everyone's current level of cultivation.

Currently, the freshman with the best talent was Class 1's Jane Aiken.

This girl achieved Foundation Establishment in two days, and her basic attributes at the time of Foundation Establishment were four times that of an average person.

Justin Welan told him that she could reach the First Layer Heaven Limit in at most a week, and she was probably striving for a breakthrough to the Second Layer Heaven by now.

Next were geniuses like Crystal Lewis who broke through in three or four days; they could probably reach the First Layer Heaven Limit about a month after successful Foundation Establishment.

Then there were ordinary geniuses like Justin Welan who took seven days for Foundation Establishment; they would need about two months' time.

For Freya Louise and himself, who achieved Foundation Establishment within half a month, they would need at least three to four months to reach the First Layer Heaven Limit if nothing unexpected occurred.

At this moment, Jack Clark suddenly felt as if cultivation was difficult, as challenging as ascending to the heavens...

Even these 'geniuses' who received systematic cultivation from the school needed several months to reach the First Layer Heaven Limit. So, how long would it take to break through to the Second Layer?

And what about those who completed Foundation Establishment within a month? How long would it take them to reach the First Layer Heaven Limit?

Half a year, or one year?

No wonder that post said that those who couldn't achieve Foundation Establishment within a month with the help of the school, even if they continued to cultivate, would be wasting their time.

After resting for a while and feeling that his spirit, qi, and vitality had recovered somewhat, Jack Clark resumed his cultivation.

Although the progress in his Dragon Elephant Power had slowed and the attribute page did not show the specific proficiency progress, Jack Clark could still clearly feel that he was advancing.

The nature of his proficiency solidification existed; as long as he cultivated, it would improve.

This spared him from having to spend time every day to consolidate his cultivation results like Justin Welan and the others, otherwise, it would take him more than four months to reach the First Layer Heaven Limit.

Rather, like those who took a month to achieve Foundation Establishment, it would start at half a year, after all, this was his true 'talent'.

Today, Jack Clark left the school after cultivating until five o'clock.

He still went to the market first to buy groceries and took the opportunity to buy over ten kilograms of fish meat for his Avatar, all from small Beltfish, because they were cheap and economical.

As the Avatar grew in size, its appetite increased. It ate four meals a day, each meal consisting of over four kilograms of fish meat.

If its appetite is already this big now, what would it be like after another Evolution?

This further solidified Jack Clark's thought of releasing his Avatar; it was simply too expensive to maintain.

Thinking of his Avatar, Jack Clark remembered another task he had almost forgotten, promptly holding the groceries with one hand and pulling out his mobile phone with the other. He scrolled through his contacts and dialed a number.

"Hello, who's this?" A young man's voice came from the other end.

Jack Clark reminded him, "Mr. Lang, it's me, the person who ordered the Iron Beetle."

"Oh, it's you, I remember you."

Jack Clark inquired, "I wanted to ask, are you able to get the Iron Beetle I reserved?"

Mr. Lang on the other end assured him, "Rest assured, I have already found friends in the Northern Continent who have obtained it. It'll reach Mist River in a few days, and I'll notify you when it arrives."

"Thanks, Mr. Lang."

"No need for formalities, it's just business."

After exchanging a few more words, Jack Clark hung up the phone.

The Iron Beetle was the gene he had prepared for the second evolutionary fusion for his Avatar. The unique feature of this beetle was its hardness, famous for its defensive capability.

Just how hard?


The insect, the size of a thumb, could survive unscathed after an adult stepped on it and twisted their foot around.

There were even records of it being unharmed after being run over by a car.

This defense was exactly what the Six-legged Salamander needed at the moment.

With strong defense, the Hexagonal Power Lycophyte's strength talent could be fully utilized, and its power would surge significantly, enhancing its safety.

However, this type of insect wasn't found in Jack Clark's country, nor was it a common pet.

Therefore, Jack found the pet shop owner from whom he had previously purchased the Unicorn Beetle and, after some discussion, placed a special order for a thousand, a high price to pay.

Even so, the shop owner had only agreed to help look for it and couldn't guarantee its procurement.

Fortunately, so far, there seemed to be no issues.

Once his Avatar evolved again, his physique should also greatly improve, and he might even reach the First Layer Heaven Limit sooner than Justin Welan.

Busy with various tasks, time flew by quickly, and the next day, Jack went straight to the Logistics Department after arriving at the school.

"Teacher, I'd like to purchase a bladed weapon."

The middle-aged man behind the counter looked up at the freshman before him and asked casually, "Do you have a particular model in mind?"

Jack nodded. "Yes, the F Grade 1-26 Straight Knife."

"Alright, enter your student ID first."

Jack typed in his Student ID as instructed.

"Student ID verified. To exchange for an F Grade 1-26 Straight Knife requires 10 contribution points."

The man looked up and said, "You still have a one-time ten-percent-off weapon exchange benefit. You have 1 point remaining in your balance. Are you sure you want to purchase this weapon?"


"Wait a moment..."

In no time, Jack left the Logistics Department carrying a weapon box over two meters in length.

Arriving on the Third Floor of Building C, Jack saw Lori Parma emerging from the office, accompanying two somewhat familiar students, probably from Class 3, heading toward the elevator.

Jack greeted politely, "Teacher Parma, good morning."

Lori Parma nodded, her gaze sweeping over the weapon box on his back. "Planning to practice Sword Skill? Remember, don't rush during your practice; gradual progression is fine."

Jack responded with an acknowledgment, then gave a slight nod to the two male students from his class.

With his weapon in tow, Jack found an empty Cultivation Area, placed the box on the stand and opened it. Instantly, a sharp long knife lay before his eyes.

This was a knife with a 50-centimeter hilt, a 1.5-meter blade, one centimeter in thickness, and ten centimeters wide—resembling an ancient Horse Chopping Knife but more substantial.

According to the data, the knife was forged from F Grade alloy, as strong as aerospace metal, and weighed twenty kilograms. Its features were its sharpness and solidity.

Such weapons would cost tens of thousands even with the right connections in the Outer World.

It could be said that the official treatment of the beginners in terms of cultivation and resources was very favorable.

Grasping the knife, Jack felt its weight in his hand.

With Jack's current double arm strength of one hundred and forty kilograms, holding a twenty-kilogram straight blade with one arm was a bit strenuous as the entire weight bore down on the palm.

When he gripped the hilt with both hands, the strain significantly lessened.

Jack swung the knife a few times to familiarize himself with its feel before slowly adopting a ready stance, and instantly his aura changed, his eyes sharp and piercing.

The First Level of Dragon Elephant Art's characteristic was to strengthen the whole body's strength and enhance the toughness of skin, membranes, muscles, and bones.

Mind's Eye Bright Knife was a Sword Skill that primarily boosted the explosive power of both arms. The essence of the Sword Method was domineering and fierce, dealing in broad and powerful strokes that overwhelmed the opponent like an enraged Light King.

Combined with the Furious Power of Dragon Elephant Art, Jack could unleash even greater combat strength.